Sef Halfman
02-08-2002, 07:41 PM
I'm sure this questions has been asked before. But I'm curious. Personally, I like Sephiroth, because he's just a kickass bad guy. :D

Lemme know what you guys think.

::leans on his staff, waiting:: :eye:

Bahamut ZERO
02-08-2002, 08:28 PM
Ooh... That is a really tricky question. All of them are pretty close in terms of skills, strength and knowledge.

I think it boils down to this though...


Who is still alive?

Not Sephiroth.

Not Zack.

Therefore, if we're talking about the skills of the character, and not the character themselves, Cloud is the victor.

Although if we're talking about the character's personalities and stuff, I have to admit that Sephiroth is one of the best villains in video game history.

02-08-2002, 08:42 PM

Zack. He was a 1st Class Soldier, and Cloud was a low-level one. Zack was very resistent to the Mako treatments, while Cloud was very injured. He was killed trying to protect Cloud, and the Shinra soldiers didn't kill him because they thought he was dead. I think Zack would have became much more powerful than Cloud if he had survived. My opinion.

02-08-2002, 08:47 PM
Cloud I woud say but if Zack had travelled round with cloud and leveled up with him as a playable character then he would be better because he would have gained in levels along with cloud plus he was higher ranked.
At the time of the happenings at Nibleheim then Zack was stronger than cloud and sephiroth was the strongest but if zack was alive all the way through he would become better than sephiroth as well as cloud. Then he would be stronger than Cloud at the point of the end battle. Difficult qusestion

02-08-2002, 08:54 PM
Cloud cus in the end he beat Sephiroth but if Zack was still alive then it would probably be him.

02-08-2002, 10:35 PM
I'm gonna say Zack. Because . . .


Cloud IS Zack. All Cloud originally was was a little worthless soldier, he just got amnesia and thinks he's Zack. Zack is the one with the real skills.

02-09-2002, 03:04 AM
Sephiroth is better than them both, but I think Zack is better than Cloud.

Cloud was in such a low rank, and Zack was stronger than him.

Bahamut ZERO
02-09-2002, 03:23 AM
Okay, when you put it like that...


**Spoiler (Again)**

In the Lifestream when we find out the truth about who Cloud really was, we see that Zack is unable to make a dent on Sephiroth when attacking him. Cloud is able to wound Sephiroth (true, it was a lucky shot from behind, but I'll count it...) And then he was able to go after him a SECOND time, and even though he was stabbed in the shoulder (or chest, I don't know which) he was able to grasp the blade and throw Sephiroth in the chasm below the bridge.

And that was before all this Jenova and Mako enhancement and stuff.

02-09-2002, 03:47 AM
It doesn't matter if Zack was first class, or even if he was stronger than Cloud. As you all know, Cloud was only level 1 when Sephiroth was level 50. Maybe Zack was level 40 or something, but it's obvious that Cloud will become the strongest. He's the main character, and his omnislash is unmatched. I never thought sephiroth was strong... I've always found sephiroth weak. Cloud is invincible, okay? He can take on both weapons by himself(if you know how to use him, that is)! Zack can't even compare to sephiroth, and the very last battle kind of sums up just how much stronger Cloud is than Sephiroth.

Sef Halfman
02-09-2002, 04:49 AM
If you take in some figurative stuff, as opposed to the way things played out in game, I suppose Sephiroth would be the strongest (initially), then Zack, then Cloud. But it's true, Cloud managed to chuck Seph even with the sword all stabbing him. But again, figuratively speaking, Cloud's a pathetic weakling in comparison to Seph and Zack. That is, until you level up a whole ton. La la la I'm dumb, I know. But had to throw in my 2 cents to my own thread lol.

Materia Hunter
02-09-2002, 06:41 AM
Umm... you guys seem to be forgetting that when Cloud beat Sephiroth, he had the help from lets say 5-7 other peeps? Sure, Cloud was the only survivor, but had he gone it alone, he would get his ass creamed... unless you leveled him to 99 and gave him all master materia and pheonix-final attack combo, but you could do that with ANY character.

And as you know Cloud was level one to Sephs 50 in his flashback at Kalm town, but you also know that he was pretty much playing the role of Zack there. Therefore, ZACK was at level one in that flashback! But I'm not sure whether Cloud or Zack would qualify for number 2. Zack was higher rank, but Cloud managed to get in a few cheap shots on Seph. Either way though, Sephiroth easily mops the floor with both of them.

