03-07-2005, 05:17 PM
Of all nintendo games this is one of the most repetitive serises I have erver played, Have any of you played this game, if so what did you think of the serises.

03-07-2005, 05:30 PM
I love the Zelda games but if you want repetition play Metroid!

03-07-2005, 08:21 PM
If you want repetition play, play Megaman.

At least Metroid keeps things fresh from game to game. :(

03-08-2005, 12:46 AM
Zelda is okay, but playing one of them is enough.

03-08-2005, 03:57 AM
Meh, OOT is the only one I liked till' the new one comes out.

hb smokey
03-08-2005, 09:33 AM
Meh, OOT is the only one I liked till' the new one comes out.
You can't like the new one because all that has been revealed is some pictures, and that's about it.

For a while, the Zelda series was in the gutter, around the time of Wind Waker. They were just exactly identical to each other. Now don't get me wrong; I love the Zelda franchise. But I just hate it how a new story can't be developed every fifth game or so. I am extremely pleased with the series of late, including such great games as The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures, and The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap.

03-08-2005, 12:36 PM
You can't like the new one because all that has been revealed is some pictures, and that's about it.

For a while, the Zelda series was in the gutter, around the time of Wind Waker. They were just exactly identical to each other. Now don't get me wrong; I love the Zelda franchise. But I just hate it how a new story can't be developed every fifth game or so. I am extremely pleased with the series of late, including such great games as The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures, and The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap.
The series is still in the gutter.

Oh god, you awoke the sleeping giant.

03-08-2005, 01:18 PM
Of all nintendo games this is one of the most repetitive serises I have erver played, Have any of you played this game, if so what did you think of the serises.
Im betting you dislike the "series" because it requires too much brain power and you cant quite handle it, Mr. Serises.

Siren's Song
03-08-2005, 01:22 PM
I LOVED Link's Awakening and OoT, Majora's Mask didn't really appeal to me, cause too fiddly, but I downright HATED Wind Waker, cause twas a whole cell-shaded mess of kiddy crap!

03-08-2005, 01:23 PM
I enjoyed Wind waker quite a bit... but MAJORA'S MASK SUCKED ARSE!

03-08-2005, 01:49 PM
I liked Wind Waker but not as much as Ocarina of Time. The Minnish Cap is really good too, but I have to agree about Majora's Mask. I just don't think it was that good to be honest.

03-08-2005, 04:09 PM
Zelda games have just got this thing.....u know.....its just got IT.
I think they r great. Although i never played Majorcas mask.
I cant wait 4 the new one. Shame i dont have a Gamecube anymore:(

Lady Obscurity
03-08-2005, 04:15 PM
I wasn't pleased with any of the new Zelda games Nintendo has been releasing lately. I think it all started to go downhill after Majora's Mask... But to this day, I still love this series. A Link to the Past for SNES and Ocarina of Time for N64 are my faves.

03-08-2005, 06:46 PM
OOT is my favourite, i played it through about 5 times! Wind Waker was just too easy but 4 swords made me like the series again!

03-08-2005, 08:23 PM
Of all nintendo games this is one of the most repetitive serises I have erver played, Have any of you played this game, if so what did you think of the serises.
That's like asking a poker player if he's ever played five card draw.
Link To The Past and Link's Awakening are my favorite out of this awesome series.

03-08-2005, 08:26 PM
OOT is the best by fair but they are a little repetitive

OOT is the best by far but they are a little repetitive

mr. patterson
03-08-2005, 08:47 PM
I LOVED Link's Awakening and OoT, Majora's Mask didn't really appeal to me, cause too fiddly, but I downright HATED Wind Waker, cause twas a whole cell-shaded mess of kiddy crap!

cell shaded doesn't automatically mean shit. there haven't been many but let's not forget jet set radio. also clearing a zelda dungeon was a near orgasmic experience

03-08-2005, 09:22 PM
I love Zelda, nothing beats the feeling of having finished a dungeon. <3

Well, Link to the Past, Link's Awakening and OoT, anyways, I haven't played any others.

