10-08-2016, 08:06 PM
"I've seen things that you people wouldn't believe. All those memories will be lost in time, like tears in the rain"

I open this thread to discuss about who should do the score for the sequel of one of the best science fiction movies of all time. The score that Vangelis made for the first one was very good, with lots of ambiental music, electronic music and a jazzy style that gave the movie the feeling it needed (deleting the awful ending scene from the theatrical release). At this moment I don't have a particular choice but maybe (and some people of here are gonna kill me) Hans Zimmer will be a good fit. Think it well, the style Zimmer is using now are many sound design and electronics (like in Chappie or Inferno) so maybe he would do a nice score. He also collaborated with Jean Michel Jarre in Electronica and the style of Jarre is very similar to Vangelis style in Blade Runner so maybe they could work together for this. Also another good choice would be a Lorne Balfe-Steve Mazzaro-Andrew Kawcynski team up solo work, without Zimmer around them and maybe they could deliver a great electronic score perfect for the movie. What do you guys think about this?

10-08-2016, 08:37 PM
Actually it has already been decided that Johan Johansson (Prisoners) is composing the soundtrack. My alternate choice if would not be Zimmer, but Christopher Franke of Babylon 5 fame.

10-08-2016, 10:23 PM
Actually it has already been decided that Johan Johansson (Prisoners) is composing the soundtrack. My alternate choice if would not be Zimmer, but Christopher Franke of Babylon 5 fame.

Oh I didn't knew it. I would have prefered the Balfe-Mazzaro-Kawcynski team up, but Johan Johansson looks like a good choice. I think I haven't heard anything from Christopher Franke but if it's similar to this style I'll take a listen to it.

10-08-2016, 10:35 PM
I agree Johan Johansson is a good choice: keep the composer-director duo is always a good choice.
My alternate choices however would be Daft Punk (TRON Legacy's score was awesome), Geoff Barrow & Ben Salisbury (their work for Ex_Machina, purely electionic, is incredible) or maybe even Thomas Newman (he's a great composer and often worked with DOP Roger Deakins).

10-08-2016, 10:44 PM

10-08-2016, 11:19 PM
Christopher Franke was part of the group Tangerine Dream. They did the music for the Tom Cruise movie Legend as well.

10-09-2016, 10:37 AM
I agree Johan Johansson is a good choice: keep the composer-director duo is always a good choice.
My alternate choices however would be Daft Punk (TRON Legacy's score was awesome), Geoff Barrow & Ben Salisbury (their work for Ex_Machina, purely electionic, is incredible) or maybe even Thomas Newman (he's a great composer and often worked with DOP Roger Deakins).

Daft Punk it would be another good choice, I loved too their score from TRON Legacy and I cannot wait to know who's scoring the next Joseph Kosinski movie, because he always take groups like Daft Punk & M83 and they create awesome scores.
I haven't listened to the full score from Ex MAchina but what I've heard is truly amazing. I don�t know if Thomas would fit well because he usually delivers quiet piano scores, but who knows...

10-09-2016, 04:16 PM
Daft Punk it would be another good choice, I loved too their score from TRON Legacy and I cannot wait to know who's scoring the next Joseph Kosinski movie, because he always take groups like Daft Punk & M83 and they create awesome scores.
I haven't listened to the full score from Ex MAchina but what I've heard is truly amazing. I don�t know if Thomas would fit well because he usually delivers quiet piano scores, but who knows...

I still hope Disney will allow TRON 3 to exist... They're making tons of billion of dollars with "meh" movies, I think they can allow themselves to make a smaller movie like this. Joseph Kosinski said his first choice for a TRON Legacy sequel would be Daft Punk, again... I need this movie do be done!

I'd like to see Thomas Newman because he's very talented both in orchestral & synth music and crafts music that really captures the feeling and tone of the various scenes. I love the way he makes action as well as drama musically, and his music makes me think of waves and the sea... Very beautiful.

12-19-2016, 08:16 PM


12-19-2016, 09:30 PM



12-20-2016, 07:32 AM

Looks like a level of respect for original material.....very rarely seen. Fingers crossed it keeps relatively same pacing & doesn't go all story-out-the-window CGI Cluster f*ck in the 3rd act. lol

---------- Post added at 06:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:14 AM ----------

15 Screencaps from trailer.

12-20-2016, 09:30 AM
Looks like a level of respect for original material.....very rarely seen. Fingers crossed it keeps relatively same pacing & doesn't go all story-out-the-window CGI Cluster f*ck in the 3rd act. lol

---------- Post added at 06:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:14 AM ----------

15 Screencaps from trailer.

This movie is a truly masterclass movie. Just look at the director, composer and cinematographer, they're hugely talented and already worked together in a number of excellent movies. And the cast is awesome! :awsm:

12-21-2016, 12:13 AM
Apparently, Johansson has released a statement to say he didn't write any of the music in the trailer.