Sef Halfman
02-09-2002, 06:52 AM
Thank you. Good point. :)

02-09-2002, 07:23 AM
zacks a pussy, he was killed by like 4 shinra soldiers, cloud killed like 100 and a half. sephiroth kicks ass, but yet again cloud kicked the fuck outta him.

VOTE= Cloud

02-09-2002, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by Materia Hunter
Umm... you guys seem to be forgetting that when Cloud beat Sephiroth, he had the help from lets say 5-7 other peeps? Sure, Cloud was the only survivor, but had he gone it alone, he would get his ass creamed... unless you leveled him to 99 and gave him all master materia and pheonix-final attack combo, but you could do that with ANY character.

And as you know Cloud was level one to Sephs 50 in his flashback at Kalm town, but you also know that he was pretty much playing the role of Zack there. Therefore, ZACK was at level one in that flashback! But I'm not sure whether Cloud or Zack would qualify for number 2. Zack was higher rank, but Cloud managed to get in a few cheap shots on Seph. Either way though, Sephiroth easily mops the floor with both of them.

I disagree. Cloud is way stronger than Sephiroth could ever be. Sephiroth doesn't have anything like the omnislash. And who says you can only beat Sephiroth with Cloud at a high level? I can beat Sephiroth at level 40 with Cloud alone. Sephiroth was weak. And in the very very last battle, you will kill Sephiroth no matter what. You can just stand there and let Sephiroth hit you, but Cloud will counter, and Sephiroth will be down in one hit. Not only that, Sephiroth takes 2 minutes to do this comet type summon, and it only does 9998 damage. Cloud can do 9999 every single time when he uses the Ultimate weapon(except against ruby weapon)! I'm sorry, but there's just no competition here. Cloud wins.

02-09-2002, 11:16 AM
Cloud Cloud CLOUD!!!!!!!!!!! You gotta love him.

02-09-2002, 12:56 PM
It's a hard one. Not Zack, it would have to be both Cloud and Seph. Theyre just both really cool charcters, definatley the best hero and villain from any game.

02-09-2002, 02:02 PM
Everyone. I like tham all. Yes. They're all mine. :eye:

02-09-2002, 03:35 PM
Probaly Cloud or Zack, Sephiroth is just some freak.. which I really don't like.. since he isn't really evil in my opinion *waits to be called names for his opinion*
I'll go for Cloud :D

Sef Halfman
02-09-2002, 05:15 PM
That's why we like him! :)

(edit)And by we I mean me!(/edit)

02-09-2002, 05:37 PM
cloud will always be the best because you can use him level him up. But sephroth to me is the same as cloud.

VOTE=Cloud the bomb

02-09-2002, 07:12 PM
Most who say Sephiroth sucks are going by the last battles.

Notice the 's' after battle. There are three battles against Sephiroth at the end, and, (as someone said before), Cloud had all the the peeps helping him in the first two. This weakens Sephiroth with all the damage done to him by every one, so of course Cloud would be able to beat him in the last battle against him. Cloud is kool and all that, but Sephiroth is stronger and kooler.

There, I hope I make sense :D

02-09-2002, 08:26 PM
But as I said, it's possible to kill Sephiroth with Cloud alone. I even killed both weapons with Cloud alone! Cloud's just invincible.

Sephiroth is actually fairly weak, nothing compared to the weapons. One omnislash and Sephiroth is dead. Cloud is capable of beating Sephiroth alone once he has the Ultimate Weapon and over level 40.

One of the strategies you can do is equip Cloud with nothing but 16 counterattacks. Sephiroth will hit him once, and Cloud will counter attack 16 times, doing 9999 damage each time. Sephiroth = dead in one round

Black Mage
02-09-2002, 09:10 PM
Clouds the man!!!!!!!
but Sephiroth was the best bad guy ever in FF so far
Zack didnt do anythink!!!!

02-10-2002, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by Black Mage
Clouds the man!!!!!!!
but Sephiroth was the best bad guy ever in FF so far
Zack didnt do anythink!!!!

Exactly! The best hero and the best villain in the FF series by far, which is why I love FF7 so much.

02-10-2002, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by Prophet
zacks a pussy, he was killed by like 4 shinra soldiers, cloud killed like 100 and a half. sephiroth kicks ass, but yet again cloud kicked the fuck outta him.

VOTE= Cloud
Zack was shot SEVERAL times in the HEAD. Nobody can survive that. Ironically, Cloud survived because of his weakness.

Zack is potentially the strongest, but got killed trying to protect Cloud. Amen.

