10-03-2016, 11:15 PM
It's always awesome hearing Rasmus Faber putting out his beats. Wanting to hear more from the Asterisk side, yet it's being difficult stumbling across them. 'Hear the Universe' was awesome from the Macross Delta side also. <--

& #4

Whatever Asterisk OSTs you manage to up, you have my gratitude. I however need this, yet others are seeking various other types of mixes. Thanks in advance, if anybody does post something.

10-04-2016, 05:46 AM
Same here i dislike ost bundled with dvd as bonus but thats how they make their profit then again looking at the ost for this series there's an
Expanded Universe #4 ( no end to unreleased material for this.

10-04-2016, 07:27 PM
Holy s***! There's more 0_o

Well, let's get onto #3 before we forget about it. We nearly just about did forget it that I had to make this thread to chime back into it. Let's get #3 before #4 gives us amnesia in backlog dealings.

10-09-2016, 07:28 PM
Ah, the sins of bundling soundtracks to DVD bundles & such. Damn. It always ends up being a pain waiting for an OST to come because of such. If we do get #3 then it'll be repeated with #4, and maybe #5 and any other anime. Already seeing this thread heading to the 2nd page. Crazy stuff.

10-22-2016, 12:35 AM
Took a skim again with nothing shared. Crap.....Well, I guess Asterisk shall be forgotten, or already has. Both #3 & #4. Has me highly worried.

(in before someone tells me to get it myself :P)

10-31-2016, 05:23 PM
Halloween bump, assuming for both 3 & 4 now.

11-01-2016, 02:38 AM
Make that 5

11-01-2016, 05:03 AM
Oh, now I'm cursing a hell of a lot. It should have been in one big unified soundtrack. I'm more agitated now knowing if it's this difficult to get my hands on #3 & 4 that it'll keep going onto 5, 6 & beyond.


11-01-2016, 11:05 AM
Nah that one's on the last volume of the show.
Unless by some miracle, someone manages to share it when the English version comes out next year then IDK really.

11-02-2016, 07:17 PM
Yep they had to release another enclosure ost, with the other 3 bonus ost they might as well just released another cd release instead Infusion#2 and Expanded Universe #3,4&5

11-03-2016, 12:08 PM
I don't get why they didn't just do a "SECOND SEASON SOUNDTRACK" like the first one but okay whatever dawg.

11-04-2016, 03:53 AM
Yeah, exactly. That would have been so much better. Mirai Nikki was bad for this also with so many chunks that fell through, yet glad Arpeggio of Blue Steel bundled itself with both the Season 1, as well as the movie stuff. Needs more unified soundtracks, or at least OST 2.

This is just brutal.

11-19-2016, 01:43 AM
Well, that's a shame. Guess I'll have to look into getting this then, if it's still around somewhere.............What a shame. I hope the youtube video "WHy Asterisk Wars sucks" didn't scare people away. After the KanColle event then, and then I'll grab it myself :/ ......

12-24-2016, 08:53 PM

01-08-2017, 06:00 PM
Bump old requests

01-10-2017, 02:10 PM
Expanded Universe #3 MP3 and flac here ( , the vol.5 maybe in the end of the month

01-10-2017, 07:43 PM
Thanks tsubasan great to hear about a possible release of vol.5 i bet asking for vol 6 too would asking to much for time being?

02-15-2017, 08:19 PM