02-09-2002, 01:01 AM
How Angels Fall

Can you tell me how Angels Fall?
Show me Grace
The things I've missed

Touch my heart
Turn Ice to Fire
Or leave me as you've found

Show me that single ray
That bright spot for which I reach
Hope, life, truth

Tear me apart inside with a whimper
Call to me and hear my name
Can you show me Grace

God has long forgotten me
Lucifer never cared
Angels at my side

All I've ever been able to trust
Perhaps not even myself
Fate, Fate is blind

Bring me hope if you may
Show me what I miss
Can you tell me how Angels fall?
Its short, but I like it

02-09-2002, 02:16 AM
It's a habit of mine to review every fan-fiction, poetry, etc. I read... good or bad...

Speaking of bad habits... I couldn't write a decent poemif I had a gun pointed to my head. And my fan-fiction isn't too good either...

I have this bizarre belief that mostly everyone can write better than me (and I'm starting to think it's true). But enough about my inability to write.

Hmm... it was not too short; not too long. And it made sense. It was also very... (damn... sometimes thesaurus' aren't much help!) amusing...?

02-09-2002, 09:10 AM
I don't know too much about poetry but I think it's pretty good. Probably one of the best poems I've ever read(then again, I haven't read that many poems). Quite impressive, I must say. It's rather beautiful and deep.

02-13-2002, 05:18 PM
Well... I wrote a poem in response to Deus' plz....

How Angel's Fall
By Moi

I can tell you how Angel's Fall.

Angel's Fall when our Love glows so bright,
so bright that They cannot withstand It's Light.

I tried to show you Grace,
the things you've missed, but I
couldn't find the way myself.

I can't leave you as I've found you
Because you've touched my heart
and turned my Life inside out.

Worked Magic with my Soul, melted my
Icy hard heart to a Fiery mass of desire.

Together we can find that single ray of
Hope, Life and Truth.

I don't want to tear you apart with a whimper,
I want to build you up with my sweet encouraging whispers,
I'll show you Grace with my kiss.

Let God wait in his Heavenly Skies,
Leave Lucifer to burn in his Hellish Pit,
I'll be the Angel at your side.

You can trust me enough so maybe
one day you can trust yourself.

Fate maybe be blind but
Fate brought us together.
That is all that matters now.

I'll be your hope,
I'll fill the void where other's could not,
I'll be what you're missing.

This is why Angel's Fall.

socks are kiff
02-14-2002, 05:46 PM
"if man is an angel... then he's a killer angel" -- battle of gettysburg, july 2, 1863.

tifa's poem kind of reminds me of something i wrote long ago, which has been tragically lost in the mists of time now. but it talked about some girl for whom i was smitten at the time, about how she was an angel, blah blah.

you guys are making me feel all creative, damn you. :p

good stuff. keep it up and i might be compelled to come out of retirement.


02-14-2002, 08:05 PM
Wow, a double treat. 2 very good and interesting poems. I hope to see more soon, because I love to read it!:)

02-14-2002, 08:07 PM
thanx Ssj..... be sure to look for more poems from me soon... :)