02-10-2002, 07:46 PM

You want to get into potential? Who stabbed Sephiroth(in the flash back, I mean)? Cloud. Zack couldn't even touch Sephiroth and was sent flying. Not only did Cloud stab Sephiroth, when Sephiroth stabs him back a little bit later, he THREW Sephiroth over the edge. Zack has more potential? I don't think so.

Cloud was probably weak because he was stabbed by Sephiroth, while Zack was just kicked out of the room. So Zack was in better shape. But really, Cloud has more potential and he eventually becomes the best.

02-12-2002, 12:29 PM
oh, megalomania... it remembers me to the Freeza discussion;)

OK... Sure you know about adrenaline reactions. Sephiroth destroyed Cloud's city, killed his family, and almost killed his childhood friend, Tifa. He was very very angered by that. On the other hand, Zack wasn't specially angry, he just thought it was unfair what he did. In some way, Cloud was lucky to kill Sephiroth.

What I'm saying is, in normal conditions Zack is stronger; but we never really see him angered like Cloud. That's why I'm talking about potential --> the reaction to the Jenova treatments prove that.

02-12-2002, 02:30 PM
Cloud by far, lets do the bassics. Sepheroth is dead, Zack is dead, and lets see hhhmmmm Clous is ALIVE! that makes him the winner. but also Sepheroth was the best enemy out of every game ever made.


02-12-2002, 08:19 PM
(The Reason i chose Zack as a name is because he wasnt chosen and he wasnt a picked name out of any Final Fantasy)
Sephiroth By far, then Cloud and then Zack, but they dont give much info on Zack at all.

02-12-2002, 08:36 PM
evan though Sephiroth is a bad guy, I like him the best, I like him and cloud the same

02-12-2002, 10:47 PM
Yes, Sephiroth was the best, while in my opinion, Cloud was just behind him, Zack really didnt do anything, so i have to go with Sephiroth, i mean, LOOK at all the POWER he has. I mean just look.....

02-12-2002, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by Zack
Yes, Sephiroth was the best, while in my opinion, Cloud was just behind him, Zack really didnt do anything, so i have to go with Sephiroth, i mean, LOOK at all the POWER he has. I mean just look.....

lol, cant argue with you there

02-12-2002, 10:55 PM
Well, he just doesnt reach the Top SOLDIER rank for nothing. I mean look at the part when you were with the party and Cloud was talkiung about the past, he was awesome, i just stared if you catch my drift. His power rules beyond other villans.

02-13-2002, 12:50 AM
I like Sephroth the best cuz ya just gotta luv the bad guy!!! Sephroth, Seifer, Kuja, they're all gr8!

02-13-2002, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by ~Seifer's Girl~
I like Sephroth the best cuz ya just gotta luv the bad guy!!! Sephroth, Seifer, Kuja, they're all gr8!

add Kefka in there from VI, he had the most power in any game... well anyway, Sephiroth was the best one in any final fantasy that i can think of.

Sef Halfman
02-14-2002, 01:27 AM
Kefka has nothing to do with this thread. But whatever. Just ignore me. I still like Sephiroth.

02-14-2002, 01:29 AM
well, nether did Kuja or Seifer, but who cares, Sephiroth was the ultimate villan and could kill anyone with ease.

02-14-2002, 07:14 AM
I like Cloud the best because his abilities improved so much from the beginning of the game and becomes so strong. (**SPOILERS**) When he toasted Sephiroth with that DOPE Omnislash at the end, I was absolutely amazed. Sephiroth comes a VERY close second. Its dope when hes in the flames at Kalm (I think its Kalm) and when he's waiting for Cloud at the end with no shirt on. Zack had a DOPE hair-do but unfortunately, he's my least favorite of the 3

02-14-2002, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by ILL WILL
I like Cloud the best because his abilities improved so much from the beginning of the game and becomes so strong. (**SPOILERS**) When he toasted Sephiroth with that DOPE Omnislash at the end, I was absolutely amazed. Sephiroth comes a VERY close second. Its dope when hes in the flames at Kalm (I think its Kalm) and when he's waiting for Cloud at the end with no shirt on. Zack had a DOPE hair-do but unfortunately, he's my least favorite of the 3 Listen, that wasnt Sephiroth in Nibelheim, it was a clone of him, the clones lead Cloud to the real thing.

02-15-2002, 06:05 AM
i like sephiroth you tell by my name

Divine Strike
02-15-2002, 05:56 PM
I liked the way Sephiroth attacks in the flash back. All he does is basically flick his wrist but i still like Cloud better although i wish he could wield the masamune

02-15-2002, 09:53 PM
Does'nt anyone remember that Cloud is really the true Sephiroth clone, but he just did'nt turn out right.

