02-28-2005, 02:00 AM
Anybody know how to beat the chocobo trainer in Calm Lands?
It's where you have to beat her and get a time of 0:0:0. I like tried it a million times and still wasn't able to beat her! Any tips in there? I really want to get Tidus' Caladbolg in super form!

02-28-2005, 02:28 AM
When I have a problem beating a boss, I just believe in myself, and try again.

I believe you can beat this chocobo trainer, just stop, relax, and think up the your best stragedy. ^_^

02-28-2005, 03:16 AM
Hmm... I spent a long time trying to do this, my advice is: if you don't get ahead at the beginning then screw it, you need to collect a ton on the slope in order to win, also DO NOT get a baloon where u have to get hit by a bird for it, even tho it's +3 -3 it stops u so u lose more time and such, persistence is th key, but not continuously, for me whenever I came back after quitting for an hour or so I had my best run cuz I just got really pissed and did progressively worse, so the key hting i think is to get most of the baloons on the beginning slope.

02-28-2005, 04:04 AM
same here. i spent like 2 hours on it once and couldnt do it. than i tried once the next day and i got it.

02-28-2005, 04:21 AM
there's a certain amount of luck involved, too. i mean, i beat it in half an hour, but i can't possibly do it again (like i'd want too!). i guess you just gotta get lucky. worked for me.

02-28-2005, 04:23 AM
yeah I think Olde is right, it's simply getting lucky rather than skill, pretty much if u can control the chocobo and u try alot you'll beat it, it's definitely worth an hour or so for the Caladbolg though, that thing is awesome.

02-28-2005, 04:32 AM
so i have to raise my character's luck status to beat the chocobo trainer?

02-28-2005, 04:34 AM
no, it's YOUR luck.

Landlord of Sector 7
02-28-2005, 04:36 AM
I beat it but that game is so retarded because half the birds come out of the very top of the screen and you have no time to react at all. :-(

02-28-2005, 04:41 AM
It's easier if you get the race course(your still in the Calm lands just the balloons are set differently) when all the balloons are in a line not all scattered. So just lose until the balloons are set closer to each other.

02-28-2005, 04:43 AM
no, it's YOUR luck.

Oh... okay...

It's easier if you get the race course(your still in the Calm lands just the balloons are set differently) when all the balloons are in a line not all scattered. So just lose until the balloons are set closer to each other.

well... even it was lined, i still lose cuz the birds won't stop coming after me!

02-28-2005, 06:14 PM
If you ask me, the most important thing to remember is NEVER go after the first balloon. Let the trainer have the first one and line up to hit the second one. That should give you an instant lead. From there, it's all luck and reflex.

02-28-2005, 11:44 PM

03-01-2005, 07:41 AM
What is your best time if you haven't won yet?
I can get 0:00 easily...I've tried it so many times now that I'm a master...muhahahahahaha
My best tip would be the same as PRAK said. when you see a bird flying (or 2 birds) against you, press the left or right button to times and you've won't get hitted. when you've dodged the bird(s) go straigt for the next balloon.
It worked for me!!!

03-03-2005, 12:25 AM
What is your best time if you haven't won yet?
I can get 0:00 easily...I've tried it so many times now that I'm a master...muhahahahahaha
My best tip would be the same as PRAK said. when you see a bird flying (or 2 birds) against you, press the left or right button to times and you've won't get hitted. when you've dodged the bird(s) go straigt for the next balloon.
It worked for me!!!

my best time was like 0:0:4, i was really pissed off when i got like 15 ballooons and got hit by a bird and my time was 30+ something, and when i saw that my time was 0:0:4, because of that bird, i got mad and threw my ps2 controller in the corner, then it broke, then i have to buy a new one (there goes my twenty bucks...) and i left ffx for like a month then i started playing the chocobo race again............................................. ..............

03-03-2005, 02:34 AM
<ul><li>Your priority is dodging. Only go for balloons once you're clear of birds.</li><li>Remember that birds alternate between you and the trainer.</li><li>Once you successfully dodge a pair of your own birds, you'll have more time to collect balloons.</li><li>Stay away from the trainer, as her birds may end up hitting you. It also helps you figure out who the birds are targeting when they appear on screen.</li><li>Don't go for the balloons she goes for.</li><li>Try to get in front of her. This is best done at the beginning when she tries to go for the balloons you end up getting. This way, all the balloons afterwards can be easily taken.</li><li>A lot of the time the last balloon on the beginning slope is too far, and the screen will force you to turn. Don't go for this balloon, as this will cause the Trainer to get ahead of you.</li><li>Use the D-pad instead of the analogue stick. This is more accurate.</li></ul>

03-03-2005, 06:42 AM
<ul><li>Your priority is dodging. Only go for balloons once you're clear of birds.</li><li>Remember that birds alternate between you and the trainer.</li><li>Once you successfully dodge a pair of your own birds, you'll have more time to collect balloons.</li><li>Stay away from the trainer, as her birds may end up hitting you. It also helps you figure out who the birds are targeting when they appear on screen.</li><li>Don't go for the balloons she goes for.</li><li>Try to get in front of her. This is best done at the beginning when she tries to go for the balloons you end up getting. This way, all the balloons afterwards can be easily taken.</li><li>A lot of the time the last balloon on the beginning slope is too far, and the screen will force you to turn. Don't go for this balloon, as this will cause the Trainer to get ahead of you.</li><li>Use the D-pad instead of the analogue stick. This is more accurate.</li></ul>

what D-pad...?

