09-24-2016, 02:37 PM
Kamen Rider / Masked Rider Series Archive

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I have been spending the last long while compiling any subtitled material I could find into a convenient archive for both easy access and to have a single place where folks can be introduced to the wonderful world of Kamen Rider. Right now, with the upcoming final episode of the current season, I see no better time than to share what I have created with all of you!

The subtitles listed here are all by groups other than TV-Nihon. I feel the archive is better off without wonky translations and sometimes having words or phrases not translated at all.

Here is what is included in the archive:

Every properly subbed series from the very first series (Kamen Rider '71) to the most recent (Build), miniseries, movies, and anime spinoffs
Both American adaptations of Kamen Rider: Saban's Masked Rider and Kamen Rider Dragon Knight
FamiKamen Rider webseries by the late Justin Carmical, aka JewWario
Art books and design catalogues
English-translated manga
Soundtrack material
Music videos

Now for information on the various series:

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Kamen Rider (1971)
Subtitled by: KITsubs (1-49) XIG Fansubs (50 onwards)
Episodes available: 98


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Kamen Rider V3 (1973)
Subtitled by: Generation Kikaida
Episodes available: 52


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Kamen Rider X (1974)
Subtitled by: Turn Up Scrubs (1-6), TMS aka The Masked Subbers (7 onwards), DenScrubs (movie)
Episodes available: 22 + 1 movie
Status: in progress


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Kamen Rider Amazon (1974)
Subtitled by: Hi no Tori Fansubs
Episodes available: 24


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Kamen Rider Stronger (1975)
Subtitled by: Midnight Crew Subs w/ KITsubs
Episodes available: 39


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Kamen Rider (Skyrider) (1979)
Subtitled by: KITsubs
Episodes available: 54


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Kamen Rider Super-1 (1980)
Subtitled by: Super XIG Fansubs
Episodes available: 48 + 1 movie


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Kamen Rider ZX (1984)
Subtitled by: Midnight Crew Subs
Episodes available: 1 special


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Kamen Rider Black (1987)
Subtitled by: Stone w/ Century Kings
Episodes available: 51 + 2 movies


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Kamen Rider Black RX (1988)
Subtitled by: Stone
Episodes available: 47 + 1 special
Status: COMPLETE, soon to be scrubbed by OZC-Live


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Kamen Rider Kuuga (2000)
Subtitled by: Midnight Crew Subs
Episodes available: 49 (updating with BD encodes)


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Kamen Rider Agito (2001)
Subtitled by: GomenRider Fansubs
Episodes available: 51 + 1 movie + 1 special


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Kamen Rider Ryuki (2002)
Subtitled by: Sub-Vent (1-24), Scrub-Vent (25 onward)
Episodes available: 25 + 1 HBV
Status: in progress


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Kamen Rider 555 (2003)
Subtitled by: GabuAnon (steadily being updated with kneescrubs release), Over-Time (Hyper Battle Video), 555scrubs (Paradise Lost)
Episods available: 14 + 1 HBV + 1 joke sub
Status: in progress


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Kamen Rider Blade (2004)
Subtitled by: EXCITE! (ongoing), Turn Up Scrubs
Episodes available: 2 (EXCITE!), 49 + 1 HBV + 1 movie + 4 specials (Turn Up)
Status: Ongoing (EXCITE!), COMPLETE (Turn Up)


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Kamen Rider Hibiki (2005)
Subtitled by: Metronome Subs, Shushutto Scrubs
Episodes available: 16 (Metronome), 24 (Shushutto)
Status: in progress


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Kamen Rider Kabuto (2006)
Subtitled by: Yongou over Yander Subs (hybrid encodes by Kadubbed)
Episodes available: 49 + 1 Movie + 1 HBV + English Dub


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Kamen Rider Den-O (2007)
Subtitled by: OrangeLion Subs
Episodes available: 16
Status: in progress


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Kamen Rider Kiva (2008)
Subtitled by: Railler Subs
Episodes available: 21 + 6 MVs
Status: in progress


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Kamen Rider Decade (2009)
Subtitled by: a bunch of people (will replace with upcoming MegaBeast Empire subs)
Episodes available: 31 + 1 live show


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Kamen Rider Double (W) (2009)
Subtitled by: W-Time, aka Over-Time (BD encodes by OZC-Live)
Episodes available: 49 + 4 movies + 3 specials


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Kamen Rider OOO (2010)
Subtitled by: Over-Time (BD encodes by OZC-Live)
Episodes available: 48 + Final Episode Director's Cut + 3 movies + Let's Go Kamen Riders net movies + Cakeboss joke posts


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Kamen Rider Fourze (2011)
Subtitled by: Over-Time (BD encodes by OZC-Live)
Episodes available: 48 + 3 movies + English Dub of 34-48 + 2 HBV + 4 Crayon Shin-chan specials