12-21-2016, 08:28 AM
Apparently, Johansson has released a statement to say he didn't write any of the music in the trailer.

Is this a good thing,...or a bad thing,..!? I liked it lots. Crisp sounding stuff.

p.s. I do NOT like Gosling's gun.....which can be seen on counter top next to Deckard's,in this pic. lol

And who spotted the Dog in the trailer...? Deckard has an artificial guard dog !!?

12-21-2016, 03:16 PM
Or a real dog.

Rachael is dead.

12-21-2016, 07:33 PM
Or a real dog.

Rachael is dead.

Could he afford a real dog....? Maybe its a stuffed one....!!! Like a life like plush toy...!!!

Dead or not, she is still in the kitchen !!!

12-21-2016, 09:48 PM
Dead or not, she is still in the kitchen !!!

In a coffee can!?

12-22-2016, 08:43 AM
I wish Vangelis would do it. Did he retire? What was his last score, Alexander?

12-22-2016, 08:46 AM
I wish Vangelis would do it. Did he retire? What was his last score, Alexander?

Going out in style, in that case (imo). Not much Vangelis did I didn't like.

---------- Post added at 08:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:45 AM ----------

Or a real dog.

Rachael is dead.

She recently stated she was never approached? Figures if they didn't want to include her, lol :)

12-22-2016, 12:30 PM Mmmmm R-Rating


---------- Post added at 11:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:27 AM ----------

In a coffee can!?

Retro !! I like it. We all know COFFEE won't exist in 2049. Not real coffee anyways.....

12-22-2016, 01:03 PM Mmmmm R-Rating


---------- Post added at 11:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:27 AM ----------

Retro !! I like it. We all know COFFEE won't exist in 2049. Not real coffee anyways.....

Genetically engineered coffee...

---------- Post added at 12:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:01 PM ----------

Going out in style, in that case (imo). Not much Vangelis did I didn't like.

---------- Post added at 08:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:45 AM ----------

She recently stated she was never approached? Figures if they didn't want to include her, lol :)

I've heard it said in the past that Sean Young is "difficult" to work with. Maybe RS blocked any approach on that basis.

12-22-2016, 01:51 PM
I've heard it said in the past that Sean Young is "difficult" to work with. Maybe RS blocked any approach on that basis.

Yeah,...she's Kooky and can't say "Owl" properly, I heard.
She says "Owel". Sure sign of bad casting. heheh

Well, I liked her...and she dealt with "Deckard's Rapey Scene" well, I thought. They might have a latex cast of Rachael just made up to sit in Deckard's Kitchen. Ageless look. Near the stove. His perfect woman. heh !

12-22-2016, 05:55 PM
I wish Vangelis would do it. Did he retire? What was his last score, Alexander?

Semi retirement at the very least. I'd like to see him score the film - but can you imagine the challenge of creating a sequel to such an iconic score, the not-as-good-as-the-first comparisons would be unending - as well, but Johansson is a good substitute and from interviews he's approaching the score with the proper respect and attitude.

And sometimes another composer can equal or top the music of the original composer. While I thought Tron: Legacy was a pretty looking bore, - like the good looking person at the Christmas party who is intriguing until he or she speaks and shatters the illusion of depth - Daft Punk's score was fantastic, better, IMO, than Carlos's original.

For example, the only good thing about the Transformers' films is Jablonsky's music.

12-22-2016, 10:21 PM
For example, the only good thing about the Transformers' films is Jablonsky's music.

Man of Steel score was ...breath taking.Shame about the movie. LOL

01-10-2017, 08:51 PM

01-17-2017, 06:53 PM

05-06-2017, 08:01 AM
No no no no NO !!


Color me most f**king disappointed indeed.

1st trailer had me.....this 2nd one.... WTF ?

Bloody scalp in the rain "copy", then some feminism sounding sh*t from stern-face, then ..........!

I am disappoint.

05-06-2017, 03:30 PM
Calm down a bit.
It's already wrong to judge a film by its trailers, and you are judging it from a 15 secs preview of the new trailer? Also consider that the way a trailer presents a film could be completely different from the nature of the film itself.

