08-27-2016, 08:51 PM
"Dai ni Gakusho: Nagasaki" is the 2nd of 4 CDs of poems read by famed Japanese actress Sayuri Yoshinaga. Each poem was written by a survivor of a catastrophe in Japanese history, and each CD was released to remind listeners of these terrible events in hopes they do not repeat, nor fade from memory.

The first CD was “Dai ni Gakusho: Hiroshima” (1997) and features poems written by the survivors of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima in 1945. The background music is all well-known classical pieces (Michiru Oshima arranged two tracks). The third CD was “Dai ni Gakusho: Okinawa” (2006) with poems on the theme of a bloody 1945 land battle. The music features the lute and drums, accompanied by the sound of waves. The latest CD (2015) is “Dai ni Gakusho: Fukushima” where Yoshinaga reads poems written by victims of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster (earthquake and devastating tsunami). The musical accompaniment is a simple bamboo flute.

More of interest to fans of Michiru Oshima is this CD, “Dai ni Gakusho: Nagasaki,” the second in the series. Like the “Hiroshima” release, this one features poems about the aftermath of an atomic bomb. But it also has a lovely and tender orchestral score composed by Oshima. Tracks 1-7 are the poems, with Yoshinaga’s soft and introspective voice over Oshima’s music. Track 8 is a gorgeous, silky vocal by countertenor Yoshikazu Mera. The music used under the poems reappears as pure instrumentals in tracks 9-13.

Yoshinaga continues to lobby for peace, taking part in various conferences and poetry readings. She is also a big fan of baseball.

13 tracks on Victor Entertainment CD #VICL-60398. Released in 1999.
Link is in spoiler. 4GuRYOmM6YdR7YrXubZ8_1Bf56ynEDhntFu4JGltRIImzVFEcB XPQhi6Uj_Xskfc-OnAycqvaCsSmSfMWDB9wISDuGtd0GBDa-HVS8fg0cauJEgF1uBlKbVyL99oczV3NMnAatNlH2ZyuWI1WAJe e02m1d6SEJ0lkJQxB0_y6ieTHV5Bx9IHbIkDp_zuXmVxqzocaf 5glHSYPzwzzNFMI133DapEhe3FR7xIzhg6_4C49ow7rmWSnxYW aIuFnXt_ihyXZhFYytHCu60q6OtScNpRyy-_z7l_EbFA8lDUeVTDpRW4TJmLciCfjy5vgltPD_ytKn80d7uTM IG6T-MPxEXZJnFVnNGXa2BC0M0p2bUkr_M6AxPBKJ1mI1HQxUVSYZn6 tiziARQeO_NsaM7rmdJdmqCD1AZMxHXfOzcWEdpR0W_yf8ZJky BMjtGRieCt-nyNM37eW6cpqfAvskn-llbOr5Fqgj3vsfZUHS-VaV16AIAcMxzWPxwksATeKmvQZtTHpnCd9h4LWA9MNkxphlLv9 1ZTBV4EInusyQDJwhJJyKkvYOG-mXxI8JBFj9=w796-h350-no


08-28-2016, 08:45 AM
Thank you for that !

08-28-2016, 01:45 PM
Thank you, yepsa

04-08-2017, 10:42 PM
Wow! This is wonderful! Thank you.

04-08-2017, 11:01 PM
Many Thanks !

12-11-2017, 10:36 PM