03-04-2005, 03:05 AM
( please and thanks )

i had a look on a different website, and they say to cast bad breath on it... but i tried that 6 times, and every time it missed..... and then i died(for like the 4th time lol) its kinda frustrating... am i missing something?

03-04-2005, 04:28 AM
Yeah, the Earth Guardian can be a pain, as you only have Zidane and Quina in the battle. Firstly, if you have Auto-Regen at that point, make sure it's equipped. Secondly, it would be a good idea before hand to have gotten a number of Quina's Blue Magic spells - in particular Mighty Guard is invaluable. I don't think Bad Breath works too well though, as the boss is undead.

Hopefully Zidane has a powerful weapon at that point, so have him attacking (using his skills like Thievery will also help - although Thievery works in relation to how much Zidane has stolen from enemies) as well as using his Dyne Trance attacks when they become available, and have Quina as the medic for the battle. Have him/her cast Mighty Guard immiedately, and then heal with potions if needed (although they may be somewhat ineffectual. Having Auto-Regen also helps a great deal). Most likely though it will turn into a slugging match between the boss and Zidane, with Quina KO'd.

As the Earth Guardian is undead, throwing curative items at it also helps (although I can't remember if a Phoenix Down or Phoenix Pinion kills it in one hit though...). Also, because the Earth Guardian is classed also as a flying enemy, use Quina's Twister Blue Magic spell, as it should cause quite a lot of damage.

03-04-2005, 05:53 AM
All you need is auto float....and he becomes easy..

03-04-2005, 11:02 PM
Hey thats all REALLLY helpfull! thanks to you both heaps.... its a shame im working today.... ill have to give it a try on monday... so ill reply again then if it worked:) thanks again

03-06-2005, 04:18 PM
try to eat it with quina bcoz u get the earthquake blue magic and u it is possible to eat afta hes lost 3/4 of his health(about 15k)

03-06-2005, 05:25 PM
Here's what I did each time I went through the game, just heal whenever you can and heal each turn until you hit Trance, then two Grand Lethals and it's dead, (and like one or two physical attacks).

03-06-2005, 06:41 PM
for me what i did was to use quina for healing until she died, and the whole time when zidane was in trance (his bar was almost there) i used grand lethal till trance ran out.

03-06-2005, 08:30 PM
Well all I did was use AUTO FLOAT and his attacks DIDNT HURT ME so I didn't really need to do anything other then try to make sure I ate him.

03-07-2005, 03:14 AM
lol thats a good strat... i didn't know what i was doin then so i had quina with float lol

03-28-2005, 09:14 AM
Well, strangly enough i hadn't had any chance at all until today to give all your help a try.... coz weve got relos over... but they went out today.. so i had a try.. and hey! it worked.

everything enyone said helped me, so thanks heaps. i beat him in like 5 minutes. maybe it was just bad luck previously.... oh well thanks anyhoo.

03-28-2005, 09:23 AM
What! Someones having trouble with the Earth Guardian? I didnt think that was possible, he was one of the easiest guys ever. Auto Float and Auto Regen do the trick. Mass attack, or use Quinas Magic.

03-28-2005, 01:40 PM
i had Zidane w/ Auto Float and (i think) Auto Regen. Quina gets healed by the earthquakes so the boss is easier to beat.