I'd say, let's wait for the full trailer to be released, and talk later.

05-06-2017, 10:43 PM
Calm down a bit.
It's already wrong to judge a film by its trailers, and you are judging it from a 15 secs preview of the new trailer? Also consider that the way a trailer presents a film could be completely different from the nature of the film itself.

I'd say, let's wait for the full trailer to be released, and talk later.

I agree. I'll judge the movie on its full running time.

As for the "feminism" comment, how can anyone get that from a single line of dialogue? I think MissionMikey has some issues he needs to address.

05-06-2017, 10:48 PM
I agree with with holding judgment but that's not what most of the Internet is about. The Internet a perpetual rage and outrage machine. And even the trailer isn't the final say. A lot of trailers are less than honest. Villeneuve has yet to make a bad movie and I don't think he's going to start now. And Mikey's just trying to be a troll.

05-06-2017, 11:41 PM
Villeneuve has already made eight bad films.

05-06-2017, 11:56 PM
Villeneuve has already made eight bad films.

That many (even the most critical) managed to enjoy, so it's safe to assume we're under good hands.

05-07-2017, 12:03 AM
Villeneuve has already made eight bad films.

And speaking of trolls . . .

05-07-2017, 09:19 AM
I agree. I'll judge the movie on its full running time.

As for the "feminism" comment, how can anyone get that from a single line of dialogue? I think MissionMikey has some issues he needs to address.

Yeah,...but, this ain't your standard run of the mill movie....We been waiting a....WHILE for a "sequel" to ....even dare market it with "today's teaser pacing" [even for 15 seconds] me is like... pandering to "today's idiots" than the film's fans.

That 15 seconds to ME....Looked B-Grade schlock.

As for the MANLY "Chick" in her "Authoritative Bossy Tone"....I think we [straight] men have just about heard enough of that cultural marxist commie shite. I could just about stomach "Ellen Ripley's stuff in ALIENS".[Cameron has "CUCKY" stuff he needs to "address"] [no doubt in a DRESS].

T2 with it's BEEFED UP MANLY Sarah Connor....and the f**king caring sharing "BABY-SITTER" T-800 TERMINATOR......!!!!!? Jimmy GET A GRIP !!! Leave your Hippy sh*t AVATAR alone as well. No ones interested.

So,...enough of the hairy manly gun-toting chicks already !!!

So IF I have "issues", it is because of the continuing PUSSIFICATION of Caucasian Males in "media"...and BUTCHING UP OF WHITE WOMEN !

F*ck sakes !!, they even got ANOTHER Curly short haired brunette, in a grey vest for ALIEN COVENANT !!!!! Because the Curly short haired brunette, in a grey vest Ripley clone for PROMETHEUS hadn't scrapped bottom of barrel of ideas already !!!!. And the Blue eyed blonde chick from PROMETHEUS just had to be a VILLAIN !!!!! Can't have caucasian blue eyes being HEROES anymore can we ? [Or have you all NOT noticed any of this lately yet !!!?]

p.s. And anyone noticed the RAMPANT Race Mixing of Caucasians.....ERM,.....EVERYWHERE ? I counted some four commercials before John Wick 2 at my cinema....ALL WHITE WOMEN WITH NON-WHITE MALES.With mixed race families. [WHITE males depicted as....not too straight !!.] Then when I check ads from the 1980's on youtube....WHITE people were with WHITE people,with WHITE familes. [Oooh CONTROVERISAL.....To notice WHITE GENOCIDE.]

05-07-2017, 09:48 AM
Yep. Definitely issues there.

05-07-2017, 09:49 AM
Yep. Definitely issues there.


Anyone finally having the penny drop about what Blade Runner is really about.......? What it means to BE HUMAN,.... But what is a HUMAN ?

Is humanity defined by civilizations he creates...... Or maybe defined by fact only HUMANS create a default setting.

Hmm.... Now let's look around at those that......erm,.... destroy a default setting.

Dark Companion
05-07-2017, 10:48 PM
Villeneuve has already made eight bad films.

I disagree, and while "bad" is subjective you're clearly an idiot.

Out of interest, how many "great" movies have you made or worked on?

(I've worked on over 50 and a few of those are most definitely bad, but then I know the difference)

---------- Post added at 02:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:46 PM ----------

[B]No no no no NO !!

That trailer clearly annoyed the hell out of missionmikey so it did something right.
His outrage st life is quite amusing.

