dyne trance
03-06-2005, 05:01 AM
if aeris hadn't died, who would you think he'd end up with?

aeris or tifa

i, personally, think he would've ended up with aeris. she obviously had a thing for cloud, and cloud had a "dangerous, cool" thing for her, you know, kinda hidden. and there is more affection towards that couple than to tifa. he actually takes aeris on a date to the golden saucer. so if aeris hadn't died, i think he would've stayed with aeris.

03-06-2005, 05:33 AM
Well depending on what you chose durring the game he could have chosenTifa instead of Aeris.

03-06-2005, 05:57 AM
it is obvious Cloud wants Aeris...why would he live by himself for 2 yrs before AC then?

03-06-2005, 06:00 AM
Aeris. Just because I like her more than Tifa.

Lady Obscurity
03-06-2005, 06:04 AM
Square never officially said who Cloud "ends up" with. Whether us fans like it or not, it's obvious that he cares for both of them. By saying that, it doesn't have to necessarily be the romantic type of love. I really shouldn't say this, but in all honesty, there is more proof that Aeris was Cloud's love interest, not Tifa...

03-06-2005, 06:05 AM
Aeris- only thing Tifa has is her double D's and a girl willing to give her life for all her friends and family is great in my book :)

03-06-2005, 06:08 AM
there is more proof that Aeris was Cloud's love interest, not Tifa...

If this means something to the love triangle... read this:

'...in the original storyline the main character, Cloud, was intended to fall in love with Aeris yet this changed later. This may have caused confusion with the staff and production team therefore resulting in such incidents as the 'Spirit of Aeris' and many others including the Gameshark Cheat, where Aeris DOES have lines. Thank you for taking an interest in Square, contact us...' (http://www.ff7citadel.com/secrets/sa_letters.shtml)

03-06-2005, 06:09 AM
I'd have to say Aeris, I mean in the end, he clearly prefers Aeris, "I think I can meet her there", that's pretty much all the evidence you need, he says it to Tifa even.

03-06-2005, 07:04 AM
it is obvious Cloud wants Aeris...why would he live by himself for 2 yrs before AC then?

i agree with you. cloud wants aeris. plus, aeris is more open to her feelings than tifa...

03-06-2005, 10:19 AM
Aeris. Just because I like her more than Tifa.

Heh. My reason exactly.

03-06-2005, 03:48 PM
I think he wanted Tifa because they were chldhood friends and he always liked her andwanted her to like him and he tried to impress her. The only reason he liked Aeris was because cloud thought he was Zak for the most part of the game and it was Zak that was going out with Aeris

03-06-2005, 03:58 PM
Cloud would probably end up with Aerith because Aerith is open and talks to him about her feelings, unlike Tifa. Both Tifa and Aerith like Cloud, but Tifa doesn't show or admit it. Aerith does. But I think that both of them deserve to be with Cloud. After all, they both care, but Tifa doesn't show it because she's afraid of her feelings and she's afraid that her memories are messed up and not Cloud's, that's why she does not have the courage to talk to Cloud about that - it's not like she doesn't care, because she cares at least as much as Aerith does. But the thing is, Cloud would probably choose Aerith simply because Tifa doesn't want to show her feelings, and Cloud would never know that Tifa likes him, that would make Cloud's choice much easier. Now if Tifa were as open about her feelings just as Aerith is, that would make things difficult. No matter who Cloud would choose, one of the two would end up getting her feelings hurt, and Cloud wouldn't want that. In that case, Cloud could even decide to choose no one.

I think he wanted Tifa because they were chldhood friends and he always liked her andwanted her to like him and he tried to impress her. The only reason he liked Aeris was because cloud thought he was Zak for the most part of the game and it was Zak that was going out with Aeris

This is true, however, but maybe there was a part of the "real" Cloud that liked her as well. After all, Aerith is a great girl. ^_^

03-06-2005, 05:47 PM
as much as it pains me he would of picked aeris (fool that he is)...tifa is much nicer than aeris!

03-06-2005, 07:03 PM
Aeris Aeris Aeris! Just because Tifa and Cloud were childhood friends doesn't mean anything, Tifa and her friends weren't that nice to Cloud back then, he need someone who treats him better like AERIS!

03-06-2005, 07:06 PM
Wow, overwhelming majority for Aeris. Thats who i think too. Cloud had his whole (most of) of his life with Tifa and aint together yet, then Aeris comes in the picture and its headed 4 them together. Cloud was differnt around Aeris.

