03-04-2005, 08:06 AM
I know we have the two overly large threads for discussing this, but i thought jus to get it out in the open, we could have a debate on the various subjects of Final Fantasy 7, in a controlled, professional manner. We could go over one subject every two days, and these subjects can range from the storyline, the battle system, all the way to the music...then everyone can post their opinions on that matter. You can state your opinion...(but please state your reasoning to back it up...jus dont say...hey...ff7 is cool...or hey, i hate that part of the game. Give it enough reasoning so everyone can relate to you.) I also do not want any specific finger pointing at anyone that post in here, such as saying..."hey so and so...your stupid for your opinions....your such a noob for not thinking exactly how i think".....NO! Feel free to state your opinion, and to counter example someone elses...jus dont flame the guy! Feel free to state your opinions on this thread...and if it sounds like a legit idea...and give me some ideas on subjects to debate, and hopefully we can start in a day or two. Im hoping this will substitute the other threads, and be the main thread to debate everyones opinions on Final Fantasy VII.

03-04-2005, 09:10 AM
Fuck it!! Now we have three of these fuckers!

03-04-2005, 05:14 PM
hey, if you could actually read...which it doesnt look like you can, i said i want this to replace both of the ones we already have...and for this place to be a place to debate it in a professional matter...you dont have to get all pissy...(must be that time of the month...)

40k Tarnag Dark Assasin
03-04-2005, 05:30 PM
Hell never gonna happen noob

03-04-2005, 05:40 PM
hell, it sounds like yur a bigger noob than i am. Calling other people noobs, when you only have a couple hundred post more than i have, and only a couple months on me is pathetic and low...why dont you get a life, rather than playin war with lil figurines like i did when i was 6

03-04-2005, 06:59 PM
*shakes head* how sad

Hex Omega
03-04-2005, 07:31 PM
now,now girls no need for insults

03-04-2005, 08:02 PM
This was meant to be a debate thread not a flamin thread come on guys get urselves together and lets debate.I start with characters.Who do u think shuld hav been Cloud's girl according to ur opinion and not the games opinion

03-04-2005, 09:11 PM
yes, i know...i got a little out of hand, but there seems to be a lot of people on this forum that like to bitch more than anything else. But yeah, as for the debate....its more of a debate on how good/bad the game is on certain aspects. I have compiled a list of things to debate on as here follows...

Game difficulty
Graphics/CG Cinema
Battle System
Extras (hidden special items, sidequest, mini-games and the such)
Overall playability...

Each one of these will go for two-three days

if there are any other ideas...then submit them as well as we debate....so lets start with the storyline....what did everyone think about the storyline? Remember to give specific examples...and from here on out...lets keep it professional and no flaming...

03-04-2005, 11:32 PM
How about no? We already have two threads that will not be taken down anytime soon!

03-04-2005, 11:43 PM
how bout you stay outta my thread if you dont like it...all you are doing is contributing to it by putting it at the top again and again...

03-05-2005, 12:45 AM
But only one person likes your thread...

03-05-2005, 12:49 AM
meh...then it looks like only 1 person will debate in it then..along with me....im ok with this....if you dont like it either...then know how to stay out

03-05-2005, 02:29 PM
This thread is seriously unnecessary. It really IS pointless to create a thread to replace an existing thread. I'm not going to say anymore, but this thread should be closed.

03-06-2005, 09:12 AM
for one thing...i said it is to replace two threads...and another...dont post in this thread jus to say it shud be closed

Rabid Monkey
03-11-2005, 12:17 AM
for one thing...i said it is to replace two threads...and another...dont post in this thread jus to say it shud be closed

That is for the mods to decide, not you.

03-11-2005, 12:51 AM
how is it the mods decision on what my thread is for...they havent complained one bit about it so far...

Rabid Monkey
03-11-2005, 01:36 AM
I thought my point would have been obvious. I meant that it is up to them whether or not this thread should replace the other two threads THAT ARE EXACTLY THE SAME.

03-11-2005, 03:45 AM
Rabid Monkey must be a waiter...

Unseen, you just got served!! (yes, I have used this exact pun before)

03-11-2005, 05:17 AM
Why the CORNY jokes?! Lmao. I can't help laughing.

03-11-2005, 06:24 AM
well, the other two threads have now been destroyed since i came along...so i dont wanna replace them anymore...they are jus trash now...and i know..i got served up in this hizouse for rizouse....i mean cmon...shizzle my nizzal for rizzal...word?

03-14-2005, 03:02 AM
i think that this thread is cool so y not n who cares if there is more than 1 it is not like it is hurting anything now is it and if you dont like it than jus dont post in it it is just that simple and more beter than u people crying about 1 more thread in the board and i no that right now i am a noob so you dont have to point it out at me just because i have under 10 posts

03-14-2005, 04:45 AM
exactly...i dont see the problem with staying out of threads if you dont like em. And its cool if your a noob...we have all been there once...i still am...if people dont like it...then they can shove it in their asses and shutup...anywho....good to see some support in this thread...

