View Full Version : Thread 207888">Ant�n Garc�a Abril conducts the film music of Joaqu�n Turina (MP3; 224 kbps)

07-29-2016, 12:18 AM

This is not my upload. I uploaded it some three years ago but I don�t remember from where. Anyway, this is a transfer of a 1987 LP in which Ant�n Garc�a Abril (of the �Blind Dead� series and Monsignor Quixote) conducted excerpts from the film music of the esteemed concert-hall composer Joaqu�n Turina P�rez (1882-1949). As with the Guridi-Bernaola recording I posted elsewhere here, this was the joint creation of the Luis Cernuda Foundation, the Provincial Council of Seville and the famous recording producer Antonio Armet.

Turina�s disciple Carmen Fern�ndez collaborated on the orchestration of Primavera sevillana. In the other four scores, Turina�s collaborator was another disciple of his, Jes�s Garc�a Leoz (1904-1953), a Navarrese composer who was himself a distinguished musician, both in film and the concert hall.

1. El abanderado (1943)
2. Eugenia de Montijo (1944)
3. Luis Candelas, el ladr�n de Madrid (1947)
4. Una noche en blanco (1949)
5. Primavera sevillana (documentary short) (1943)

Madrid Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Ant�n Garc�a Abril
Alicia Armentia (soprano)
Sebasti�n Marin� (piano)
Recorded live at the �lvarez Quintero Theater in Seville on the 10th and 15th November 1986, during the I International Meeting on Film Music.!SEJSyaba!8_JyhAwvBBRfMHSE0lsbROAMVQy7jECUoNuvxn3TmXk

07-29-2016, 12:20 AM

07-30-2016, 09:56 AM

08-06-2016, 12:48 PM

08-12-2016, 07:05 PM
Many thanks.

12-20-2016, 12:46 PM
Mil gracias!!!!