03-06-2005, 07:11 PM
He's much happier when Aeris was alive, if you notice, he laugh once during the whole entire game and it was when he's with Aeris. :D

03-06-2005, 08:32 PM
All you guys are so bonkers.

BOTH OF THEM banging CLoud is the best thing ever. He ends up with BOTH OF them. Jeez.

Aerith Gainsborough
03-06-2005, 09:09 PM
Aeris of course. Cloud never wanted to be with Tifa. They were just friends, and they have only seen each other again because Cloud joined Avalanche. And he didn't join because of her, he joined for the money (job).

03-06-2005, 10:18 PM
All you guys are so bonkers.

BOTH OF THEM banging CLoud is the best thing ever. He ends up with BOTH OF them. Jeez.

Of course! Cloud is a pimp. I mean, he wears purple pants.

03-07-2005, 04:14 AM
In asian culture
Purple represents: waiting/yearning (for someone or something), loyalty, sadness.
That give us a hint now doesn't it? Cloud's wearing PURPLE!

03-07-2005, 09:46 AM
Of course! Cloud is a pimp. I mean, he wears purple pants.

LOL HAHa yeh cloud is truly a pimp at heart lol me, i dont really care who he would've ended up with but obviously id go for tifa but i dont mind aeris, shes a nice girl^^ I SAY BOTH 2!

03-07-2005, 08:33 PM
yeah...two is better than one....but if he was to choose only one...i ask you one question...have you seen the size of tifa's tits?

03-07-2005, 10:02 PM
Too true unseen. But still it would hav to be Aeris

03-07-2005, 10:18 PM
don't forget that cloud is still a guy, giving tifa the obvious advantage, but i could see cloud going for both, and still having time for yuffie, elena and scarlet if he wanted (he would be found out eventually, but the guy has every right to have a good time don't he?)

03-07-2005, 10:41 PM
In asian culture
Purple represents: waiting/yearning (for someone or something), loyalty, sadness.
That give us a hint now doesn't it? Cloud's wearing PURPLE!

Hey im asian and i didnt know that.

Anwayz its a hard dicision between Aries and Tifa.................. Can i pick Rinoa?

03-07-2005, 11:28 PM
huh...? what do you mean rinoa?

03-07-2005, 11:54 PM
like Cloud and Rinoa a couple............but i guess that cant work as Squall and Rinoa are an already awesome (and good lookin) couple

03-08-2005, 01:09 AM
and Rinoa isnt in FF7

03-08-2005, 05:53 AM
How did Rinoa get in here?

03-08-2005, 05:59 AM
someone was being sarcastic, and everyone took it serious...but its all good...back on topic

03-08-2005, 07:53 AM
I'm a Cloaer fan but i don't mind which one cloud chooses. although i think he'd choose aerith, tifa's a nice gal.

03-08-2005, 07:55 PM
Yeah sure does Griff but scarlet. Shes got that really freaky laugh.
I Dont think Rinoa is allowed

03-08-2005, 08:29 PM
I was only messin about Rinoa, so ok back to topic i guess........Cloud and Yuffie anyone agree. (lol)

03-08-2005, 09:30 PM
yeah maybe. LOL.

03-09-2005, 02:15 AM
yuffie would probably knock him out, dress him up as a chocobo and sell him to a perverted drunk guy =)

03-09-2005, 10:02 AM
It was probably Aerith's fate to die for the sake of the world, that's why I'm for Tifa. She's cute and she cares about Cloud (I'm not saying Aerith doesn't). But Aerith wanted to die to save the planet, and she probably decided that she has to let go of Cloud, no matter how much she likes him. I'm for Tifa, although it pains me that Aerith died and although she's my favorite character.

03-09-2005, 11:23 AM
Aeris of course. Cloud never wanted to be with Tifa. They were just friends, and they have only seen each other again because Cloud joined Avalanche. And he didn't join because of her, he joined for the money (job).

Do what?

did you miss a huge section of the game?

Cloud was desperate to get with Tifa, thats why he used to fight so much, to prove his strength and get her to notice him. And I'm certain that in the Secret Cinema, its Tifa who tells Cloud about the Avalanche job. So ok, he want's money ( who doesn't? ) but it is because of Tifa that he works with Avalance. Also I expect Cloud would have tried to see Tifa more often in the 5 year gap, but as he was stuck in that glass experimentation tube, i don't think he had many options.

that said, I vote Aeris, she opened him up, got him to stop taking everything so seriously... and his mum would have been happier :P

Aerith Gainsborough
03-09-2005, 01:10 PM
Yes, Cloud was desperate. He wanted to be noticed by her. But think about it. When was it? Back then when he was a little kid. Every other girl could have sat there, he'd have done the same thing.