But my answer to the Question is....................................
SEPHIROTH, because he is the best bad guy in any game ever made, best dressed, and the bravest one, cos' he faced Cloud and the others on his own.

02-15-2002, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by Nirvana
Does'nt anyone remember that Cloud is really the true Sephiroth clone, but he just did'nt turn out right.

But my answer to the Question is....................................
SEPHIROTH, because he is the best bad guy in any game ever made, best dressed, and the bravest one, cos' he faced Cloud and the others on his own. Im sorry, Cloud is not a clone, look under What happens in the game; the thread and find out. Jazzie said why, i really didnt know.

02-16-2002, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by Zack
Im sorry, Cloud is not a clone, look under What happens in the game; the thread and find out. Jazzie said why, i really didnt know.

Hojo admitted that he was a Clone of Sephiroth, anyway which Sephiroth are we talking about the real Sephiroth the one thats either lost or dead or the Mako born Sephiroth.

02-16-2002, 04:11 PM
Cloud my vote he was a very cool guy with a intesresting story.

sephiroth was also one of the most evil villians around.

and last but not least... Zack we hardly knew ye.

02-16-2002, 04:58 PM
Nirvana: Cloud is not a clone; if you play the game and take attention to all events, you'll realize it. Just play the game by yourself. Hojo is a crazy bastard and lied to Cloud; it's true that he experienced with him and Zack with Mako treatments, but it doesn't mean he's a clone; he's the same one with Mako inside him.

02-16-2002, 06:58 PM
Right did I really send that post about Cloud man..............................I hate getting drunk, I just need some hangover pills mkay.

(3 hours later, and I mean it I forgot about this)

Yeah I totally agree.

(I was out late man did I have one hell of a headache when I woke up.)

02-16-2002, 07:14 PM
sephiroth ROCKS

02-16-2002, 07:18 PM
livejournal...i think is better, check mine out -

02-17-2002, 02:19 AM
Cloud...Zack was never stronger. In nibelheim, Zack was killed by Seph, and then Cloud killed sephiroth, that proves whos the strongest....

And you are dumb, cuz if cloud wasnt a clone he would've had memories of how he survived BEING IMPALED THROUGH THE HEART BY SEPH'S SWORD when he found himself in the lifestream.

Cloud is a clone. Its said over and over and over. Hojo says it. Cloud says it. Sephiroth says it. Hes a fricken clone.

02-17-2002, 02:54 PM
1)Cloud or Zack being stronger is a personal opinion of everyone, so don't try to make others think like you.

2)Cloud is not a clone; he was exposed to Mako treatments after the Nibelheim incident. Don't you remember when he's with Tifa in the Lifestream? Have you ever seen his flashback with Zack in disk 2? Hojo & Sephy are trying to confuse Cloud.

02-17-2002, 03:09 PM
I'd vote Cloud. Zack sucks lol and Sephiroth isn't tough at all.

02-17-2002, 07:03 PM
Ok I'm pretty confused about this Cloud being a clone thing so i'm just going to play it again.

02-17-2002, 10:06 PM
its not seph becouse he's a pussy not zack because he has bad hair and couldnt save clould and clould is the best becouse he is powerful looks good with a sword and i like him better

02-19-2002, 03:49 AM
Cloud,cloud,cloud,cloud,cloud,cloud,cloud,......., cloud is the best, he's my favourite character. Of course, Cloud is strongest

02-19-2002, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by Tuffty2002
its not seph becouse he's a pussy not zack because he has bad hair and couldnt save clould and clould is the best becouse he is powerful looks good with a sword and i like him better

Sephiroth was no pussy, he could of kicked anyone ass any time he wanted, he was the strongest of all, you dont reach Top Rank of SOLDIER just because you are a good guy and everyone likes you, he earned it...

02-20-2002, 08:21 PM
I think cloud is the best. haha. sephiroth is cool but could lose against my cloud.

02-20-2002, 11:01 PM
Sephiroth would also loose aganist my Cloud and i also tink that everyone here in this Forum Site that hasd played Final Fantasy VII could beat him, not unless they started today or something.

02-22-2002, 12:28 AM
I agree with an earlier reply. sephiroth wasn't and isn't a pussy. he could kill anyone. unless you have a strong character!

02-26-2002, 12:25 AM
Cloud is obviously the strongest of the lot. However sephiroth is the best character he is just a badass alltho a bit of a pussy at the end i expected a bettr fight .
I killed all the other characters but cloud and beat him in 3 hits i was very dissapointed as the demon gate took my life 6 times before i was able to beat him.

