02-27-2005, 08:59 PM
hey i know most people prob already no where to get the last weapons for all the characters from but i thought id put this thread up for those who dont

cloud - ultima weapon - you get this by beating ultimate weapon located by junion on the 3rd or towards the end of the 2nd disc you have to fight him about 5-6 times he keeps moving from place to place but eventually ends up by cosmo canyon

barret - missing score - to get this weapon you MUST have barret in your team just before you fight hojo at the end of disc 2 there should be a chest half way up the stairs you get this weapon when u open it

tifa - premium heart - when you go back to midgar on the 2nd or 3rd disc there will be a man standing out side midgar if you talk to him he will say something like 'i swear i had the key to this gate...maybe i lost it on that tour' if you then go to bone village and serch for good treasure you will find the key to sector 7...when u enter go to the wall market go into a shop labeled item if you press x on the computer you will gain the premium heart

red 13 - limited moon - you get this on disc 3 if you go to cosmo canyon go to bugenhagens room end floor up he is lying on a bed if you talk to him he gives you limited moon (nb something happens after this but i dont want to spoil it)

yuffie - Conformer- which you find in the crashed Gelnika

cait sith - Hp Shout - which can be found when you parashute back into midgar on disc 2 if you run down the train track until you find a ladder on t he left wall go up there and you will come out at shinra hq if you enter there and go to the 60th floor i do believe well its a room with alot of lockers in its in one of the lockers

vincent - death penalty - you get this on disc 2 or/and disc 3 when you get the sub go left until you see an opening it will split into to paths go left, then down a tunnel until you get to a dead end go to the surface get out the sub and walk into the waterfall (nb vincent MUST be in your team) then vincent will start talking to lucericia (if thats spelt right) then you will leave...go back there again in 5-10 mins time you should see a very small black dot on the alter walk to the alter then click x, then you will get vincents last limit and weapon again he has to be in your team

cid - venus gospel - you get this weapon after the rocket has crashed into metoer talk to the old man standing out side the item shop tlk to him 3 times he then gives you the venus gospel

if any of these are wrong or you notice a spelling mistake or what-not please say so...

02-28-2005, 10:42 PM
Gauntlet is Yuffie's level 3 Limit break, her Ultimate weapon is the Conformer, which you find in the crashed Gelnika

And Caits best weapon is the Marvelous Cheer ( same power as Battle trumpet, but it has a hit of 110), which is found in the ShinRa gym ( in the ShinRa tower)

Apart from that, I think everythings ok

zell hell yeah!
02-28-2005, 10:49 PM
Gauntlet is Yuffie's level 3 Limit break, her Ultimate weapon is the Conformer, which you find in the crashed Gelnika

And Caits best weapon is the Marvelous Cheer ( same power as Battle trumpet, but it has a hit of 110), which is found in the ShinRa gym ( in the ShinRa tower)

Apart from that, I think everythings ok

ahhhh sorry man but Cait's best weapon is the Hp Shout but the location is right enough.

03-01-2005, 09:57 PM
cheers il edit that now....the reason why i got both of them wrong cus i hate both of them so ive never used them lol

03-02-2005, 04:20 AM
thanks man this helped alot

03-02-2005, 11:45 PM
vincent - death penalty - you get this on disc 2 or/and disc 3 when you get the sub go left until you see an opening it will split into to paths go left, then down a tunnel until you get to a dead end go to the surface get out the sub and walk into the waterfall (nb vincent MUST be in your team) then vincent will start talking to lucericia (if thats spelt right) then you will leave...go back there again in 5-10 mins time you should see a very small black dot on the alter walk to the alter then click x, then you will get vincents last limit and weapon again he has to be in your team

I did all that but once i go back into the cave and go to the alter and press x,o,square,trinagle(i pressed them all) there is nothing there(and yes vincent is in my team.

Please help.

Neo Xzhan
03-03-2005, 12:44 AM
You missed Aeris' Princess Guard, which is found in Temple of the Ancients. Though I cannot remember at what hour at the clock it was.

03-03-2005, 11:22 PM
yea the reason for that there any point in owning it?....because you get it in the temple of the acients you dont get to use it after that because as soon as uve got it aeris goes to the city of the acients then gets killed so i left it out

Neo Xzhan
03-04-2005, 01:54 AM
Maybe so, but you should have added it, just for completion terms.

03-04-2005, 06:45 AM
That is such crap. What is the point of the weapon if you can't ever use it?!

03-05-2005, 12:23 AM
well i would of added it if i new where it was i didnt bust my ass over it because i new i could never use it mainly becuase i new aeris died before i played the game i watched my brother do it...maybe your right i should of added but i chose not to for the above reason