View Full Version : Thread 209798">Hector Berlioz - Rom�o et Juliette, op 17 [2016 :LSO Live][FLAC]

09-14-2016, 03:57 PM

Released in the year of Shakespeare’s 400th anniversary, Valery Gergiev and London Symphony Orchestra are joined by soloists Olga Borodina, Kenneth Tarver and Evgeny Nikitin for Berlioz' 'Rom�o et Juliette', recorded live at the Barbican Hall in November 2013. Part of a major series of eight concerts, this work toured to venues in the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria and France.
A large-scale ‘symphonie dramatique’, 'Rom�o et Juliette' was the fruit of the composer’s dual fascination with Shakespeare and with the actress Harriet Smithson, whom he was later to marry. Using the story of the star-crossed lovers as a starting point, Shakespeare’s passion and drama is deftly portrayed through his music, as well as through the abundance of lyrical poetry, written by French poet �mile Deschamps.

Track List
No. 1 Introduction, Combats - Tumulte - Intervention du Prince
No. 1 Prologue, R�citatif Chorale "D'anciennes haines endormies"
No. 1 Prologue, Strophes "Premiers transports que nul n'oublie!"
No. 1 Prologue, R�citatif et Scherzetto "Bient�t de Rom�o"
No. 2, Rom�o seul - Tristesse - Bruit lointain de bal et de concert - Grande F�te chez Capulet
No. 3 Sc�ne d'amour, Nuit sereine - Le Jardin de Capulet, silencieux et d�sert "Oh�! Capulets, bonsoir!"
No. 4 Scherzo, La Reine Mab, ou la F�e des Songes
No. 5, Convoi fun�bre de Juliette "Jetez des fleurs pour la vierge expir�e!"
No. 6 Rom�o au tombeau des Capulets, Invocation - R�veil de Juliette
No. 7 Final, La foule accourt au cimeti�re - Rixe des Capulets et des Montagus "Quoi! Rom�o de retour" - R�citatif du P�re Laurence "Je vais d�voiler le myst�re"
No. 7 Final, Air du P�re Laurence "Pauvres enfants que je pleure"
No. 7 Final, Serment de r�conciliation "Jurez donc, par l'auguste symbole"

Olga Borodina, Kenneth Tarver,
Evgeny Nikitin,
London Symphony Chorus,
Guildhall School Singers,
London Symphony Orchestra, Valery Gergiev


09-14-2016, 06:24 PM
Thank you very much, tri2061990!

09-15-2016, 05:16 PM
Thank you, tri2061990! I don't recall hearing Berlioz's "Romeo..." before, but I very much enjoy Berlioz's work, so I am looking forward to hearing this :)

05-19-2017, 10:50 PM
Thank you!