The Anti-Existence
03-12-2005, 04:40 PM
Favorite Hero:
Auron - He had a calm and powerful sense about him. He was strong in combat and he just looked awesome. He was a very admirable character.

Least Favorite Hero:
Tidus - Only Auron's badassitude canceled out Tidus dumbassitude.

Favorite Villain:
Kuja - He destroyed a planet. He laughed while one of the strongest Eidelons made him bleed. He was always smirking, waiting for more death. He's too cool.

Least Favorite Villain:
Sephiroth - He had a big ssword. He looked cool. Beyond that, he's a representation of how shallow some people are.

Favorite Weapon(s):
Massamune (Sephiroth's)
Punishment (Squall's)
Katana (Auron's)
Ultima Weapon (Both Cloud's and Zidane's)
Blood Sword (Steiner's)

Favorite Side-Character(s):
Maechen - The old scholar from FFX. He told me much about the history of the world and I was very much interested.

Favorite Boss(es):
Ultima Weapon (FFVIII)
Seymour Omnis
Kuja Trance

Favorite Airship:
Hilda Garde 3 - I just liked it. The Raganorak gives it a run for its money, though.

Favorite Scene(s):
1. All scenes with Kuja
2. Sorceress Adel Awakes
3. Battle Between the Gardens
4. Seymour on Gagazet
5. Saphire Weapon attacks Junon

Favorite Limit/Trance/Overdrive(s):
Auron - Banishing Blade
Seymour - Requiem
Squall - Lionhart

03-12-2005, 04:44 PM
what do we do with this?

The Anti-Existence
03-12-2005, 04:48 PM
....follow my example and post all the stuff I did......

03-12-2005, 04:49 PM
....follow my example and post all the stuff I did......
1. You didnt say post your thoughts or something along those lines
2. This is boring so i coujldnt be fucked to do it.

The Anti-Existence
03-12-2005, 04:59 PM
This is boring so i coujldnt be fucked to do it.

Splendid. To let you in on a secret, I really don't give a shit.

03-13-2005, 12:33 PM
yeah, not many people give a shit about him...dont mind him. Ill get this done and edit my post as soon as i finish.

03-13-2005, 12:35 PM
yeah, not many people give a shit about him...dont mind him. Ill get this done and edit my post as soon as i finish.
Just because you were defeated doesnt mean you have to be sour. Oh and sorry, because its obvious everybody cares about you and hangs onto your every word.

03-13-2005, 08:38 PM
you think you defeated me? Hah..what a laugh...havent laughed that hard in a while.

03-13-2005, 09:39 PM
Hey, to the topic u wanted to create.
I agree with most off what u have done(mainly cos i cant be assed to write a list that long) What i think stongly differnt is:
Favouite Limits-(ff7 had the best ones, undisputable)
1, Super Nova( sepiroths ultimate)
2, Onimislash (clouds lvl 4)
3, Catastrophe (barrets lvl 4)

Fav airship- Highwind(them boosters own)
Fav boss
1,Jecht( cos the music)
2, Kuja trance( damn cool)
3, Sepiroth( music again!)

03-13-2005, 10:14 PM
Chewey and unseen, take it to PMs plzkthxbye.

Favorite Hero:
Mog - I'm a sucker for cute, dancing, kick ass things. Plus he was really cool in a "last of his kind fighting to save the world" kind of way.

Least Favorite Hero:
The entire cast of FFVII minus Cait Sith
Cloud: "look at me I have funny hair and lol a big sword - oh and i pretended I was someone else 'cause I'm an angsty teenager at heart lol arnt i kool?" Oh god no.
Vincent: "look at me i'm a vampire" fans: "LOL COOL" yeah I don't really like characters with little to no backstories that you can't connect with at all on any level. In fact, that last sentence works with every character from FFVII.
Aeris: Oh boy, a character died to save the party. Guess what? It happened in II and V before this. It even happens in VI depending on a choice you want to make. It's been done, and it's been done better.
the rest of them: ugh

Favorite Villain:
Kefka - Easily the only villian from Final Fantasy that was pure evil and fit the villian role like a glove.

Least Favorite Villain:
Sephiroth - He had a big sword. He had long silver hair. Beyond that, he's a representation of how shallow some people are, and wasn't evil enough.

Favorite Weapon(s):
Illumina (VI)
Atma Weapon (VI)
Joyeuse (XI)

Favorite Side-Character(s):
none stand out in my mind at the moment

Favorite Boss(es):
pretty much all the final boss battles 'cause fun

Favorite Airship:
Ragnarok (VIII) - it was cool ;/

Favorite Scene(s):
-Floating Continet (all of it) (VI)
-scene in space with Squall and Rinoa
-last scene with Galuf in it (V)

Favorite Limit/Trance/Overdrive(s):
all the desperation attacks from VI :p

03-13-2005, 10:41 PM
Favorite Hero-Ramza(Don't ask why, I liked his character though)
Least Favorite Hero-Cloud, he was your basic hero, nothing special about him.
Favorite Villain-Kefka(Blake Shotgun said it perfectly)
Honorable Mention-Delita, he was a real asshole in the later part of Tactics.
Favorite Weapon(s)-Atma Weapon, Caladbolg(Ultima Weapon in Korean version), and the Blood Sword(Tactics)
Favorite Side Characters-Biggs and Wedge(VI, VII, and VIII)
Favorite Boss-Doomgaze(I don't even know why, it just is)
Favorite Airship-The Invincible
Favorite Scene-Opening Scene of FFTactics
Favorite Limit-Desperation Attacks in FFVI were awesome and fun to watch.
Favorite Score-Costa Del Sol
Favorite FF Game-VI
Honorable Mention-Tactics

03-14-2005, 02:21 AM
Favorite Hero- Well, some would argue if she's ahero, I would say Beatrix but if I can't say her I go for Steiner, I thought he was just really cool, one of the best battle characters in FFIX, had funny personality, dynamic character, everything was good.