03-03-2005, 10:31 AM
The d-pad is the directional arrows on the left portion of the PS2 controller that you can use instead of the analogue stick.

03-04-2005, 12:51 AM
The d-pad is the directional arrows on the left portion of the PS2 controller that you can use instead of the analogue stick.

oh... okay, i thought you were talking about something else...

03-10-2005, 11:59 AM
actually i think all you need is to get the timing right, so you will know the time to speed up,slow down and stop

03-10-2005, 12:02 PM
You mean turn left or right...right. You can't slow down or stop during the race.

03-11-2005, 12:21 AM
yes, you can't slow down or stop which sucks...

03-11-2005, 10:43 PM
im not realy a one to cheat but if you still havent beat it i have a cheat you hold r1 r2 l1 l2 or just press r1 r2 l1 l2 once i havent tried it and i dont know were to go to race her at all

03-12-2005, 12:51 AM
what does that cheat do? where'd you get it?
oh, and umm... you race her at the calm lands. she's somewhere near the broken bridge to the right when you enter the calm lands for the first time, well if i remember correctly.
and ummmm... i recommend that you do this when you have the airship...
thanks for the cheat though, i'll try it now.

zell hell yeah!
03-12-2005, 01:13 AM
im not realy a one to cheat but if you still havent beat it i have a cheat you hold r1 r2 l1 l2 or just press r1 r2 l1 l2 once i havent tried it and i dont know were to go to race her at all

hey aint that for ff7?? ....yeah it IS!! thats for the chocobo racing in 7, anyway yeah just go straight and missout the first one to get a lead and then just try your best dodge the birds and head for the target AND try to get as many baloons as possible, ive done it like once, cant be bothered to try again.

03-12-2005, 01:19 AM
oh man! that cheat is for ff7... oh, i remember, i read it somewhere in a mag. why the heck didn't i notice? well... i guess i was so desperate about the chocobo trainer that i didn't even read it thouroughly... thanks a lot. good thing i didn't try it yet...
or i would've ended up mad and throw my controller again...

zell hell yeah!
03-13-2005, 01:28 PM
Haha yeah just keep cool!! ah........lol

03-13-2005, 01:44 PM
it was pretty difficult, but u'll get it, just dnt stress lol i broke a controller over that

03-25-2005, 03:56 PM
it works but it only changes your view i already beat it with 0:00:00 3 times its not realy that hard but the chet does work i tried it now im almost to being able to fight yunalasca

03-25-2005, 04:38 PM
Anybody know how to beat the chocobo trainer in Calm Lands?
It's where you have to beat her and get a time of 0:0:0. I like tried it a million times and still wasn't able to beat her! Any tips in there? I really want to get Tidus' Caladbolg in super form!
it took me 2 days but after i got the sword it didnt hit 9999 :-(

matt damon
03-27-2005, 09:24 PM
look, you have to get a time better than 0:0:0. that means that you have to get balloons like mad, and avoid birds. and, the birds come in sets of 3. three for you, then 3 for the chocobo trainer, then 3 for you, etc. everything else is basically luck. i used the analog stick. it was easier for me. but, you can use whatever you like. hope this helps.

One Who Suffers
03-27-2005, 10:11 PM
Every time I can't do a challange, I try over and over and over knowing that I would lose then I would quit for the day and try over and over and over again the next day. It is actually easier each time because you have practice but it is so slight that you don't notice it. Then on the third day I did it on my first try because my stress level went down.

03-28-2005, 01:36 AM
i stayed behind the chocobo trainer lady, and when she got hit by a bird, i'd make a run for it, and she got hit again and again, and i kept getting baloons, and i actually got 0:00:01. how stupid does that sound, it actually happened to me -_-

One Who Suffers
03-28-2005, 01:59 AM
Ihad a time of 0:00:03. I was so mad because I would have had if not for a stupid bird at the very, very end.

matt damon
03-29-2005, 01:47 AM
that sucks for you guys

03-30-2005, 10:29 PM
it's cuz the birds at the end were rather hard to avoid...

matt damon
04-03-2005, 12:50 AM
yeah, they are, but, it's possible to do.

04-03-2005, 03:37 AM
yeah..... possible to do for YOU guys....