He just wanted to have some friends, like Tifa had a lot around her all the time. The whole scenery had nothing to do with love. It was more a showing off.

And why does Tifa tell Cloud about the Avalanche job? Because she want's to see him again. And why did he join? Because he's taking every job for money. And when they met again, how was his reaction? He was not in big love or super happy or anything.

Actually he was about ready to leave again, but who held him back? Tifa. And how? With paying him a lot more money. Sorry, but there is no love at all.

03-09-2005, 03:41 PM
Yes, Cloud was desperate. He wanted to be noticed by her. But think about it. When was it? Back then when he was a little kid. Every other girl could have sat there, he'd have done the same thing.

No, when he and Tifa are in the Lifestream he has to find a very personal and intimate memory. during that point he specifically says that he was trying to get Tifa's attention.

He just wanted to have some friends, like Tifa had a lot around her all the time. The whole scenery had nothing to do with love. It was more a showing off.

He was trying to get her to notice him, he was too shy to ask, or talk to, her directly. thats why he showed off so much, he wanted her to talk to him

And why does Tifa tell Cloud about the Avalanche job? Because she want's to see him again. And why did he join? Because he's taking every job for money. And when they met again, how was his reaction? He was not in big love or super happy or anything.

She tells him about the job, becasue she hasn't seen him in ages, and she wanted to keep him close. He joins becasue he's living up what Zack said to him in the truck, about them becoming mercenarys.

Of course he wasn't all lovey dovey, he had just been a scientific guinny pig for the last 5 years, we don't know what hojo did to him in that period, only that Zack manages to break them out, and when he does Cloud is almost completley comatose

Actually he was about ready to leave again, but who held him back? Tifa. And how? With paying him a lot more money. Sorry, but there is no love at all.

Tifa didn't hold him back with money, she reminded him of a promise he made to her back when they were children, that if he made it into Soldier, he would protect/rescue her. And that is quite a promise for people who are 'just' friends

Aerith Gainsborough
03-09-2005, 04:14 PM
No, when he and Tifa are in the Lifestream he has to find a very personal and intimate memory. during that point he specifically says that he was trying to get Tifa's attention.

Yes, true. That's what he was trying to do when he was a kid. But I don't see a big love in there, sorry. He just wanted attention. That's one reason why he started with the soldier stuff.

She tells him about the job, becasue she hasn't seen him in ages, and she wanted to keep him close.

Yes, everything comes from her, nothing from him.

Tifa didn't hold him back with money, she reminded him of a promise he made to her back when they were children, that if he made it into Soldier, he would protect/rescue her. And that is quite a promise for people who are 'just' friends

Yes, she did. Don't you remember the scene when she talked to Barret about it. And Barret said, this money was meant for Marlene. (It was about 3000 Gil I think)

The other things Tifa said, like the promise etc., well, that's something women do sometimes. It is a bit of a harmless flirt (Aeris also did that a few times). She did that, because she doesn't want him to leave.

03-09-2005, 04:33 PM
Yes, true. That's what he was trying to do when he was a kid. But I don't see a big love in there, sorry. He just wanted attention. That's one reason why he started with the soldier stuff.

Yeah, he wanted attention

Yes, everything comes from her, nothing from him.

Like I keep saying, the guy was locked in a tank of Mako for 5 years, his head was messed up from the experimentation, he forgot things he should have known, and knew things he should't have

Yes, she did. Don't you remember the scene when she talked to Barret about it. And Barret said, this money was meant for Marlene. (It was about 3000 Gil I think)

Yeah, but she pleads with Barret to pay him, but Cloud is still messed up at this point, he's trying to act out someone elses life ( Zack's ) by playing the part of a cold hearted mercenary. A mercenary is hardly going to turn around to a pretty face and start pouring out love poems

The other things Tifa said, like the promise etc., well, that's something women do sometimes. It is a bit of a harmless flirt (Aeris also did that a few times). She did that, because she doesn't want him to leave.

yeah but don't forget she's only 13 at the time, so even if you say thats kids mucking around, to remember a promise like that for 7 years means it must be more important to her than just flirting

Aerith Gainsborough
03-09-2005, 04:53 PM
Like I keep saying, the guy was locked in a tank of Mako for 5 years, his head was messed up from the experimentation, he forgot things he should have known, and knew things he should't have

You can't forget what doesn't exist.

