03-02-2005, 06:34 PM
Hey Everyone, I was just wondering If I'm doin ok in FF8 heres where I stand.

I just got Cerberus but what Im concerned about is am I strong enough for whats ahead, My party is
Zell lvl 37
Rinoa lvl 36
Sqaull lvl 41

Any good or no? I think Ihave all the GF's up to that point.

Thanks everyone ^ ^

03-02-2005, 09:04 PM
:) You're doing much better than that poor sap over in the other thread who made to Ultimecia with levels in the teens. As long as your junctioned magic and abilities are also good, you should be fine.

03-02-2005, 11:51 PM
Really? Thats good to hear ^ ^ ha ha poor sap , I pity the guy, things will look up though.

Yea my Squall is the Master of Junctions so he hass 100 % chance of Inflicting Death with his Physical attack. = )

I have another question though, It has to do with Junctions.

My Zell has the ST - Attack or EL attack thing learned, but when I go to the slot It wont let me use it, so I ask you guys 1 of 2 questions.

1. Does anyone know a Good Gaurdain Force combanation between characters? (IE: Sqaull gets him her and him , etc)

2. Or is there something I'm doing wrong? Because It's kinda important that Zell gets stat attack = )

Appreciate any advice, thanks.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-03-2005, 12:12 AM
Yeah I remember my first time playing I didn't undertand the junctioning and somehow I made it all the way to Raijin and Fujin at the Lunatic Pandora with perfectly acceptable levels but no stats and it was a sad state of affairs.

03-03-2005, 12:52 AM
Scyph, I think your confusion is that you think that characters can learn a particular ability. Abilities are associated with GFs, not characters, and the reason your Junction isn't working on Zell is probably because he doesn't currently have equipped the GF that learned that particular junction ability.

03-03-2005, 02:18 AM
When I said ability I meant like ... just learning it ha ha not actually equping the ability.

You know the El Stat attack and defense? His section is greyed out, yet his equpid GF has those skills learned (pardon the crappy grammar)

But I see what your sayin Agent, but I don't think thats the case.

An Ironic thing is Zell had these abilites, but I wanted Squall to have them, so I switched Zell's Siren with Squalls Brothers, squall now can use it but zell can't, but zell's other Gf's have the ability too so I dunno.

03-03-2005, 04:22 AM
I'm trying to get this, but I don't think I do. What version of the game are you playing? PC or Playstation? If you have the PC version, then I might be able to help you directly. If not, then I think I might need more info.

03-03-2005, 05:27 AM
Playstation = (

I don't really know what more info to give.... I think this could help though it's another question.

Do you know the best GF combination/layout for your party? I dont know if I do it different but the only people that have gf's are the 3 in my party. Maybe I just need to rearrange or something. --Shrug--

Thanks Agent youve been helping me in all 374 of my threads mwa ha ha ha.

03-03-2005, 05:48 AM
Scyph --- I really can't say. It really depends on what abilities you have. I usually try to keep them all equipped and opt for a balanced approach that gives all three characters as many junctions and useful abilities as possible. I find when playing FFVIII that it helps to write stuff down.

03-03-2005, 07:08 AM
I see what you mean.
I think I have some Re-organizing to do = S

OH well

03-04-2005, 01:16 AM
Scyph --- I really can't say. It really depends on what abilities you have. I usually try to keep them all equipped and opt for a balanced approach that gives all three characters as many junctions and useful abilities as possible. I find when playing FFVIII that it helps to write stuff down.

you don't really need to write stuff down, they're very easy to remember...

03-04-2005, 02:49 AM
sry but that BLOWS! i had all 100s at that point and the lionheart with 200 strength and 100 holys ultimas flares. i had every gf except the ones that require the ragnarok,( i own all at ff8) those levels suck you souldnt ever touch the game again you are a discrace! you dont deserve to fight grats with those levels!come back when u know how to play.

03-04-2005, 02:57 AM
Iam At Least 60 IQ Points Smarter Than You You grammar says otherwise.

And get over yourself, if you really did own all at FFVIII, you'd know that having all level 100s at that point is pretty stupid and that you're just making the game harder on yourself. This dude's on his first time through FFVIII and his levels are just fine, Junctions are the most important factor.

Come back when you know what you're talking about.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-04-2005, 04:22 AM
sry but that BLOWS! i had all 100s at that point and the lionheart with 200 strength and 100 holys ultimas flares. i had every gf except the ones that require the ragnarok,( i own all at ff8) those levels suck you souldnt ever touch the game again you are a discrace! you dont deserve to fight grats with those levels!come back when u know how to play.

First off, any TRUE FFVIIII player should know that your levels don't matter whatsoever because the monsters level up at the same rate you do.

Second, like Irvine said, being a level whore isn't "owning" shit, it's just being retarded. If you say, were going to loose a certain member before some point in the game then yeah I could understand maybe getting them up to 100 but what you're doing doesn't make sense.

