10-16-2016, 04:29 PM
Seeing Vita and 3DS games are being ripped left'n'right, I would like to request these:

River City -Tokyo Rumble- (3DS - why on earth no one hasn't ripped this yet...)


10-19-2016, 04:59 PM

Also, third request: Utakumi 575 (Vita) - this one has a certain song not available ANYWHERE.

10-19-2016, 06:08 PM
You should PM known 3DS/VITA game rippers and see what they answers you

10-19-2016, 06:47 PM
I don't use PM for such things. Actually, I dislike sending/receiving them altogether. I know there are rippers in this forum who read these posts, so why on earth (again, earth..) I couldn't make a request in a request board? Hmm...

Vector Harbor
10-19-2016, 08:11 PM
I don't use PM for such things. Actually, I dislike sending/receiving them altogether. I know there are rippers in this forum who read these posts, so why on earth (again, earth..) I couldn't make a request in a request board? Hmm...

Some people don't come here and sometimes the best option is asking to someone who has the knowledge for...

10-24-2016, 07:57 AM
Well, I have actually no idea who is the Vita ripper here. And I am not going to bother random people by asking it. :D I would love to get the IA/VT rip at least, played it again and the tracklist is so awesome, especially because all songs are full length. I just "love" to see how almost all the Vita rips I have seen already _have_ an OST produced but games without OSTs are left intact, which should be a no-brainer that THOSE should be ripped in the first place. Oh, and Utakumi request isn't mine, but my friend's, who has kindly lent me some OSTs I have shared here earlier. So, Vector Harbor, sir, if you have a power to do so, can you please look into IA/VT and Utakumi, pretty please with something nice on top!

EDIT: I am learning to do rips myself...

10-24-2016, 11:39 PM
I can do River City: Tokyo Rumble on Thursday. I feel like the music might be sequenced, which wouldn't be good if true though.

10-25-2016, 04:07 PM
Thanks! I succeeded in making IA rip!!! Just have to tag them and rip a few songs from tube (for some reason some songs are "hidden") and it's ready! 575 is unrippable though I think...

11-15-2016, 09:16 AM
Are you still looking for Uta Kumi, Lefance? I was able to rip the sound files. Not sure what you did with IA, I didn't have any luck with that one. Seemed all the files were buried in a .pk file I had no idea what to do with.

11-15-2016, 01:33 PM
I am! If you could share the sound files, I would be very pleased. :)

That pk file was incomprehensible for me too, but I ripped the video folder, and then ripped the music out of the videos. It was surprisingly easy, and majority of songs were in those videos. However, someone managed to crack the pk file and got out the rest of songs. So after combining them, I made a complete music rip of it. Or almost complete, there are STILL some songs that are not present, so I added some lossy ones (ripped from YouTube). And of course DLC songs are not present, because this "rom" didn't have them at all. So in the end, I have an almost complete rip of IA in lossless, but I tagging them is hard because I have to keep the actual Vita and game on to find out which song is which. And that is kinda painstaking...

11-16-2016, 08:46 AM
Sorry for the delay in getting this up. Was having some issues uploading to MEGA via my browser so I had to install the sync app to get it uploaded.


The file names from Uta Kumi are somewhat descriptive so hopefully they'll give you an idea of where they play in game.

I've uploaded the entire sound bank, including sound effects, in wav format. Since the source of the sound files were at9, theoretically they should be lossless but the output of them was 16-bit so I don't know if that makes a difference. (I'm admittedly pretty ignorant when it comes to lossless stuff) I did open some of the wavs up in Foobar and looked at properties and it said the encoding is lossless, so fingers crossed. The entire file set is about 2.2GB.

Link: https://mega.nz/#!Bp0CTBDK!je2wLdOMubSv8HVP2Axxrhs2Ftvhe2i-EoOouR-M9Ic

11-16-2016, 11:09 AM
Excellent! Don't worry about lossless, I don't really care things like that. My friend will be absolutely thrilled for this, he is the one who originally requested this from me. He has the game and been lamenting that a few brilliant songs in Utakumi are not available ANYWHERE out of the game. So thank you mucho!