A mercenary is hardly going to turn around to a pretty face and start pouring out love poems

Love poems? Wow, when was that? I guess, I missed that part.

yeah but don't forget she's only 13 at the time, so even if you say thats kids mucking around, to remember a promise like that for 7 years means it must be more important to her than just flirting

When she was a kid, she wanted nothing from him. It was Cloud that started everything (he had a big mouth about the soldier thing, she liked it).

When the have seen each other again, she was not 13 anymore. And that is where she fell in love with him. That's why she brought up the old kiddy story with the promise. She was looking for something to hold him there.

03-09-2005, 06:35 PM
You can't forget what doesn't exist.

It doesn't exist because Cloud totally mistimed his 'move'. he was trying to get her attention at the time when her mother had died, and after the accident, he blamed himself, which probably held him back even more

Love poems? Wow, when was that? I guess, I missed that part.

No, you just missed what I was saying, check the box, check his profile, at the start of FF7 Cloud is a cold hearted mercenary, he's not going to confess his undying love to Tifa, when he is trying to forge the apperance of a cold, callous, withdrawn, hardend soldier

When she was a kid, she wanted nothing from him. It was Cloud that started everything (he had a big mouth about the soldier thing, she liked it).

Her mother had died!, she was so wrapped up in that she never noticed him, despite what he tried to do, thats why he went to the extreme of saying how he was going to be "just like Sephiroth". and who wouldn't like a guy who's aiming high for something

When the have seen each other again, she was not 13 anymore. And that is where she fell in love with him. That's why she brought up the old kiddy story with the promise. She was looking for something to hold him there.

If she wanted to "hold him there" she could have just offered him more money for the next job, he would have accepted because of his mercenary status. The way she starts that conversation "So you're really leaving, you're just going to walk out, ignoring your childhood friend?" shows there was something between them, otherwise why say that?
She could have easily said "Cloud don't you remember the promise you made me?" or "Cloud, please stay a bit longer, I havent seen you in years" neither of them suggest anything between them other than they were in the same town for a while then lost contact.

03-09-2005, 08:07 PM
Whoa.... summary of what you two are discussing? lol
I still say Cloud would definitely choose Aeris. There are little hints from Kingdom Hearts, and Final Fantasy tactic, even in AC he still dream of seeing Aeris.

03-09-2005, 09:32 PM
Yeah most definately Aeris but it would be cool if he went with Tifa

03-12-2005, 01:32 AM
In my opinion, Aeris the best choice for cloud.

03-12-2005, 04:55 AM
Well does Cloud really show any interest in Tifa or is it the other way around? Who MADE Cloud promise that her hero would come and protect her? See my point. To me it sounds like Tifa really likes Cloud but Cloud likes her as a friend. Aeris also asked Cait Sith to tell them her chances with Cloud and if they would be a good couple and he said that they were perfect for each other.

03-12-2005, 05:36 AM
well, personally I prefer tifa, she's way more kick-ass than aeris, but who Cloud prefers is pretty open ended... the only person who can tell for sure is the person (or probably bunch of people) who wrote the story.

03-12-2005, 11:09 PM
yeah... square(enix) has all the answers...

The Garbage Man
03-12-2005, 11:59 PM
Well depending on what you chose durring the game he could have chosenTifa instead of Aeris.
lol, you can actually have a date with barret also...which i havent tried out yet, but i bet it is funny :P

The Anti-Existence
03-13-2005, 05:28 AM
A. you people are putting WAY too much thought into this...

B. Aeris. I personally like Tifa more, but Aeris and Cloud go good together. They're both incredibly stupid.

03-13-2005, 06:22 AM
Lol, I didn't know that. Could you PM and tell me how to do it.

Kit Thespian
03-13-2005, 09:21 PM
Who would Cloud choose? Probably Aeris. Who's the better choice for him? Tifa. Aeris is a beautiful girl (and really, it depends on which animation you're looking at to tell who is more beautiful. Sometimes Aeris, sometimes Tifa) but let's put physical issues aside (that includes Tifa's cup size).

Tifa's the better catch for following reasons:

1) She loves Cloud unconditionally. I don't know if Aeris would have stuck by him when he was poisoned, or if she would have put up with him chasing after another girl.