02-27-2002, 05:18 PM
SEPHIROTH is OBVIOUSLY the best character in Final Fantasy VII

sephiroth is bit of an easy fight at the end. But at the very end when it is just one-on-one it is the best fight i have ever had

03-13-2002, 01:08 AM
id saycloud definetly

03-13-2002, 03:14 AM
as far as best villian and hero I refer you back to ff6. Locke and Kefka were much better charictures. but in this thread CLOUD by a Mile. because every time that You encountered Sepheiroth He Lost. It did Not matter what the deal in the game was. Cloud always won. and In the end in the last fight did Cloud not fight Sephy alone? Yes he did.

03-10-2004, 11:06 AM
Well you must remember that Cloud is onlyone who can be at level 99 so what would be Zack or Sephiroth at the level 99... And also remember that witout companions Cloud would be nothing... So I'd say it's Sephirot. He has cool sword and he is number 1 in first class solder so if he could go at the level 99 what he would be...

03-10-2004, 07:19 PM
Hmm...I say all three of them were the greatest.
Without a cool villian like Sephiroth, who always killed the monsters faster in the so super cool and lets you wonder why Cloud can't level up to him in the flashbacks!! Plus, he's like just one damn hard boss who can't died faster but about that one super-move he always do- SUPERNOVA- (I think that's what its called)- That's like a great long cool attack.
Zack and Cloud are also cool in their own ways...If there was no Zack, there would be no Cloud. And even though Cloud has that cool Level 4 Limit Break, if Zack was to live, he would had a cool Limit Break like that too. :)

03-11-2004, 01:37 PM
personaly i think zack is the best out of cloud zak an seph but over all cid is the best!

03-11-2004, 04:08 PM
kk i think all of dem r gd but

Cloud-too shy
Sephiroth-too greedy
Zack-boring zzz

Rufus - was too greedy but cool @ da same time


Bro�s � ieatmako yahmieriel Incubus
Cousin - cloud_strife_10

03-11-2004, 04:19 PM
Sephiroth kicks ass

03-14-2004, 09:39 PM
cloud is the obviously the best because he can carry that big ass sword and because he over came everything that was thrown at him and because he recovered from the Mako poising twice and deafeted the wepons.

P.S. i know that my avatar is seph but i still like Cloud

03-15-2004, 06:46 PM
Zack is a pussy where is he now hey????Sephiroth is the best bad guy ever in everything u know he rocks cuz everyone loves him and ur meant to hate the baddy but id say cloud because he is everything man,

03-15-2004, 07:59 PM
the only one that is not a pussy is Cloud

Landlord of Sector 7
03-15-2004, 08:13 PM
Everyone here is forgetting one VERY important detail. Sure Cloud/Zack was first class SOLDIER but remember in the flash back he said he was dissapointed because by the time he got to first class the war was already over? Well right after they say that, they get in the battle with the dragon and Cloud/Zack is so damn weak it is unbelievable which therefore indicates that Soldier 1st class was a high rank but weak by our standards. So as you see, Sephiroth (That is HUMAN Sephiroth) would have to be the strongest.

03-15-2004, 09:38 PM
interesting. you make a good point but i still stand by Cloud.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-15-2004, 11:13 PM
Yeah but I have a good point!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAAAHHH SCORE FOR THE BIG GUY BABY OHHHHH!

03-16-2004, 02:24 AM
But also

1. Dragons are really strong

2. Zack and Cloud was only 16 at that time

3.The levels in that game compare to normal people are fairly high if u think about it, a first class is ment to be the best and theyre only level 1

03-16-2004, 10:40 AM
to clear up an earlier post:
he only got mako poisned one time, when he and zack were at shinra manor he got injected with jenova cells

back to topic:
cloud owns!!! seph owns!!! they both own, zack is kinda cool, but seph first in badasness and cloud at a close second
(very close second, come on, silver hair rules!!):D

03-16-2004, 04:36 PM
Someone really should count up these votes

ff7 kid
03-16-2004, 08:48 PM
what i think is that seffy sucks ****
cloud and zack are kinda the same but cloud rules :lol :lol :lol

Landlord of Sector 7
03-16-2004, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by _D3viL_Hunt3r_
But also

1. Dragons are really strong

2. Zack and Cloud was only 16 at that time

3.The levels in that game compare to normal people are fairly high if u think about it, a first class is ment to be the best and theyre only level 1

Yes but Sephiroth was only what like in his 20's right? So Sephiroth was weak ass for his age because in the Game Cloud is only 17 (Making him really young in flashback) and you can get him to levell 99. So if Sephiroth was only that strong at that time, Sephiroth is clearly not the best and as for the level thing, like Shinra first class is strong. It's the strongest for them except for certain exeptions (ex. Sephiroth) but it is quite weak.

