02-26-2005, 01:41 AM
I dont think I entirely understand this system. I could be completely off, but correct me where im wrong. On the menu, you assign what abilities you wish to level. If you summon your GF, you get XP towards that ability (1/50). So on and so forth. Im sure im already wrong, but another question. How do you improve your main characters, or GF's. When you put XP towards a ability, is that for you or your GF?. Ive played the tutorial many times now, just dont understand. Very confusing.

02-26-2005, 01:52 AM
No, not quite Here it is:

You get XP for your characters to level up, and your GF's to lvl. up. It is almost split up. Your GF's also get AP (Ability Points) which help increase the ?/?. When your GF gest enough AP to fill up his ?/? meter, it learns an ability.

Hope I helped


02-26-2005, 03:07 AM
No, not quite Here it is:

You get XP for your characters to level up, and your GF's to lvl. up. It is almost split up. Your GF's also get AP (Ability Points) which help increase the ?/?. When your GF gest enough AP to fill up his ?/? meter, it learns an ability.

Hope I helped


Do you have to use your GF's to get AP? And do you assign anythin for your characters, or is it auto?

02-26-2005, 06:09 AM
You have to have your GFs junctioned on your characters (that are in the active battle party) to have them get the Ap.

02-26-2005, 06:19 AM
Yes, what Ex-SeeD said is right. Also, watch for opportunities to Draw / refine magic --- junctioning magic is what's going to make your stats better. So try to learn GF junction abilities and make sure to keep those GFs equipped to keep things going. And this is where the levels come in --- as your characters gain levels, you'll find that the enemies have better magic to draw. It's possible to start getting second-level spells as early as Dollet if you spend enough time leveling up. (But that's hard-core stuff usually only kept in mind for those who actually want to take on the X-ATM-092 and win.)

02-26-2005, 06:39 PM
As far as limit-breaks, how are these activated? I dont get em. Obviously not like overdrives in FFX.

02-26-2005, 07:00 PM
They're randomly triggered when your HP is low.

02-26-2005, 07:40 PM
Right! If you want limits, keep your characters at low HP and hit the menu battle like, crazy, but not too quickly. If you're lucky, a limit should pop up on your character in critical HP after you switch. If not, rinse and repeat as needed and revive if needed. Later, you'll also get Aura magic which will let your characters use limits even if they aren't in critical.