2) Of the two women, Tifa has a head on her shoulders. She could look after Cloud (and he needs to be looked after, IMHO) more than Aeris could. I don't think Aeris would put up with him for long; she's too flighty. She'd probably end up leaving him and Tifa would have to pick up the remains, so to speak.

As for "Aeris was more self-sacrificing," I don't think she knew that Sephiroth would come swooping down to stab her in the back. She just skipped along in there unawares. And if you want to talk about self-sacrificing, look at reason one. Tifa is one of the most long-suffering women in video game history. I would have smacked Cloud in the head long ago.

Besides the fact (this might be irrelevant to some) that Tifa can cook like nobody's business.

Cloud should pick Tifa, but because of the general thickness of his skull, he would probably pick Aeris.

04-08-2005, 10:04 PM
i really think dat cloud and aeris belong to eachother. Aeris was da only one who can make cloud laugh and have fun and when aeris died, cloud was on da verge of tears. so if aeris didn't die, i think cloud would of still went with aeris. O:]

One Who Suffers
04-09-2005, 02:02 AM
Tifa, big breasts and short shorts. End of story.

04-09-2005, 02:07 AM
He would've taken them both and had sex with them every day until he got some type of STD.

One Who Suffers
04-09-2005, 03:19 AM
They don't have STDs there

the guy watching you
04-09-2005, 09:36 AM
how do we know that hmmmm...?

04-09-2005, 09:42 AM
heyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!! i belive it to be aeris he would of ended up with, hes known tifa a long time and he would of said something.........but maybe he could of ended up with yufffie!!! he-he unlikly though

Kit Thespian
04-09-2005, 08:34 PM
Hey, I've read stories...

Sephiroth vs. Cloud
04-13-2005, 01:56 AM
Cloud would probably end up with Aerith because Aerith is open and talks to him about her feelings, unlike Tifa. Both Tifa and Aerith like Cloud, but Tifa doesn't show or admit it. Aerith does. But I think that both of them deserve to be with Cloud. After all, they both care, but Tifa doesn't show it because she's afraid of her feelings and she's afraid that her memories are messed up and not Cloud's, that's why she does not have the courage to talk to Cloud about that - it's not like she doesn't care, because she cares at least as much as Aerith does. But the thing is, Cloud would probably choose Aerith simply because Tifa doesn't want to show her feelings, and Cloud would never know that Tifa likes him, that would make Cloud's choice much easier. Now if Tifa were as open about her feelings just as Aerith is, that would make things difficult. No matter who Cloud would choose, one of the two would end up getting her feelings hurt, and Cloud wouldn't want that. In that case, Cloud could even decide to choose no one.

This is true, however, but maybe there was a part of the "real" Cloud that liked her as well. After all, Aerith is a great girl. ^_^

ur right. im beginning 2 think that we think almost EXACTLY THE SAME about FFVII. Cloud wouldnt have married and stayed exactly where he was ^^

Who would Cloud choose? Probably Aeris. Who's the better choice for him? Tifa. Aeris is a beautiful girl (and really, it depends on which animation you're looking at to tell who is more beautiful. Sometimes Aeris, sometimes Tifa) but let's put physical issues aside (that includes Tifa's cup size).

Tifa's the better catch for following reasons:

1) She loves Cloud unconditionally. I don't know if Aeris would have stuck by him when he was poisoned, or if she would have put up with him chasing after another girl.

2) Of the two women, Tifa has a head on her shoulders. She could look after Cloud (and he needs to be looked after, IMHO) more than Aeris could. I don't think Aeris would put up with him for long; she's too flighty. She'd probably end up leaving him and Tifa would have to pick up the remains, so to speak.

As for "Aeris was more self-sacrificing," I don't think she knew that Sephiroth would come swooping down to stab her in the back. She just skipped along in there unawares. And if you want to talk about self-sacrificing, look at reason one. Tifa is one of the most long-suffering women in video game history. I would have smacked Cloud in the head long ago.

Besides the fact (this might be irrelevant to some) that Tifa can cook like nobody's business.

Cloud should pick Tifa, but because of the general thickness of his skull, he would probably pick Aeris.
god DAMNIT stop saying u want 2 kill me in ur sig. btw Cloud is not stupid. hes smarter than ul ever b if u keep thinking like that. Aeris and Tifa both know Cloud equally well and dont really care if from Tifa's view Clouds going out with Aeris and from Aeris' view hes going out with Tifa. people that think like u make me sick.

