10-10-2016, 04:23 PM
Respighi - Piano Concerto in A Minor / Concerto in Modo Misolidio.

BBC Philharmonic Orchestra (Artist), Ottorino Respighi (Composer), Edward Downes (Conductor), Geoffrey Tozer (Piano)

My own CD rip

The Piano Concerto and Concerto in modo misolidio of Ottorino Respighi are rarely recorded let alone heard in the concert hall. They are both tuneful works that, when they receive superb performances as they do on this CD, deserve more attention.

The Piano Concerto was composed in 1902, when Respighi was living in Russia. The composer was still in his 20s and self-taught as a pianist, yet the concerto shows he was a formidable pianist. The concerto pays tribute to the Romanticism of the 19th century, and one can hear the influence of Brahms, Schumann and Richard Strauss. The Concerto is an appealing work with some magnificent music. At times, it seems Respighi is imitating a bit too much but the piano has some nice passagework and the melodies are lovely and well-orchestrated. The slow middle movement is expressive and noble and the finale energetic and exciting.

The Concerto in modo misolidio (Concerto in the Mixolydian Mode) was composed in 1925 and was premiered in New York on New Year’s Eve of that year with Respighi as soloist. It was warmly received but has not caught on as a concert work, although there was a performance in Atlanta in 2013. Like the earlier Concerto gregoriano for violin, the music hearkens back to medieval church music. The concerto is in the grand tradition of Romantic piano concerti, consisting of three long movements that require 40 minutes to perform. The pianist is the focus of the concerto with many engaging solo passages but none are virtuosic showpieces. The Concerto is essentially a Concerto grosso with many wonderful melodies that are deftly orchestrated. Certainly, in the right hand the concerto becomes a fabulous work, and Geoffrey Tozer and Sir Edward Downs are ideal in this performance. As one has come to expect from Chandos, the recording is perfectly balanced and clear.

Piano Concerto in A Minor, P. 40

I. Moderato - Allegro moderato -

II. Adagio molto -

III. Presto - Andante - Tempo I

Concerto in modo misolidio, P. 145:

I. Moderato

II. Lento - Andante con moto -

III. Passacaglia: Allegro energico

*Corrupt file replaced.

I hope you enjoy. Please comment if you download. Thanks.

10-10-2016, 05:40 PM

10-10-2016, 05:51 PM
Sorry I just discovered there is a fault with the third movement. I'm uploading Again!

* File replaced

10-10-2016, 06:25 PM
thanks for the reup!!