03-16-2004, 10:02 PM
sephiroth being in his 20 is probaly close to his peek...therefor cant get that much better...
cloud wins!!!!

03-17-2004, 01:00 PM
zack is pretty cool but Cloud is better oh and just because Cloud has amnesia doesnt mean you tookthe time to read all the messages because if you paid attention he is a CLONE! He isnt zach he is CLOUD foooook! oh well!:whatever:

03-17-2004, 04:57 PM
Cloud's not a clone of anybody, Cloud is Cloud. Cloud was just injected with Jenova cells, and received mako therapy. Zack and Cloud are two whole different people.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-17-2004, 05:14 PM
Yeah he is a real person like anyone else just altered a bit. And he isn't in fact actually Zack he just took over Zack's life because he knew most of that life because he was around Zack all the time.

03-17-2004, 05:40 PM
Ok.....It seems that the time has come for me to put in my opinion after watching this topic for a while.

I think that Zach is fairly strong and have no doubt that he might have faired pretty well against Sephiroth.

I think sephiroth is strong and he would have to be crazy as well.

But Cloud is definatly the strongest in my opinion, look at all he has been through and think about yourselves. I dont think a homicidal mad man has ever killed all your freinds and family, burned your home town to a crisp, and then tried to kill your best freind......i dont think that youve ever been told your not real and your a failed science project.....and i moast certainly do not think that this man tried to take over your planet and tried to destroy it with every intetion of watching you wander aimlessly whle trying to stop him.
Cloud whent through a lot of emotional, physical, and spiritual changes on his journey. He never gave up, even when he was near death, he still pushed on. Cloud has Heart, not many can say that for zach because no one knew much about him and what we do see of him isnt that great. and Sephiroth is just after power, he didnt care if Tifa was sad, or if Aeris was never going to see the end of their long adventure. but Cloud did.....

Strength. Brute Force, Power.... Cloud didnt care about these things, He had freinds, can you say that about sephiroth?

03-17-2004, 07:25 PM
Land Lord Cloud was 16 in the flash back.

03-17-2004, 11:36 PM
cloud is the best...ZACK AND SEPHIROTH 30 SUCKS

Landlord of Sector 7
03-18-2004, 12:13 AM
Yeah but in the booklet doesn't it say that he's 17?

03-18-2004, 09:42 AM
the hell:eye: what booklet, talkin about the instruction manual, it says he's 21, but he's 16 in the flashback, they say so
soooo the hell you talkin about:erm: :confused:

03-18-2004, 12:24 PM
Vincent_Valentine well said my dear.

03-18-2004, 08:20 PM
what is up with the vincent thing

03-18-2004, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by sephiroth999
what is up with the vincent thing

What do you mean?

03-18-2004, 09:47 PM
That's a hard question because when you think about it your comparing the Hero to the villian so the answer depends on if you like being good or bad :whatever:

Personaly I consider sephiroth as the ultimate final fantasy character.


Landlord of Sector 7
03-18-2004, 09:56 PM
Yes but who beat the game???????

03-18-2004, 11:09 PM
Originally posted by Vincent_Valentine

What do you mean?
i mean why did you say that

03-18-2004, 11:38 PM
Characters in general

Between C & Z

& btw Cloud and Sephy were not bestfriends. I was Sephy and Zack.

Jelsh Neorith
03-18-2004, 11:50 PM
Zack was no doubt exeptionally talented but he was nothing against the all mighty Sephiroth, this was proven during that incident in Nibelheim mako reactor ... after Sephy had burnt Nibelheim village ... he went to the mako reactor, Zack chased after him, they dueled inside the reactor and Zack got his ass kicked by Sephy .... although Cloud was able to stab Sephy and then threw him into the lifestream that was pretty much just luck .... Cloud's true strength was only showed later in the game .... he's(as someone has said before) came thru a lot of emotional , physical and mental challenges during the game and in the end he's able to stand up in a one to one duel with Sephy(and won of course) .... so the overall winner is definitely Cloud ....