03-09-2005, 02:31 AM

The Zelda series has sucked - straight up SUCKED - since the WindWaker was released. This is mostly because they have become incapable of actually building a new game out of it. While OOT wasn't quite as bad as I'd love to make out it was, it wasn't that hot either; the game was essentially a 3D remake of the SNES game, but with a bit more 3D charm. Okay, I quite liked OOT, and it had some good moments, but it was certainly not the gaming zenith many would love to claim it was.

Majora's Mask was a jerky mess of a game, that attempted to win back old fans by bringing back the fabled Zelda theme. Awesome work Nintendo, come back to me when you actually make an original game bar Mario fucking Sunshine.

Now, the Wind Waker is taboo with me, mostly because it's known to get me into a hurricane of vicious clusterfuckery ( at the slightest mention. But I can't resist. The game is so utterly mediocre, so very badly put together, so brilliantly useless as an action RPG that I can't help but hate it. Any game that is built on leading you on with false hopes, only to dash them painfully in the last stinking hours of the sordid project is enough to make me want to knife Shiguero Miyamato. Paying for Triforce pieces? Awesome! I sure love WASTING MY SHITTING TIME ON BOREDOM.

The certain "something" that The Windwaker had was herpes. Fucking herpes. It was a virulent turd of a game that did nothing but steal your money and put it into a half-arsed fart of an adventure, with the most abominable ending to the entire Ocarina of Time series; "Oh yeah Hyrule got flooded. Shucks." Hoorah! Essentially, none of the other Zelda games mean jack diddly shit anymore!

And what of the four swords adventures? Oh yes! Hoorah! 2D action adventure that mimics the SNES game! Once again Nintendo excels at rehashing it's old engines to take your $60! And there you go again, buying these games, and your four GBA SPs just so you and your friends can play through the very same game you can now buy for the SNES along with the consoles for less than half the price of the console game! Great work, guys!

People bitch about feeding franchises like Madden and Fifa at the same time as putting more of their dollars into seeping pustules of effort like the Zelda series. Bunch of goddamn hypocrites.

iconoclastic pastry
03-09-2005, 05:07 AM
To say that the parallel you draw between Zelda and Madden is really stretching it, would be quite an understatement.

03-09-2005, 04:22 PM
To say that the parallel you draw between Zelda and Madden is really stretching it, would be quite an understatement.
Is it now? It's not too big a jump. It's a franchise. Just because the slavering fanboys romanticise it doesn't make it any less moneygrabbing.
Think of how much the Zelda series has been stretched? Links Awakening and A Link to the Past have been re-released. OOT and Wind Waker were lazy rehashes. They have not really done anything new with the series for it's entire lifespan. The storylines could be written up by anyone with any writing experience over the age of 18. The graphics and artistry are the only things that have remotely changed.

The Zelda series is license to print money, and with that comes laziness. Just look at the Star Wars series. Just look at how much people wooped at the graphics of the new Zelda at E3.

03-09-2005, 06:38 PM
I just picked up a Super Ninento, along with A Link to the Past. Its great, as well as the originals. I haven't played any of the newer ones, however.

03-09-2005, 07:07 PM
i love Zelda, all the games appealed. OCarina of Time was the best (in my opinion). I love Swords!!!

mr. patterson
03-09-2005, 07:17 PM
I love Swords!!!

for fuck sake...

03-10-2005, 10:55 PM
If you want repetition play, play Megaman. :(

Nah, you havent seen the meaning of repitition until you play Jedi Knight, Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy. All they did was enhance the graphics.

Siren's Song
03-10-2005, 11:22 PM
cell shaded doesn't automatically mean shit.
No, but for me, WW was/is synonymous with it!!!

03-11-2005, 01:07 AM
Nah, you havent seen the meaning of repitition until you play Jedi Knight, Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy. All they did was enhance the graphics.

Your point? A game doesn't have to be revolutionary to be fun. And those games succeeded quite well in that regard. Besides, the game mechanics might have stayed similar throughout the series, but each game did have enough diversity to keep it entertaining. Megaman, on the other hand, was more of the same, level after level, game after game.

03-11-2005, 05:54 AM
There has never been a bad game in the Zelda series. There've been less than amazing ones, but never one that was actually not fun to play.

Unless you count that CD-I shit. I wouldn't know about that.

