matt damon
03-01-2005, 01:30 AM
love hina is sooo's one of thet best mangas i've read(granted, i've only read one other one, but that's besides the =) ) what about you guys?

03-01-2005, 06:20 PM
Well, I've almost finnished with the first series of manga, I just have to read book #4 I think.

Th anime is hilarious.

03-01-2005, 07:24 PM
shame on you �� you don't have Naruto in the poll ,,l, >< ,l,,

03-01-2005, 07:30 PM
Full Metal Alchemist rocks!! (you should have naruto though)

03-01-2005, 07:59 PM
Full Metal is AWSOME!!! But I wish Cartoon Network would put Case Closed back on... (sob).

03-01-2005, 11:30 PM
Love Hina is a great anime. ^_^ FMA is awesome, but Escaflowne is my favorite anime.

03-02-2005, 03:29 AM
You lose points with me for several reasons.

1: Unrelated poll that already has an entire thread devoted to it.
2: Most of the anime on your very short list is the stuff shown on Cartoon Network. Many of us happen to have greater exposure.
3: You didn't even put the show you made the thread about on the list.
4: You misspelled names of shows on your list.

Therefore, you (as well as this thread) don't get my stamp of approval.

03-02-2005, 05:56 PM
You have a very good point, Prak. Anyname, You need to get out more.

Naruto is pretty awesome.
My vote for best manga, though, goes to a small series called Kazan.

03-04-2005, 06:06 AM
Yeah Naruto rocks. My favourite anime is Evangelion though.
And my favourite manga is Love Hina.

03-04-2005, 12:09 PM
love hina is sooo's one of thet best mangas i've read(granted, i've only read one other one, but that's besides the =) ) what about you guys?
u know i have found one person i know how like it but there is a lass at work how got me in to it she is the one but no one else i know like it tyhe book that is onme of the ladcs in my class has the jap dvd ep as well lol

03-04-2005, 12:52 PM
One of my favourite anime shows is Neon Genesis Evangelion and my favourite manga is Ranma 1/2. I haven't read Love Hina though.

03-09-2005, 05:52 PM
Love Hina is awesome, you guys need to start reading it.

What could be better than a guy who keeps accidentally walking in on a bunch of girls bathing, or getting dressed. Then getting hit and flying to "Tim-buk-too" While trying to get into Tokyo U?

It's just hilarious

03-09-2005, 08:04 PM
Although Gundam Wing kicked major ass, FLCL, and Full Metal Alchemist are really good. I also love Outlaw star. I miss it so on cartoon network

03-12-2005, 08:05 PM
Although I like Love Hina (and in particular, my long attraction for Kanako Urashima hasn't faltered... :love: ), my favourite anime at the moment however, is definetley Studio GONZO's steampunk tour-de-force, Last Exile. I'm also heavily into Oh, My Goddess! (both the animated and manga versions) as well...

03-13-2005, 03:07 AM
You lose points with me for several reasons.

1: Unrelated poll that already has an entire thread devoted to it.
2: Most of the anime on your very short list is the stuff shown on Cartoon Network. Many of us happen to have greater exposure.
3: You didn't even put the show you made the thread about on the list.
4: You misspelled names of shows on your list.

Therefore, you (as well as this thread) don't get my stamp of approval.
You forgot to mention the fact that he spelt Gundam wrong! And he didn't mention Original Dirty Pair! Oh well...Oh yeah, I've read the entire series of Love Hina.
EDIT: I didn't read Prak's entire post! Sorry!

03-15-2005, 06:09 PM
Plus he didn't mention one of the coolest Anime of all.


03-15-2005, 06:24 PM
I really enjoyed Love Hina when it was starting, but it just got silly and dragged on too long towards the end, imo.

03-16-2005, 04:39 AM
I liked the first 9 books.

03-16-2005, 08:22 AM
i luv love hina!! its so funny:laugh: espicially the oavs, but my fav oav would be love hina again.^^

03-16-2005, 08:44 AM
I liked the Spring Special too, that was hilarious.

03-16-2005, 06:52 PM

"Guess my screen time is over in this one for now.. huh? OH GREAT!! FIGURRES!!".. as Kentaro's rocket crashes to earth... I love that scene!

And the 'interrogation' scene, where Kitsune and the others tie up and torture Shirai and Haitani in the Hinata Sou's main living room in order to determine just where Keitaro has gone AWOL to, is one of my favourite anime scenes of all time:

A snippet:

Shirai and Haitani together: "AARRGGHHH!!!!"
Kitsune: "Heh eh, isn't it time ya boys started singing? Okay! Now spill it!!'
Haitani: "Don't hurt us!"
Shirai: "We don't know anything about where Keitaro went, honest!!'
(Su sudddenly shocks them with one of her bizzare gadgets. Shirai and Haitani both scream)
Kitsune: "Let's set the stage for the Hinata Apartments, most terrifying, AND accomplished, interrogator!"
(Shirai and Haitani both gasp, then scream as Haruka enters, with her usual deadpan stare, carrying a whip)
Haruka: "Must I?.. I don't like doing this, buuttt..." (cracks the whip meanacingly)
Shirai: "Well.. then.. if it's Haruka.. I .ah... might not...mind it..."
Haitani: "Hey! I want NOTHING to do with YOUR twisted fantasies geek!" (turns pleading towards Naru, who's kneeling depressed in a corner) "Naru! Come on! You've got to help us! We don't anything about where Keitaro went! Really!!"
Naru: (looks up at the two of them with a glare of death) "Go ahead!! Show them NO mercy!!"
(sounds of Shirai and Haitani being electrocuted ring out)
Shirai and Haitani: "AAAAAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!"

Absolutely hilarious!

03-17-2005, 01:04 AM
I love Love Hina n i think the christmas special is one of the best shows... if not then its my personal fav.

03-18-2005, 06:15 PM
The best book parts are when Kataro is trying to get with his girl, and his sister keeps popping up instead.

Darth Revan
03-18-2005, 08:43 PM
His name is Keitaro, not Kataro.

Anyway, I admit I'm a fan of Love hina. Not only do I have all 14 volumes of the manga, as well as the entire series and the three OAV's on DVD, but I also have a decent sized library of Love Hina Music and figures of the cast as well. Hell, I've even written a few Love Hina Fanfics as well!

Suffice to say, Love Hina is my all time 3rd favourite anime, with 2nd place going to Witch Hunter Robin and 1st place is tied between Kiddy Grade and The Twelve Kingdoms.

03-18-2005, 10:31 PM
Anyway, I admit I'm a fan of Love hina. Not only do I have all 14 volumes of the manga, as well as the entire series and the three OAV's on DVD, but I also have a decent sized library of Love Hina Music
Hey, me too!

matt damon
03-30-2005, 01:26 AM
i'm so sorry for mispelling gundam.i was typing fast.also, all the animes i put on the poll were some that came off the top of my head, sorry for not putting naruto.(sorry if i misspelled it). i'm kind of a new comer to anime and manga.i have more experience than newbies, but i'm not a fanatic.i have seen the slayers, and a little bit of oh my goddess! they are pretty cool.i love the slayers.i had no idea what was going on in oh my goddess!i saw it on th internation channel at my dad's house.