05-08-2017, 12:42 AM
Mickey has problems with strong women. Their presence emasculates him.

05-08-2017, 12:50 AM
He'd be more at home at "tehparadox". Lots of similarly minded people there.

05-08-2017, 06:14 PM
Full Trailer now released.
Surely, it looks good. I love the work Roger Deakins has done with each and every shot in the film, and I'm so glad Villeneuve reteamed with him for this movie.
Obviously, the trailer music is garbage, and obviously it doesn't mean the score will be like that.
The trailer is edited in a way that make it seem like there's a lot of action in the film, but I thrust it's just a wrong way they're promoting the film (as always...). I trust Villeneuve he had the right directorial perpective for the film.
What I'm worried the most is the screenplay. The story is from one of the original screenwriters of the first film (though he hasn't done much since then...) and the screenplay is written by that same guy and Michael Green, infamous for some bad comedies in the early 2000s and for "Green Lantern", but he's recently done good works on tv series. This year, he co-wrote Logan (excellent) and Alien Covenant (which from early reviews apprears to be good) so I hope the writing in this film is good enough for a great movie.

I have to admit that I haven't found that greatness in the first film (except for the technical qualities of the film),

05-08-2017, 09:10 PM
The original bombed at the box office. Most reviewers did a "huh, what?" when they saw Blade Runner. Only one reviewer, the late Joel Siegel, gave it a positive review.

I like what I saw. Villeneuve and Deakins have recaptured the look of the original and there's some amazing compositions in the trailer. Looks the future still isn't what it used to be.

05-08-2017, 10:32 PM
Yeah,...but, this ain't your standard run of the mill movie....We been waiting a....WHILE for a "sequel" to ....even dare market it with "today's teaser pacing" [even for 15 seconds] me is like... pandering to "today's idiots" than the film's fans.

That 15 seconds to ME....Looked B-Grade schlock.

As for the MANLY "Chick" in her "Authoritative Bossy Tone"....I think we [straight] men have just about heard enough of that cultural marxist commie shite. I could just about stomach "Ellen Ripley's stuff in ALIENS".[Cameron has "CUCKY" stuff he needs to "address"] [no doubt in a DRESS].

T2 with it's BEEFED UP MANLY Sarah Connor....and the f**king caring sharing "BABY-SITTER" T-800 TERMINATOR......!!!!!? Jimmy GET A GRIP !!! Leave your Hippy sh*t AVATAR alone as well. No ones interested.

So,...enough of the hairy manly gun-toting chicks already !!!

So IF I have "issues", it is because of the continuing PUSSIFICATION of Caucasian Males in "media"...and BUTCHING UP OF WHITE WOMEN !

F*ck sakes !!, they even got ANOTHER Curly short haired brunette, in a grey vest for ALIEN COVENANT !!!!! Because the Curly short haired brunette, in a grey vest Ripley clone for PROMETHEUS hadn't scrapped bottom of barrel of ideas already !!!!. And the Blue eyed blonde chick from PROMETHEUS just had to be a VILLAIN !!!!! Can't have caucasian blue eyes being HEROES anymore can we ? [Or have you all NOT noticed any of this lately yet !!!?]

p.s. And anyone noticed the RAMPANT Race Mixing of Caucasians.....ERM,.....EVERYWHERE ? I counted some four commercials before John Wick 2 at my cinema....ALL WHITE WOMEN WITH NON-WHITE MALES.With mixed race families. [WHITE males depicted as....not too straight !!.] Then when I check ads from the 1980's on youtube....WHITE people were with WHITE people,with WHITE familes. [Oooh CONTROVERISAL.....To notice WHITE GENOCIDE.]

nuff said!

---------- Post added at 04:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:31 PM ----------


Anyone finally having the penny drop about what Blade Runner is really about.......? What it means to BE HUMAN,.... But what is a HUMAN ?

Is humanity defined by civilizations he creates...... Or maybe defined by fact only HUMANS create a default setting.

Hmm.... Now let's look around at those that......erm,.... destroy a default setting.

Only humans drink milk from cows. It's the only thing that makes us human.

05-08-2017, 11:50 PM
Only humans drink milk from cows. It's the only thing that makes us human.

Cows drink milk from cows...

05-09-2017, 12:48 AM

05-09-2017, 04:35 AM
Visually the movie looks arresting but I'm not sold on Johannson yet. He is good at producing soundscapes and giving a musical language to the picture. However, Vangelis's work had that musical complexity not just in terms of the score but also with the sound effects (the eerie twinkling sound), world music influences (Damask Rose, Tales from the Future) which I don't know if Johannson is capable of capturing in 2049.