03-11-2005, 11:15 AM
I'm a big Zelda fan, but 'The Adventure Of Link' was a huge let down. I think this whole 'oh, Zelda has cell shaded gaphics- that must mean it's crap or for kiddies' thing is pointless. It provided a sense of innocence and wonder within Link, it created a unique world on Gamecube -and i don't actually see what's wrong with it to be honest.

03-11-2005, 04:03 PM
There has never been a bad game in the Zelda series. There've been less than amazing ones, but never one that was actually not fun to play.

Finding the triforce pieces in the ocean and then farming cash to pay for them was one of my worst experiences in gaming, including playing through a bugged unbalanced version of Everything or Nothing on a PS2 that kept turning itself off.

hb smokey
03-11-2005, 05:33 PM
Well, there has been more information about The Legend of Zelda released <A HREF="">here</A>. It's not something significent, but at least it's a little more.

03-12-2005, 05:05 AM
OK, lets see...The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is probably second best, with Majora's Mask close behind. (MM didnt seem to get many mentions, and I do actually consider it to be a great Zelda title). I am going to get Four Swords as soon as I can afford it, but it looks great. I think the reason for this is that (in my opinion), A Link to the Past is the best Zelda (at least 40 hours -ish gameplay, with numerous challenging sidequests and secrets, great graphics and lighting effects for the SNES and a reasonable story) so to make an updated, multiplayer version, with a different story well...I am happy.
As for The Legend of Zelda this year, I definately will be getting it. As Smokey said only pictures and a couple of short trailers have been exposed, (Nintendo are apparently keeping alot quiet about it) but from what I have seen and read it looks great. Although it does seem to have the same/a similar game engine to Wind Waker graphically.

hb smokey
03-12-2005, 05:10 AM
Although it does seem to have the same/a similar game engine to Wind Waker graphically.
Since I work at EB now, I can take a look at all the upcoming games for all platforms. It's slated for an early October released, and it is under the title of 'The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker 2'. But of course that release date is going to change, and I seriously hope that this Zelda isn't a sequel to WW.

03-12-2005, 05:22 AM
I heard they were going to, but they didn't end up. Apparently its a whole new storyline, and how can it be a WW sequel, the graphics are totally different aren't they? (Well, lets hope not, like you said).

03-25-2005, 05:50 PM
Have any of ya heard of the new zelda for the gamecube?

03-26-2005, 12:50 AM
Have any of ya heard of the new zelda for the gamecube?
Please never post on this site again. Ever.

03-26-2005, 09:25 PM
Oh my Fucking God. God...argh! I am seriously really angry now. Fucking CLOUD ZANZA. You flange. How fucking stupid can you be?

hb smokey
03-26-2005, 09:44 PM
Settle down Rapture.

If I can find out anything more about the new Zelda, I'll be sure to let you guys know.

03-26-2005, 09:54 PM
Sorry =\

Got angry, never like it really that much. Its almost as if he was taking the mickey though.

03-27-2005, 09:31 PM

That's about as much info as you're going to get at the minute, the movies are quality, i can't wait.

03-28-2005, 12:55 PM
I have a good 30 screenshots at least. Three trailers and just lots of the same small amount of information.

03-28-2005, 07:47 PM
Well i'm pretty damn excited, it looks good, Link looks better than WW and horseback fighting looks like it's going to be great fun!

03-28-2005, 09:37 PM
I am pretty sure anything can look better than Windwaker. Rehardles of its "97%" reviews and such, it is still not that good a game. But yeah, it looks great.

03-29-2005, 09:25 AM
The Wind Waker looked good. If you seriously can't admit that, you've got to sit down and think about it. Really. It's actually one of the most graphically impressive games released.


03-29-2005, 01:35 PM
*Sits down and thinks about it*

No, seriously, I found it really difficult to adjust to the cell-shaded graphics.

Also, most graphically impressive? Total news to me...Well, I have nothing much to do, at present as I have no life, so I might play it....again.

Like I said, I prefer Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time and A Link to the Past to them all though.

03-31-2005, 10:36 AM
I thought the cel-shaded graphics were impressive but it just didn't make Link look tough or adventurous, he always looked to clean.

I thought the cel-shaded graphics were impressive but it just didn't make Link look tough or adventurous, he always looked too clean.