PS: .... if Zack wasn't killed .... it might not be this way though

03-19-2004, 05:41 AM
hey got a question who here has been asked on the date by barret?
this was the expression on my face when he asked :eek:

Also who all here knows how to get zack besides me?
you get 2 guidebooks trade one for underwater materia then save the desert rose and earth harp and go to gongaga village. talk to zacks parents and the mom is all is that a desert rose. she says then please let us use it for we can revive zack if he smells the rose. then hes all woootahim back biatch and then hes all step off cloud you shithead:notgood:

03-19-2004, 03:44 PM
sephiroth kicks a** man he is by far the best character ever, cloud is alright, but zack aint shit

03-19-2004, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by Omnislashingyou666
hey got a question who here has been asked on the date by barret?
this was the expression on my face when he asked :eek:

Also who all here knows how to get zack besides me?
you get 2 guidebooks trade one for underwater materia then save the desert rose and earth harp and go to gongaga village. talk to zacks parents and the mom is all is that a desert rose. she says then please let us use it for we can revive zack if he smells the rose. then hes all woootahim back biatch and then hes all step off cloud you shithead:notgood:

where did you find that out

03-19-2004, 10:32 PM
If you do something a certain way, Barret will ask you on a date at the Gold Saucer. Sounds kind of fruity huh??? Well it is.....too bad you can't have a threesome date with Tifa, and Aerith(If she was alive). That would be my goal in life:D

68" masamune
06-15-2007, 12:49 AM
This is a really easy question to answer:

SEPHIROTH all the way!!

As much as we like Cloud and cheer him on to victory, he doesn't compare to Sephiroth


Mainly because Sephiroth is the evilest character in the game, he looks cool, he sounds cool (in the film Advent Children) and he has a massive 68 inch sword!!

06-15-2007, 12:58 AM
What the fuck? You revived a three year old thread to post that garbage? Get out and never return.

68" masamune
06-15-2007, 10:15 AM
dude if it's such an old thread, why the fuck are you still lookin at it?

and anyhow final fantasy vii is timeless

06-15-2007, 01:41 PM
I'm looking at it because you brought it back to the top of the front page, retard. Also, FF7 is shit and most of its fans are morons.

68" masamune
06-15-2007, 01:44 PM
well i do apologise if it was not where u would have prefered it to appear on the page

n ff7 is shit??

tis the best one of the lot!!

n if u think it is shit, why the hell u lookin at a forum on it, moron

06-15-2007, 01:48 PM
If you want to argue with me, you should at least make an effort to fix your grammar instead of looking like a prepubescent AOLer.

As I said, most FF7 fans are stupid. This includes you. That is why you do not realize that it was fairly terrible.

And I look at all the forums, regardless of their content. Now fuck off.

68" masamune
06-15-2007, 01:53 PM
look sonny

1) i did english at A-level so do not talk to me about grammar

2) ff7 was the benchmark that all the subsequent games have tried but failed to live up to

3) you look at all the forums - you boring, boring bastard - get a life and grow some balls before you even think about arguing with me

now you fuck off

06-15-2007, 01:57 PM
1) If you don't use proper grammar, your grammar is shit. You persist in using improper grammar, so it is shit.

2) Bullshit. FFVII was a half-assed game that did a lesser job with what it had than other games around its time, but became popular based solely on exposure and the stupidity of kids like you.

3) What a poor excuse for an insult. Your wit is more unrefined than your pathetic taste in games.

Again, fuck off.

06-15-2007, 03:06 PM
This is going to be pretty ironic, since my screen name is in honor of Sephiroth, but I 'd have to say that Zack is the better of the three. Yes, Cloud is the only one of the three still alive, but he'd be cold and dead if Zack(who, if still alive would probably be far stronger than Cloud) hadn't sacrificed himself *HONORABLY* to give Cloud a chance to live his life.

Actually, my screen name is named for Seph because he is the best villain ever, but not the best of the three in question.

68" masamune
06-15-2007, 07:53 PM
Prak, all will fall before your un-human debating powers? how old are you?

your first point doesn't make sense.

don't call me kid, im older than you.

obviously you dont like ff7, so again why are you in a forum on it?

and have i hit a sensitive nerve with my comments?

but look, im getting tired of repeatedly beating you in an argument and laughing at how petty you are - i mean the amount of fuss you're kicking up over a point i made - so im not gonna bother commenting anymore, however if you want to persist to try and get the better of me here is my email address [email protected].

FF7 is amazing, Sephiroth kicks-ass and you suck.

oh, also get another ending comment all this "fuck off" is getting boring and you'll never make any friends if you keep telling people to fuck off.

06-15-2007, 08:02 PM
Prak, all will fall before your un-human debating powers? how old are you?

