03-03-2005, 02:22 AM
Hey everyone, since I'm still Playing FF8 I just barely got to disc 3, before you can get there you have to fight Edea.... again.

Well I found a really easy way to do it.

Basically just use your best judgement (you know souping your guys up with shell, haste , etc.)

However, summon Cerberus, and then with all of your guys do Tripple Flare, Im not quite sure where you get this spell from but I think you can get it from the same guys inside that building.

My average ... AVERAGE flare attack was doing about 900 dmg, thats pretty damn good consedirng thats only 1 out of 3 flares comming at her.... FROM ONE GUY!!

Hope this helps, also hope that someone who hasn't gotten to her yet uses my advice because thats my style ^ ^


03-03-2005, 04:24 AM
Hmm, that's one of the weirdest strategies I've ever seen for beating her, but I suppose it's doable. I usually just use standard tactics --- Meltdown / Aura / Limits. As for Flare, the only enemy I know of to draw it from is Ruby Dragons, but I suppose there might be one in that garden too that has it.

03-03-2005, 05:25 AM
Well I had a whole shitload of them, and I just recently fought Ruby Dragon, (Only fought 1 ruby dragon)

I'll look it up for you guys on where to draw it from, because I had about 27 per character, thats not a draw point.. I'll get back to you on that.

But the strat is the bomb ^ ^

03-03-2005, 05:52 AM
That's a pretty good strategy. For some reason, I love the Flare spell. For anyone wanting to know where to get it, on Disc 2 you could draw it from a high level Tri-Face, which you can find in Galbadia Garden, but make sure you've already got GF Tonberry so you can level it up. Otherwise, you could get around 30 Ruby Dragon cards from the student card players in the Garden; 10 will refine into 1 Inferno Fang, which will give you 20 Flares. 20 for each of your 3 team-members should be enough for Edea, right?

03-03-2005, 06:46 AM
Yup, thats it ha ha now I feel like a jackass cuz you said it before me = ( I knew it was somewhere in Galbadida Garden.

Flare really is a nice spell though.

Wait, you have Tonberry?? Good god what lvl did you get him at? I didn't feel like killing 20 tonberrys = ( Why do you need him anyway for flare?

20 flares for each?

Depends on your mag damage, Ive seen high lvls do shit for Magic damage, but average yea it should be, given that you have casted Cerberus.

03-03-2005, 06:55 AM
I usually get Tonberry after the Balamb invasion, then I travel over to the Desert on the Centra continent and learn all the abilities, minus the unnecessary levels =D

Level Up is because the Tri-Faces need to be of a high level (about 70, I think...) for you to be able to draw Flare spells from them. You would'nt want to be lvl. 70 at that point, that's too high a level.

03-03-2005, 06:59 AM
There another monster that I got flare from then..... the question is who!

03-03-2005, 07:04 AM
Well, you said you recently fought a Ruby Dragon, and they are a pretty reliable source of Flare; you can Draw from them and/or refine the Inferno Fangs that they drop for the spell.

03-03-2005, 07:05 AM
Naa this ruby dragon was the one that I had to fight Being Laguna....

Are you sure Tri Face has to be lvl 70?

03-03-2005, 07:13 AM

03-03-2005, 07:15 AM
Ha ha there ya go. No way now to find out for sure since Galbadia garden is history.. or is it?

Anyway for anyone whos still reading (Lol, besides Irvine = ) ) draw as many Flares *were not sure* from Triface as possible... but don't let Triface bully you around as his gas attack is a bitch.

(5 min later, this is an Edit)


I also managed to Cast Pain and Meltdown on Edea, soon after she fell asleep, dont know if it was attack junction or spell but you can sleep Edea given you do Meldown and Pain.. I think.... but I know she was asleep.

This means that Edea is

A. Asleep
B. Has 3 characters all with Tripple on them who will cast flare.

Reslut = Edea is screwed, we all know magic doesn't wake you up = )

03-03-2005, 07:28 AM
And don't forget your Mag+XX% abilities, aswell as junctioning your most powerful magic (apart from Flare, of course) to your party's Magic stats.

05-11-2005, 08:31 AM
Is Edea vulnerable to berserk, cause it would really help( draw from wendingo, sometimes u can get protect too!)

05-11-2005, 11:08 AM
That strategy seems to be a pretty roundabout way of doing things and a waste of flares as well.

Just go with meltdown. Then either aura. Or just boost up the attack strength and junction a powerful magic and hack away at her.

05-15-2005, 09:20 AM
yea for any boss including edea just use the aura,meltdown,Renzokuken and nail that bitch

05-15-2005, 09:24 AM
yea for any boss including edea just use the aura,meltdown,Renzokuken and nail that bitch80%+ of FFVIII's bosses can be defeated that way. It's too easy.

05-15-2005, 09:28 AM
yea i know i was just saying that because to waste flares when you could have them junctioned

The Ricky
05-15-2005, 10:25 AM
Simply blast Edea with a whole bunch of Limits, and you're good to go.

08-02-2005, 08:17 PM
Hmmm....all these complicated strategies. I did the simplest way possible. Draw massive amounts of magic early on. When you acquire the garden to to the Kaskabald desert in Esthar and level up your GF abilities. When you arrive at Galbadia Garden and meet Edea, again, beat the crap out of her. Personally I have found 95% of the Final Fantasy VIII bosses to be ridiculously easy. If worse comes to worse use Carbuncle in order to buy yourself a few turns, however if you are junctioned well that probably won't be an issue. Also keeping one or two characters and relatively low health isn't always a bad idea. It would only take a few limit breaks to finish her.

08-02-2005, 09:19 PM
Welcome to the Shrine --- please don't revive threads that haven't been posted in for well over two months --- especially strategy threads for a boss that the original poster has probably long since totally beaten up.