08-23-2016, 10:47 PM
I have a 17 track score and a 77 track complete score. Who wants it?

1. Main Title
2. Waking Up/Cab to Work
3. Bathroom Slip
4. The Park Incident
5. News For Morgan
6. Balcony Scene
7. Living It Up
8. Late At Work
9. The Nike Presentation
10. Darcy's New Apartment/First Kiss
11. Chinatown/Looking After Erin
12. Sensed Suicide Attempt/Darcy Hides
13. After Prom Night/Rushing To Darcy
14. Love At Last
15. Nick's Confession
16. The Best is Yet to Come (Song)
17. I've Got the World on a String (Song)

Complete (2CD):
1. Logos
2. Nick
3. Nick's Morning
4. The Meeting
5. Nick's Upset
6. Meet Darcy McGuire
7. Here You Go Nick
8. The Fall
9. The Morning After
10. Through the Park
11. At Work 1
12. Hating Him
13. Telling Morgan
14. Having An Idea
15. Lightning Strike
16. Second Morning After
17. At Work 2
18. Thank You...
19. ...Not!
20. Therapist
21. World Can Be Yours
22. Back on the Street
23. There is Life on This Planet
24. Trying to Hear
25. Happy Nick
26. Kissing
27. Nice Work
28. Darcy's Thought
29. No Game, Just Sport
30. Flirting
31. Late At Work
32. Hard Talk
33. Thinking About You
34. End of the Night
35. I'm Gay
36. Erin
37. Nike Commercial
38. Winning
39. The House
40. Searching For Erin
41. No Power Left
42. No Sign of Darcy
43. Father & Daughter
44. The Explanation
1. That's It?
2. End Titles (unused)
3. End Titles (alternate)
4. Nick's Morning (Alternate)
5. Nick's Morning Long
6. Nick's Morning End
7. Source Cue (unused)
8. The Meeting (alternate)
9. Here You Go Nick (alt)
10. The Fall (alt)
11. The Morning After (alt)
12. Through the Park (alt)
13. At Work 1 (alt)
14. At Work 1 (alt2)
15. Hating Him (alt)
16. Lightning Strike (alt)
17. Thank You... (alt)
18. ...Not! (alt)
19. Therapist (alt)
20. World Can Be Yours (alt)
21. Trying to Hear (alt)
22. End of the Night (alt)
23. End of the Night (alt2)
24. Searching For Erin (alt)
25. Searching For Erin (alt2)
26. The Explanation (alt)
27. That's It? (alt)
28. That's It? (alt2)
29. What Women Want Theme
TOTAL: 77 Tracks.

Anyone willing to trade? PM Me.

Bart Oss
08-23-2016, 10:55 PM
already on forum :3 Thread 200972
and you have not 77tracks version... 44 + 29 = 73

08-23-2016, 10:59 PM
Read number 7 here:

Thread 207458

No trading threads allowed

08-23-2016, 10:59 PM
I would be interested in getting a lossless/flac version but I've never seen one so far...

08-23-2016, 11:45 PM
Bart Oss: What the f? I spent so many hours trying to find it ON HERE to no avail and ended up in a dark corner of the net to get it. Shit. Thank you for pointing it out though! :)

Calidoran: Sorry about that, seems there's still some things I don't know about the forums. Won't happen again!

armoret77: It's MP3.

Seeing as this thread is rather pointless, who do I go to to have it removed?

Bart Oss
08-24-2016, 12:02 AM
google search ( .0....0...1c..64.serp..2.0.0.UY_aTK5zPg8)

08-24-2016, 12:03 AM
The names of the mods are at the bottom of the page:

Jessie & Zoran

08-24-2016, 12:17 AM
Bart Oss: Thank you. For some reason, the way I normally search hasn't been working like it usually does. Normally I put the movie, the composer and "ffshrine" and I tried many variations to find it. I'll use that method from now on.
Calidoran: Thank you!