05-09-2017, 05:51 PM
The movie looks like something is seriously wrong.

05-09-2017, 05:54 PM
The movie looks like something is seriously wrong.

Explain what's wrong.

05-09-2017, 07:34 PM
Explain what's wrong.

The Replicants have taken over the planet...

Killer Kane
05-09-2017, 09:22 PM
If Deckard's a replicant - why did he age?

05-09-2017, 09:32 PM
Visually the movie looks arresting but I'm not sold on Johannson yet. He is good at producing soundscapes and giving a musical language to the picture. However, Vangelis's work had that musical complexity not just in terms of the score but also with the sound effects (the eerie twinkling sound), world music influences (Damask Rose, Tales from the Future) which I don't know if Johannson is capable of capturing in 2049.

I'm confident he'll do his job for Villeneuve... maybe not for the ages to come, but I think it will just be "fine". I only hope Johannson will catch a few great musical moments and that his work will at least partially pay homage to Vangelis' score and themes.

---------- Post added at 10:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:32 PM ----------

If Deckard's a replicant - why did he age?

Go check the movie when it releases to find out!

05-09-2017, 10:18 PM
If Deckard's a replicant - why did he age?

Maybe he's human after all.

---------- Post added at 03:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:18 PM ----------

The Replicants have taken over the planet...

Based on what evidence?

05-09-2017, 11:19 PM
Based on what evidence? If I told you that, I'd have to squeeze your eyeballs into your head...

---------- Post added at 11:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:12 PM ----------

If Deckard's a replicant - why did he age?

And why didn't he have the same strength as Roy Batty? He couldn't be an earlier series, as the Nexus 6 still had a limited life span. Why would Tyrrell create a "superior" model with that flaw? I think this all point to him being human.

05-10-2017, 12:00 AM
Roy Batty was human.

05-10-2017, 02:00 AM

07-29-2017, 09:10 PM
Found this track in the background of the new Road to Blade Runner 2049 website, sounds pretty great imo
Also just read Hans Zimmer is going to assist in the soundtrack department for this movie

07-29-2017, 09:57 PM
Found this track in the background of the new Road to Blade Runner 2049 website, sounds pretty great imo
Also just read Hans Zimmer is going to assist in the soundtrack department for this movie

Umm I hear Vangelis. At two different spots :D :D :D

08-16-2017, 08:17 PM
Vangelis was not asked to do the score. and He�s enough clever to be apart of a sequel as his friend Scott did. Scott is just for the money, and He is not directing so Vangelis is not playing. Do U believe in a Casablanca Part II ?.

---------- Post added at 09:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 PM ----------

And Vangelkis come from releasing the Album Rosetta fro ESA mission To Asteroid of same Name, a Big masterpiece 2Vinyl, CD. He�s far away from being retired. He�s a cold nuclear fission machine.

09-19-2017, 04:47 PM

Zimmer and Wallfisch replace the original score composer, Johan Johannsson.

Arcadia, were you saying?

I saw that coming the moment they entered in the production of the score.

09-19-2017, 06:05 PM
Zimmer and Wallfisch are a better choice than Johannson. None of his scores are memorable. They're more like background noise.

09-19-2017, 08:14 PM
Zimmer and Wallfisch replace the original score composer, Johan Johannsson.

Arcadia, were you saying?

I saw that coming the moment they entered in the production of the score.

It's hard for some to comprehend, but people do get tired of Zimmer's grating, devoid-of-all-emotion, synths and samples.

09-19-2017, 09:06 PM
Zimmer and Wallfisch are a better choice than Johannson. None of his scores are memorable. They're more like background noise.

In an interview (done when Johannson was still attached to the film) Villeneuve revealed that he wanted him to use the synths Vangelis used in the original movie score. That's the best I could expect from Johannson, and it would have been a pleasure to listen IMHO.
At this point, I've got no clue on why he was replaced, if all the necessary was already there.

---------- Post added at 10:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:04 PM ----------

It's hard for some to comprehend, but people do get tired of Zimmer's grating, devoid-of-all-emotion, synths and samples.

I think that depends on the film itself and what the director wants from him. Look at Interstellar: Nolan pushed him to do something extraordinary, and Zimmer proved once again that he's able to do great scores on his own, even without his additional composers.
So, let's just hope that Villeneuve pushes Zimmer (and Wallfisch) to do a magnificent score.

