07-22-2016, 07:17 PM
Hi, looking for the soundtracks of the Hong Kong visual noir games Red Spider: Vengeance and Red Spider2: Exiled. The music of these games is part library music and part original tracks.

Red Spider: Vengeance has four pieces of original music by Lufia composer Yasunori Shiono: "Red Spider Lily", "Red Spider", "Vengeance", and "Retribution".

Red Spider2 has five pieces of original music by Shiono and Puzzle & Dragons composer Yukio Nakajima. Shiono's tracks are "Fulltime Killer", "Running on Karma", and "Exiled". Nakajima's tracks are "Diversion Fight" and "Undercover".

It's Shiono and Nakajima's tracks that I'm looking for. Thanks in advance!

07-31-2016, 03:34 AM
Does anyone have these pieces?

09-08-2016, 12:26 AM
Hi! Still looking for these if anyone has them.