Tifa, big breasts and short shorts. End of story.
u are REALLY screwed up. its not the appearance. its the personality

He would've taken them both and had sex with them every day until he got some type of STD.
probably not. i dont think u have the way Cloud thinks right yet.

heyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!! i belive it to be aeris he would of ended up with, hes known tifa a long time and he would of said something.........but maybe he could of ended up with yufffie!!! he-he unlikly though
Yuffie?!?!? too young 4 him. hes 21 Yuffie is 16 and doesnt know how 2 drive yet. AND i dont think that he would have ended up with anyone. i expect that he would stay right where he is.

04-13-2005, 08:48 AM
Even tho i like both of them...........I recken that he would have ended up with aeris.

04-17-2005, 10:11 AM
It's Tifa all the way, that's what I think.

04-17-2005, 10:22 PM
He would certainly hav chosen Aeris bcos at the beginning of the game he bought a flower frm her if u choose to.If Aeris hadnt died,im sure that their love wuld have flourished more in the game

Kit Thespian
04-22-2005, 07:28 AM
god DAMNIT stop saying u want 2 kill me in ur sig. btw Cloud is not stupid. hes smarter than ul ever b if u keep thinking like that. Aeris and Tifa both know Cloud equally well and dont really care if from Tifa's view Clouds going out with Aeris and from Aeris' view hes going out with Tifa. people that think like u make me sick.

I may make you sick, but at least I have a working knowledge of english grammar.

And you have to admit, while he may not be stupid, Cloud isn't the most sensible of people. I still cling to the belief that he should choose Tifa.

04-22-2005, 10:19 PM
He would certainly hav chosen Aeris bcos at the beginning of the game he bought a flower frm her if u choose to.If Aeris hadnt died,im sure that their love wuld have flourished more in the game

Yeah there love might have flourished if she had survived. But maybe Cloud would have dated them both at the same time and played them off against each other. Tifa would win as she has bigger TiTs and wear short shorts, whilst Aeris wears plainer clothing.

Kit Thespian
04-23-2005, 07:25 AM
I don't think that Cloud would date both of them at the same time. That would be like an Archie/Betty/Veronica thing. I don't think he would be able to juggle them together. These girls seem to me to be the types that would have him choose. Besides, I don't think the other members of AVALANCHE would let Cloud play the two girls like that.

I seriously doubt that Tifa (in a real life setting) would dress in short shorts (or a short skirt, I think) like that all the time. Look at Advent Children pictures. She would win simply by virtue of the fact that she's the better pick for Cloud. Poor Aeris; she needed a man, but not Cloud Strife.

Now, the flower thing is actually kind of funny, because you can buy the flower from Aeris, but then you can give it as a present to Tifa, so it kind of goes both ways.

04-26-2005, 03:28 AM
i would choose tifa, aeris is too much of a goody-goody girl...i would really love to smack her upside the head...she would then probably turn around and ask me if i wanted a flower.....

06-12-2005, 07:00 PM
He wants Aeris, hench his fascination for her in FFVIIAC. He has to finnaly let go and live on, exactly what will happen in FFVIIAC

06-12-2005, 07:26 PM
i would choose tifa, aeris is too much of a goody-goody girl...i would really love to smack her upside the head...she would then probably turn around and ask me if i wanted a flower.....
This thread clearly ask for "Cloud's Decision." not yours.

06-12-2005, 07:49 PM
Cloud would surely choose Marlene.

Nanaki 13
06-12-2005, 11:15 PM
i think he would have gone woth neather. it would have hurt the other too much.

maybe he was waiting for one to die...or he had it planned...

President Rufus
06-14-2005, 07:22 PM
i agree with lady obscurity

Tidus 66
06-14-2005, 07:35 PM
He would go with Aeris... i dunno they seem good together, that's the only reason i can find

06-15-2005, 10:56 PM
Aeris is a bitch, never liked here, obvisily Tifa.

06-20-2005, 11:32 PM
aeris is da obvious choice!!!!!! cloud and tifa were never childhood friends becuz they don't noe anything about eachother at all! not only dat, tifa lied tuh him through out da whole game. why would cloud choose someone who can't understand him and someone who he can't even open to?

06-20-2005, 11:59 PM
I think if Aeris never have appeared he probably would choose Tifa.

Atom Narmor
06-25-2005, 05:13 AM
I think cloud will die anyway in AC due to his Geo stigma sickness. I also believe he'll join Aeris in the life stream. But if he doesn't die Aeris IS dead, you can't build a life like that. +
DD is better than A