09-20-2017, 03:52 PM
I wasn't saying that Johannsson wouldn't be a good choice for me, because even if not my favourite, his style is really good within the films he scores (the perfect example is Arrival). I was just saying that Zimmer would be the first obvious choice for this kind of score, and it so ended up like that. Also, it doesn't mean that I don't like Zimmer, because if he his given time and a great movie, he surely can create something unique and memorable.

09-21-2017, 12:13 PM
Well, so we agree on many point! :)

09-23-2017, 07:56 PM
So whats this turdy sounding stuff on youtube...? is it meant to be real...? cos of all of it.... i like about 9 minutes of it.

[Edit] Me thinks PACING of this movie will be UNLIKE the original..... if music above is anything to go by....yeah I'm buying my tickets...but....expecting my childhood to be raped ala PHANTOM MENACE !


09-23-2017, 08:42 PM
Doubtful. Posted on Aug 30th? If it were real it would be everywhere by now. Sounds nothing like Zimmer or Wallfisch and more like someone playing with their Casio keyboard in their basement.

09-24-2017, 07:19 AM

Yeah,...I think the Vangelis-y trailer bit then some zimmer BWWAAAARRMMMMMMs....and then just about everything else thrown in....I just thought, "Really ?". O_o Good grief !!

Maybe it's a psy-op to make me like the movie more than I probably really should. lol

By the way....SYD MEAD's book is now out for all you into Visual Futurists !

Mai Iwano
10-03-2017, 09:26 PM
Official Track Listing from Pitchfork.

Blade Runner 2049 hits theaters October 6. Today, the original soundtrack has been officially announced. It arrives October 5 via Alcon Sleeping Giant Records, and will feature original pieces from Hans Zimmer and Benjamin Wallfisch’s score, as well as songs by Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, and Lauren Daigle. The composers took over scoring duties from J�hann J�hannsson. 2049 director Denis Villeneuve recently explained J�hann’s departure from the project. In an interview with Al Arabiya, Villeneuve praised J�hann as “a very strong artist,” but said, “I needed to go back to something closer to Vangelis. J�hann and I decided that I will need to go in another direction.” Read the full interview here; find the Blade Runner 2049 OST tracklist and cover art below.

Blade Runner 2049 OST:

01 Hans Zimmer / Benjamin Wallfisch: “2049”
02 Hans Zimmer / Benjamin Wallfisch: “Sapper’s Tree”
03 Hans Zimmer / Benjamin Wallfisch: “Flight to LAPD”
04 Frank Sinatra: “Summer Wind”
05 Hans Zimmer / Benjamin Wallfisch: “Rain”
06 Hans Zimmer / Benjamin Wallfisch: “Wallace”
07 Hans Zimmer / Benjamin Wallfisch: “Memory”
08 Hans Zimmer / Benjamin Wallfisch: “Mesa”
09 Hans Zimmer / Benjamin Wallfisch: “Orphanage”
10 Hans Zimmer / Benjamin Wallfisch: “Furnace”
11 Hans Zimmer / Benjamin Wallfisch: “Someone Lived to This”
12 Hans Zimmer / Benjamin Wallfisch: “Joi”
13 Hans Zimmer / Benjamin Wallfisch: “Pilot”
14 Elvis Presley: “Suspicious Minds”
15 Elvis Presley: “Can’t Help Falling in Love”
16 Frank Sinatra: “One for My Baby (And One More for the Road)”
17 Hans Zimmer / Benjamin Wallfisch: “Hijack”
18 Hans Zimmer / Benjamin Wallfisch: “That’s Why We Believe”
19 Hans Zimmer / Benjamin Wallfisch: “Here Eyes Were Gren”
20 Hans Zimmer / Benjamin Wallfisch: “Sea Wall”
21 Hans Zimmer / Benjamin Wallfisch: “All the Best Memories Are Hers”
22 Hans Zimmer / Benjamin Wallfisch: “Tears in the Rain”
23 Hans Zimmer / Benjamin Wallfisch: “Blade Runner”
24 Lauren Daigle: “Almost Human”

Two CD Pre-Orders.

10-07-2017, 07:42 PM
I'm earing just now the OST.
The Power and the Vitality of VANGELIS approving to the Original Film is Lost.
And time to time You can ear any sound that's Vangelis reminiscent.
Sorry for the film

10-14-2017, 07:57 PM
Deckard is human for one reason...Roy says to him "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe..." You people. Humans.