Angel Of Apocolypse
03-12-2005, 11:08 AM
My friend decided to make up a quiz, it's fun to, yeah, (it's not really a quiz, just...yeah.)

1. Which Character do you like the best:
A. Rinoa
B. Squall
C. Zell
D. Selphie
E. Seifer
F. Laguna
G. Quistis
H. Irvine
I. Other

2. What's your fav weapon:
A. Projectile that shoots things at the enemy (especially cute little doggies)
B. Really big gunblade that can chop the enemy in half! (Wait, that's Odin)
C. Kinky little gloves that don't do no damage, (and have stupid names)
D. Really awesome nunchakus that can kill an enemy instantly (the end)
E. A kind of curvy gunblade that gives people scars (cough, cough.)
F. A wicked machine gun that goes BANG! (BANG! BANG! BANG!)
G. A sissy whip that does even less damage than a glove (what s***)
H. A gun that is weilded by a cowgirl.
I. another boring weapon of some description.

3. What's your personality like:
A. trying-to-be-innocent, girly and helpless.
B. Stoic, goth and very, very quiet.
C. Try-hard, sissy and over-emotional.
D. Immature, spunky and childish.
E. Arrogant, selfish but still cute.
F. Sissy, immature and weird.
G. Bossy, weak and dog murderer.
H. Cowgirl, tries to immitate Selphie's run and unreliable.
I. Not very complex.

Your results:
Mostly A's: You're Rinoa...I feel sorry for you.
Mostly B's: You're Squall...I think you might be slow.
Mostly C's: You're Zell...Take anger management classes.
Mostly D's: You're Selphie...I wanna be your friend!
Mostly E's: You're Seifer...I think you're cool.
Mostly F's: You're're just plain creepy.
Mostly G's: You're Quistis...I feel even sorrier for you.
Mostly H's: You're Irvine...are you a girl...or a boy?
Mostly I's: You're some other nobody I don't Nida.

Tell me who you got...tee-hee, I got Selphie! And my friend made this up, not me...I don't know why she called Quis a dog murderer...???

The Anti-Existence
03-12-2005, 04:45 PM
Mostly J's: The person who made this is an idiot.

03-12-2005, 08:20 PM
its kinda cool what u have done but three questions dont really produce an accurate result! Besides there r really cool systems on the web that do this very well. Bet u wish u hadent spent all that time writing that huge post now ;-)

03-13-2005, 12:45 AM
This has to be the least well-developed personality quiz I've ever seen, and for that, you and your friend have earned one free ticket for the closing of the topic of your choice. Except I just stole the ticket, and closed this one.