10-15-2016, 07:01 PM
Hi, I'm looking for the Chrono Cross Piano Collection (http://vgmdb.net/album/8758). It was an arrangement project in 2006 on SquareSound, and included some 16 songs.

There was a Square Enix Music Online project page for the thing, which can still be accessed (http://www.squareenixmusic.com/projects/ccpc/index.shtml)... but the MP3 links are dead. I tried looking with archive.org's Wayback Machine, but while they have the pages archived a bunch of times in 2009, the MP3 download pages are not...

And while the Chrono Compendium (https://www.chronocompendium.com/Term/Music_(Chrono_Cross)) has a variety of links, it's not complete, and most of them are .midi files.

I have most of the tracks (but no idea where they came from, unfortunately), but I would like to have the set complete, so here I ask if anybody has this album.

Thanks in advance.

~ Hoolo.