Least Favorite Hero: Quina- Nothing more annoying than an androgynous blue-mage :-\

Favorite Villain- Kuja, I thought he was incredibly powerful (not when you fight him in the game) but I liked his attitude, and I thought he was cool how he looked rather innocent but is a coldhearted evil person until he finally sees things clearly at the end, which was a nice touch IMO.

Least Favorite Villain- Ultimecia simply because we didn't get to hear much about her, just repeated over and over "she's a sorceress from the future", ok , we get. Also she can't even say her c's?!?

Favorite Weapon- Steiner's Blood Sword, Beatrix's Save the Queen.

Favorite Side Character: Beatrix but she's inbetween hero and side IMO so if I can't say her then Regent Cid, I loved the whole Oglop/Frog/Human thing.

Favorite Boss- Trance Kuja becasue Messenger of Destruction was such a cool song, and he just looked awesome. It was too easy though.

Favorite Airship- The Invincible

Favorite Scene- End of FFIX where Steiner confesses his love to Beatrix and she runs over to him.

Favorite Limit/Trance/Overdrive- My Final Heaven from Zell maybe?

Siren's Song
03-14-2005, 02:46 AM
Favourite Hero Squall
Least Favourite Hero Cloud, cause romantically indescisive, and Tidus, cause annoying whinging git.
Wet Dishcloth Award Aeris, cause she did nothing of any use whatsoever, before getting made into a Cetra kebab...and she did NOT sacrifice herself!! Runner-Up Cid (FFVIII) For letting NORG, a.k.a. the most immobile, fucked-up ball of slime boss him around for about 10 years. Honourable Mention Tidus, for being an immature, whinging retard for most of FFX.
Favourite Villain Kefka, for awesomely random one-liners! Edea/Ultimecia for demon-bitch-sorceress from HELL tendencies!, Kuja, cause planet destroying evil genius. Seymour, for being a genuinely creepy bastard!
Favourite Weapon(s) Squall's Lionheart, Lulu's Onion Knight, Auron's Masamune, Quistis' Save the Queen.
Favourite Side Characters Fujin, Edea (post Disc 2) Laguna, Lenne
Favourite Boss Ultimecia, cause challenging
Favourite Airship Ragnarok
Favourite Scene Macalania Spring/Suteki Da Ne, Squall Carrying Rinoa towards Esthar & Ragnarok Scenes, Endings of FFVIII - X-2.
Favourite Limit Lulu's, Auron's, Rikku's, Rinoa's Angel Wing, Squall's Lionheart, Zell's & Quistis' Degenerator.
Favourite Score Tifa, Garnet, Tantalus Eiko & Tidus' Themes, Ami, Julia, My Mind & Ending Theme/Eyes On Me Reprise/Overture, (All VIII) Bittersweet Romance (IX) To Zanarkand, Suteki Da Ne (X) Yuna's Ballad, Vegnagun, 1000 Words, End Theme & Epilogue (X-2)
Favourite Game VIII

03-14-2005, 05:51 AM
Favorite Hero:
Zidane, 'cause funny, great theme, also strong heart and interesting personality.

Least Favorite Hero:
Cloud, but not for any particular reason.

Favorite Villain:
Kefka --- completely rearranged a planet, mocked some great heroes, and was overall very awesome.

Least Favorite Villain:
Seymour, cause 'urk, creepy and kept showing up when he just should have been gone.

Favorite Weapon(s):
Yuffie - Conformer
Sephiroth - Masamune
Squall - Lionheart
Selphie - Wishing Star
FFVI - Atma Weapon

Favorite Side-Character(s):
Hmm, does this include playable? Erm, anyway:

Yuffie Kisaragi - FFVII - Pretty much everyone here knows this about me by now.
Beatrix - FFIX - Possibly cuter than Yuffie, also really awesome in battle.
Maechen - FFX/X-2 - Yeah, I like him too, I just love listening to him.
Tobli - FFX-2 - What a guy! Funny and gives you good stuff! A real hoot!

Favorite Boss(es):
Atomos - FFV
Ex-Death - Galuf Battle - FFV
Azulmagia - FFV
Kefka - FFVI
Atma Weapon - FFVI
Godo - FFVII
Hojo - FFVII
Turks - FFVII
Trema - FFX-2

Favorite Airship:
Ragnarok - cool looks, cool weaponry and definitely the best theme.

Favorite Scene(s):
Couldn't begin to name, too much of Final Fantasy is gold.

Favorite Limit/Trance/Overdrive(s):
Yuffie - Doom of the Living
Yuffie - Clear Tranquil
Cloud - Omnislash
Cid - Highwind
Squall - Lionheart
Zidane - Dyne --- Grand Lethal
Amarant - Elan
Wakka - Attack Reels

I'll also add:

Favorite Music Pieces:

The Prologue (pretty much any version)
The Dragon Spreads Its Wings - FFV
Dear Friends - FFV
Ending - FFVI
Yuffie's Theme - FFVII
1000 Words - FFX-2
KUON: The Troupe Performs - FFX-2

And so much else I couldn't begin to name.

03-16-2005, 03:03 AM
I'll also add:

Favorite Music Pieces:

The Prologue (pretty much any version)
The Dragon Spreads Its Wings - FFV
Dear Friends - FFV
Ending - FFVI
Yuffie's Theme - FFVII
1000 Words - FFX-2
KUON: The Troupe Performs - FFX-2

And so much else I couldn't begin to name.
I've already added the favorite musical score thing.

03-16-2005, 04:52 AM
Well, okay, I missed that. No prob, you get the credit or whatever. Anyway, carry on everyone.