That's an in-joke, you numbskull. If you don't get it, ignore it.

your first point doesn't make sense.

It makes perfect sense if you use sense.

don't call me kid, im older than you.

I rather doubt that. And if it's true, woe unto the world.

obviously you dont like ff7, so again why are you in a forum on it?

Because it's one part of a bigger community. Did you ever look around and notice the rest of it?

and have i hit a sensitive nerve with my comments?

Yeah, it's called the I-Can't-Stand-Sephiroth-humping-Fucktards Nerve.

but look, im getting tired of repeatedly beating you in an argument and laughing at how petty you are - i mean the amount of fuss you're kicking up over a point i made - so im not gonna bother commenting anymore, however if you want to persist to try and get the better of me here is my email address [email protected].

I can guarantee you that no one is regarding you as the victor here. The rest of us are laughing at you.

FF7 is amazing, Sephiroth kicks-ass and you suck.

All I can do is laugh at the idiocy.

oh, also get another ending comment all this "fuck off" is getting boring and you'll never make any friends if you keep telling people to fuck off.

The people I tell to fuck off usually aren't worth having as friends in the first place. Now fuck off.

06-15-2007, 08:10 PM
Ok FFVII was a decent game for it's time, but I know that it has flaws, what I hate is moronic fanboys like this masamume cunt who thinks it's the best for the most bullshit reasons, please fuck off.

06-15-2007, 09:02 PM
Wow. What moronic actions of a Sephiroth fan.

I will not lie in saying that I am not one for I am. I'm a Sephiroth fangirl but I'm falling out of that phase. He's a decent character with a screwed up past and loses his mind but essentially that's all he is.

I may have posted before that I thought Seph was the best of the three but I have to agree with Sephiroth777Enix in saying that Zack is the better of the three. And actually, I think the only reasons I liked Seph was because he finished off the Cetra.

Anyway, I've said what I came to say and so I take my leave once more.

68" masamune
06-15-2007, 10:43 PM
Woah i seem to have stirred up a right old debate, and heaven forbid, but people hate me, whatever will i do *slashes wrists*

but do any of you realise how childish you all and even me sound? getting so worked up because i think the one video game character is better than another, or because i think FF7 has the best storyline or whatever - get a god damn life!!

but please don't stop calling me a cunt, because i really find it quite amusing that i can bring out people's emotions and hatred with a few simple taps on my keyboard.

you might not like me, but guess what - i dont care

06-15-2007, 10:49 PM
Cloud or Sephiroth for me (hard to choose) Zack is obviously the weakest among them He was a first clas soldier nothing special rly
EDit: Stop hating Prak :p

06-15-2007, 11:45 PM
I Would say cloud as he's been through a lot whilest fighting Sephiroth. He survied the first fight with him and before he wins over sephiroth he took a blade to the stomach. Not many would be able to do that.

06-16-2007, 01:29 PM
Woah i seem to have stirred up a right old debate, and heaven forbid, but people hate me, whatever will i do *slashes wrists*

Heaven forbid, cunts like you are allowed internet access.

but do any of you realise how childish you all and even me sound? getting so worked up because i think the one video game character is better than another, or because i think FF7 has the best storyline or whatever - get a god damn life!!

I beleive the reason for the flaming is that you were stupid enough to revive a thread for a shit reason, just like many fanboys before you, we all have very comftable lives, thank you very much, and the only one that sounds like a child is you, since you display the intelligence of one.

but please don't stop calling me a cunt, because i really find it quite amusing that i can bring out people's emotions and hatred with a few simple taps on my keyboard.

It's amusing that you think people will stop, when you continue to show the intelligence of a 4 year old.

you might not like me, but guess what - i dont care

Thats great, now fuck off.

06-16-2007, 02:35 PM
Prak, masamune did nothing to start all this arguing. And just because some people enjoy the historical influence that is 7, does not mean that you should start arguments with them. Now, everyone, move along.

06-16-2007, 02:42 PM
He did, he revived a very old thread, for a very shit reason.

06-16-2007, 06:18 PM
If a thread is not to be used anymore, then lock it. If it's not locked, it can be used. End of story.

Neo Xzhan
06-16-2007, 06:51 PM
Oh my fucking god. I can't even take a couple of days of absence.

Don't revive 3 year old threads. And if you had read the forum charter, there's a link to character discussion.

But, assuming by the fact that you revived a 3 (technically 5, since it was started in 2002) year old thread and did NOT post in the official character discussion thread, I think you're a complete moron.