Third, even though I'm pretty sure you're lying, having the stats that you did isn't the norm for that point in the game. It's MUCH past what is suitable so his levels by all means, do not blow.

Fourth, if you really are such a diehard FF fan and are so awesome then I would expect you to want to spread the word and help other people to do well on the games not criticize them for not having absolutely every single thing in the game before they need to.

03-04-2005, 05:06 AM
First off, any TRUE FFVIIII player should know that your levels don't matter whatsoever because the monsters level up at the same rate you do.
First off, there's no such game as FFVIIII --- check your number of Is.

Second and final off, your levels do matter because they determine what types of magic you can draw from enemies and what types of items they drop / you can Mug from them. This thing that levels don't matter in FFVIII at all is one huge myth and I'm starting to get a bit tired of seeing it.

03-04-2005, 05:13 AM
Also, certain junctions will increase your characters' stats every time they level. That can put them way ahead of the level curve the enemies follow.

03-04-2005, 07:55 AM
=your levels are fine in fact the lower the better get the bets weapons junction the bets and keep your levels low and the game will be easy.

03-04-2005, 10:28 AM
First off, there's no such game as FFVIIII --- check your number of Is.

Second and final off, your levels do matter because they determine what types of magic you can draw from enemies and what types of items they drop / you can Mug from them. This thing that levels don't matter in FFVIII at all is one huge myth and I'm starting to get a bit tired of seeing it.

I'd still rather be at the end in the teens/twenties than at 100 O:]

as long as your magic is decent relative to your level it's certainly playable. there may be certain prime spots though.

The Scientist
03-04-2005, 01:22 PM
1. Does anyone know a Good Gaurdain Force combanation between characters? (IE: Sqaull gets him her and him , etc)

This is what I got:

Char 1 Squall-Zell

Char 2 Rinoa-Quistis
Tonberry King

Char 3 Selphie-Irvine

It makes sure everyone got Str-J, HP-J, Vit-J,Spr-J,Mag-J, Hit-J and Elem-Defx2-J and St-Defx2-J and at least one x4 ..
I made an excel thing for this, and this should work out for a lot of people.

But actually it doesn't matter : If you Card Mod every GF and Char Card at least once, you can learn your GF's the abilities to make sure everyone had Elem-Defx4-J etc ..

Landlord of Sector 7
03-04-2005, 09:23 PM
I'd still rather be at the end in the teens/twenties than at 100 O:]

as long as your magic is decent relative to your level it's certainly playable. there may be certain prime spots though.

Exactly what I was getting at. People talk about how it DOES matter because the longer you play it the more abilities and magic you can have to junction but I haven't ever seen it to really matter whatsoever. I mean, I made it all the way to Raijin and Fujin at Lunatic Pandora without a single thing junctioned and my levels probably in the 20s.

Also, FFVIII***

03-04-2005, 11:29 PM
I'm not saying you can't do it that way, I'm just saying that if you want some of the better magic and stuff, it does help to have higher levels. Also, whoever it was that mentioned the level-up stat boosts made a good point.

Oh, and The Scientist, excellent work on that GF combo.

Aerith Gainsborough
03-11-2005, 09:58 AM
Do you know the best GF combination/layout for your party? I dont know if I do it different but the only people that have gf's are the 3 in my party. Maybe I just need to rearrange or something. --Shrug--

There are also only 3 characters with GF's when I'm playing. That's why I keep changing around all the time (but it is pretty easy, because you can not only change characters, also your whole GF's, equipment, abilities, magic etc.) I'm going to look for my combiantion and post it here.... :)

This is what I got:

Char 1 Squall-Zell

Char 2 Rinoa-Quistis
Tonberry King

Char 3 Selphie-Irvine

It makes sure everyone got Str-J, HP-J, Vit-J,Spr-J,Mag-J, Hit-J and Elem-Defx2-J and St-Defx2-J and at least one x4 ..
I made an excel thing for this, and this should work out for a lot of people.

But actually it doesn't matter : If you Card Mod every GF and Char Card at least once, you can learn your GF's the abilities to make sure everyone had Elem-Defx4-J etc ..

This is pretty cool. I also made a list, but I don't have it here right now. I'll check if I have the same combinations. I have two different ones from the last two games I played.

I also make sure that everybody has everything. At the end everybody has everything, including Defx4 and St-Defx4, luck etc.

I'll check my list as soon as possible and post it here. I'm really curious now whether we used the same GF's combinations or not. ;)

03-13-2005, 12:12 AM
I have a question how do you get doom train, and eden, ive tried getting tonberryking but its a joke...also i wasnt even at level 40+ when i was at that stadge in the game i was at low 30's it took me until disc 3 to get to levell hundred.

03-13-2005, 12:18 AM
Not the thread to ask about that. Try doing a Google search for any of that, looking up a walkthrough on GameFAQs, searching through existing threads, or just start a new thread about it if you must.

I think things have been wrapped up nicely in this thread, so I'll close it, before more people come in with unrelated questions.