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Kamen Rider Wizard (2012)
Subtitled by: Over-Time (BD encodes by OZC-Live)
Episodes available: 53 + 2 movies + English dub of 1-13


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Kamen Rider Gaim (2013)
Subtitled by: OZC-Live (BD encodes w/ subs revised from �sir, Over-Time, Imagination Station, kirakira, OrangeLion), Anything Goes! Fansubs (stage show)
Episodes available: 47 + 4 movies + 1 special + stage show + 12 joke subs


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Kamen Rider Drive (2014)
Subtitled by: Over-Time (BD encodes by OZC-Live)
Episodes available: 48 + 4 movies + 6 specials


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Kamen Rider Ghost (2015)
Subtitled by: Over-Time (BD encodes by OZC-Live)
Episodes available: 50 + 2 movies + 8 specials


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Kamen Rider Ex-Aid (2016)
Subtitled by: EXCITE! Subs (BD encodes by OZC-Live)
Episodes available: 45 + 1 movie + 10 specials + 1 MV


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Kamen Rider Build (2017)
Subtitled by: Over-Time
Episodes available: 8
Status: in progress


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Kamen Rider Amazons (2016)
Subtitled by: Over-Time (BD encodes by OZC-Live)
Episodes available: 26 (Season 1 & 2)


Separate Movies and Specials

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Shin Kamen Rider Prologue (1992, MOVIE)
Subtitled by: ShinVent

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Kamen Rider SD (1993, SPECIAL)
Subtitled by: ShinVent

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Kamen Rider ZO (1993, MOVIE)
Subtitled by: Weeaboo-Shogun

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Kamen Rider J (1994, MOVIE)
Subtitled by: MegaAnon

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Kamen Rider World (1994, SPECIAL)
Subtitled by: MegaAnon

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Kamen Rider THE FIRST (2005, MOVIE)
Subtitled by: Tokyo Shock (BD encode by OZC-Live)

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Kamen Rider THE NEXT (2007, MOVIE)
Subtitled by: OZC-Live (BD encoded, scrubbed from TV-Nihon)
includes Malaysian English dub encode

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Kamen Rider G (2009, SPECIAL)
Subtitled by: MegaAnon


American Adaptations

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Saban's Masked Rider (1995)

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Kamen Rider Dragon Knight (2008)


Unofficial Webseries

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FamiKamen Rider (reviews & shorts plus Farewell FamiKamen Rider movie)


Link to the archive:!AqY8Ot3xprOlifkZA8Z6m6d0pEYS-w

I hope you enjoy what I have collected!

09-28-2016, 04:15 AM
The archive is now up-to-date with the final episode of Kamen Rider Ghost: Future! Connected Feelings!

09-30-2016, 02:08 AM
The archive has been updated with episode 12 of Railler Subs's Kamen Rider Kiva project - First Gig: Golden Speed!

10-02-2016, 05:50 AM
Archive presentation has been given a face-lift to make it look more visually appealing, adding thumbnail images for each series.

10-03-2016, 08:34 PM
It has been announced that brand-new group EXCITE! Subs has stood up to tackle Kamen Rider Ex-Aid, and the first episode has been uploaded to the archive hardsubbed.

10-24-2016, 09:09 PM
The entirety of Kamen Rider Skyrider has been uploaded to the archive, subbed and all. Turns out the scripts for the remaining episodes had already been completed, so I muxed and hardsubbed them myself.

11-18-2016, 09:48 PM
Thank you so Much Been Dying to See Ex Aid

11-21-2016, 11:23 PM
Thank you so Much Been Dying to See Ex Aid

You're very welcome. I make periodic updates whenever new material comes in. For example, another episode of Kiva has been released by Railler

02-04-2017, 04:22 PM
Made several updates, including '71 Rider being done by XIG and on episode 86 at the time of this reply, and a few other series being updated accordingly.

Also, I've downgraded the BD encodes to 720p so that I'll have more room to include more material in the future.

02-04-2017, 05:49 PM
WOW. This is simply astounding, everything all in one place! This is really quite an undertaking, thank you so much for all your effort!

09-14-2017, 04:25 PM
I've been steadily working on this as new material comes in, but I've finally updated this thread after the longest time to include the latest material, including the currently-airing series, Kamen Rider Build.

10-10-2017, 09:44 AM

10-21-2017, 12:50 PM
thank you very much for your hardworks ^_^

12-18-2017, 05:27 AM
Thank you for your hardwork.. Nice job

01-01-2018, 12:32 PM
Who did the non-Metronome Hibiki subs?

07-11-2018, 06:37 AM
Can you upload the rest of the Shushutto Subs Hibiki? They finished it recently.