03-14-2005, 10:13 PM
i think that this thread is cool so y not n who cares if there is more than 1 it is not like it is hurting anything now is it and if you dont like it than jus dont post in it it is just that simple and more beter than u people crying about 1 more thread in the board and i no that right now i am a noob so you dont have to point it out at me just because i have under 10 posts

More than 1 is one thing; more than 2 is quite another. But enough about that, if you guys actually want this to be a debate thread, then start posting points.

03-15-2005, 03:15 AM
But so one posted here for like DAYS. We are busy in the other thread.

03-15-2005, 08:21 AM
yeah..screw this one...

mister pickle
03-17-2005, 10:32 PM
i'm going to forget all this childish bickering ... you don't like a professional thread then get the X-ATMO-92 out of here (anyone who doesn't know what the X-ATMO-92 is it's the crab-like robot in ffVIII). i thought the storyline is one of the best to date due to the incredible plot twists and the way every characters get a minute in the spotlight as opposed to one being the leader and everyone acting like sheep and not questioning

03-19-2005, 12:51 AM
Never mind the fact that all they get is a single moment in the spotlight. In a truly good story, all the characters would develop fairly evenly over its course. In FFVII, each character's development is entirely done in one shot, then they're forgotten as the storyline trudges forward, which serves to make party selection nothing more than an aesthetic choice rather than one that could seriously affect the final outcome of a situation.

04-19-2005, 02:50 AM
I agree and this is a good thread. anyways I did like the storyline in ff7 but i liked ff8 better. It just seemed to be getting better and better until x-2 came out. I mean the graphics are the same as ten and it has a bad storyline I hated the dress spheres! But no offense to those of you who liked it I'm just stating my opinion.

Oh yea hey unseen I like the little kicked back Homer look It's very slimming.

04-19-2005, 10:28 PM
Never mind the fact that all they get is a single moment in the spotlight. In a truly good story, all the characters would develop fairly evenly over its course. In FFVII, each character's development is entirely done in one shot, then they're forgotten as the storyline trudges forward, which serves to make party selection nothing more than an aesthetic choice rather than one that could seriously affect the final outcome of a situation.

Yup, you're right. I know this from my own experience. My choice of characters was always purely aesthetic. Although FFVII is my favorite game, I have to say that FFVIII has a better storyline.

But I think that the reason for this is that Aerith was meant to die fast, so they wanted to do this before she dies, so that Aerith gets to know all the others before she dies, I think. So that no one could say that Aerith was never a part of the group because she didn't know a half of them. I think it's because of her that the character development was done in one shot. This may sound stupid, but hey, it's just a theory, don't take me seriously.

Kit Thespian
04-22-2005, 06:53 PM
I agree with that, Monk. Aeris was probably meant to die fast and they wanted to get all the characters in.

FFVIII has a better storyline? Really? I've never played it, except for the first ten minutes, but I heard that FFVII is better. I don't know. (I thought Squall was cute)

One of the reasons why people get into FFVII is because it's fairly vague in some areas, and they are able to view certain situations the way that they want to view them. It's almost Shakespearean, in a way. There are several vague situations that people enjoy to formulate theories from, such as "Why did Sephiroth turn insane so all of a sudden?" or "What was really going on in the Hojo, Lucrecia, and Vincent situation?" or "Who does Cloud love?". It's the only video game I know that has these sort of things.

Personally, on a completely different subject, I like gaining experience. FFVII is the only game where I actually enjoy gaining experience. The Limit Breaks are fun to do and watch, and the characters' individual fighting stances and techniques are interesting. Though I often wonder, doesn't Cloud get a little tired of swinging that sword around every time they win a battle? (smirk)

04-23-2005, 05:24 PM
I think ff8 had the better storyline, im always replaying ff7 but i still never seem to understand the storyline completely however ff7 did have better characters that you could relate to, better battle system and better music..

Kit Thespian
04-23-2005, 07:26 PM
I loved the music. I think the melodies in FFVI were better written, but the arrangements in FFVII are incredible.

04-23-2005, 09:11 PM
The arrangements sure are incredible in FFVII. FFVII is really hard to understand but after a while u get it.

04-24-2005, 12:04 AM
speaking of the music...whats up with them stealing Aries theme for FFX's Tidus and Yuna scenes...i thought that was dumb

04-24-2005, 02:04 AM

arent there two other debate threads JUST LIKE THIS??????

how dumb can you guys get??? you waste you time posting page long posts about why FFVII is good or not. when you can just do it on the OTHER threads that have this topic. good job, geniouses.