09-22-2016, 07:22 PM

Read more about the album on my web site (text in English) - OOGUS (http://oogus.ru/en-batman-arkham-knight-unofficial-soundtrack).
PW: xTkjDtrktNeXFZVsiM

YANDEX (http://linkshrink.net/7cWWuW) MEGA (http://linkshrink.net/7H1f6K)

09-23-2016, 11:50 AM
Amateur Mix-album? More like a PRO! Thank you so much for this, VladlenCry, what an amazing OST!

09-23-2016, 12:49 PM

04-14-2017, 12:29 PM
VERY much looking forward to this. The other one I have from the Shrine here is 18 hours but also includes in-game music and cinematic music which sounds "off" (a bit muffled) compared to the regular audio files/layers.

EDIT: I read your article and as soon as I clicked the link to BSHIVELY's reddit post, I knew it... His edit was posted here too. You could be right that he just recorded everything in-game. That would explain the sound quality discrepancies.

04-14-2017, 02:00 PM
Thanks VladenCry

07-05-2017, 11:09 AM
Thank you so much for your awesome work

Zouk !
07-08-2017, 01:35 AM
Very interesting explanations on your page, I'm an huge fan of this Batman soundtrack, so I will give a try with your amateur mix.
Liking it or not (need to listen first obviously), mixing it's a hard and time consuming task, so thanks for your work ! ^^
Please continue this kind of work and gamerip ^^

Just a question, why not compress your mix to a lossless format instead to recompress to ogg ?

07-08-2017, 04:59 AM
Just a question, why not compress your mix to a lossless format instead to recompress to ogg ?
Many programs for converting and each in its own way compresses. In my case, there was no point, because. All the same, the resulting format is ogg. The quality was not much different.

Zouk !
07-11-2017, 06:01 PM
Many programs for converting and each in its own way compresses. In my case, there was no point, because. All the same, the resulting format is ogg. The quality was not much different.
Not sure to understand your answer, I don't use Adobe Audition but I'm pretty confident that it's capable to output to a lossless format (wav, aiff, etc...). You mean you can't do this ? If so, why ?
Original OGG (lossy format)+ RECOMPRESS (with a lossy format again) = LOWER quality than original files (even if you don't notice it and can be very subtle depending of bitrate)
Please reconsider your method and compress your amateur album to flac (or other lossless format), this is a pity to do not appreciate your work at best listening condition.

Thanks anyway.

07-12-2017, 02:24 AM
Not sure to understand your answer, I don't use Adobe Audition but I'm pretty confident that it's capable to output to a lossless format (wav, aiff, etc...). You mean you can't do this ? If so, why ?
Original OGG (lossy format)+ RECOMPRESS (with a lossy format again) = LOWER quality than original files (even if you don't notice it and can be very subtle depending of bitrate)
Please reconsider your method and compress your amateur album to flac (or other lossless format), this is a pity to do not appreciate your work at best listening condition.
Thanks anyway.
I will answer shortly. Iwill not convert lossy to lossless. If you so want to all have only in lossless, even if the frequency spectra will not match the high quality, then take and convert my album to FLAC.
If I converted to WAV, the spectra would still not be for high quality.

Zouk !
07-12-2017, 03:01 AM
I will answer shortly. Iwill not convert lossy to lossless. If you so want to all have only in lossless, even if the frequency spectra will not match the high quality, then take and convert my album to FLAC.
If I converted to WAV, the spectra would still not be for high quality.

It's not about convert lossy to lossless, it's about convert YOUR MIX to lossless to preserve high original quality and avoiding more sound degradation.

Convert myself your OGG to FLAC will be 100% useless, it's like resizing a low resolution photo to 4K, re-sampling algorithms can't make your photos crisper by adding missing data (except in sci-fi movies or in CSI lol), you don't gain quality this way... ;-)
The FLAC/WAV output of your mix would be the only interesting source for a lossless version. RE-compressing to OGG leads to audio degradation as subtle it can be.

But no problem, I respect your decision if you don't want to do it, I just wanted to understand and discuss with you to be sure you're understanding this. At least, I tried to convince you.
Please just keep in mind that re-compress any already lossy format will ALWAYS lost even more data, I mean ALWAYS, OGG like MP3 is a destructive format (the same rules applies for video when re-encoding videos, you loose information in the process not like remuxing, but that's another story).

Thank you anyway, keep up the good work.

09-05-2017, 05:27 PM
link received - THANK YOU!