02-20-2005, 07:59 AM
Oh No! The game was delayed again!

How long will the game be delayed THIS time? No clue. Square won't say. Surprised? Shouldn't be. This game will come, I promise. Be patient, it will be great.

Also, Square-Enix announced that they will be releasing one new game every month. They state that the reason for this is so they can improve game sales while continuing to make great new games. Well, the games released every month are already supposed to be new. If I had to take a guess, I would suppose we are going to see a lot of re-releases. To that, I say, 'bout freaking time. Vagrant Story: Redone, Final Fantasy I - X: Redone, Dragon Quest I - VI: Redone.

We will also probably see a lot of rushed titles. No doubt, you'll continue to see games like Square-Enix's most recent failure, Full Metal Alchemist. Oh well, hope for the best, and put trust in the company we all love.

02-21-2005, 01:37 AM
That sucks! When is it supposed to come out now? 2006?

Lady Obscurity
02-21-2005, 01:44 AM
Like I said, they are a bunch of greedy sequel happy bastards. They never used to rush games just to make extra money on the side... What has become of my beloved Square!? *faints*

03-26-2005, 07:28 AM
I know..... their games like final fantasy x-2 and a few others were flops.... they shouldve taken more time for them to make greatest hits lists like they did in the past. If FF12 is a flop, I shall never buy another FF game.... and I really hope Advent Children isnt either......

03-26-2005, 07:45 AM
I got fayth in them for Advent of Children.

03-27-2005, 03:16 AM
The word is faith. Fayth are stone statues that become Aeons.

03-27-2005, 03:31 AM
You know, just because Final Fantasy X-2 wasn't the holy game that FF10 fans were expecting doesn't mean it was a flop. Thanks to fanboys (including yours truly,) Final Fantasy X-2 made a tiny profit.

Mind you, it's gathering dust in my collection at the moment. I haven't played more than about 9 hours worth. Too J-pop for my taste.

Apart from that, Square-Enix has actually been rather brave in the titles it has published - it has been experimenting with a lot of new genres, and failing. But it hasn't stopped them from trying. I for one applaud them for titles like Star Ocean: 'Til the End of Time, which was an Enix (I know, I know, Tri-Ace) property that has been given a shine and development worthy of a Final Fantasy.

Even those who hated Final Fantasy X-2 can't debate that the game was poorly made - the error was in game design, not the game itself. The real-time combat system was actually quite intuitive.

To me, I don't see why the Fullmetal Alchemist game is copping so much flak - it seems that most people are complaining about graphics, which is ridiculous. Square-Enix is continuing to make quality games, and if anything, fans should be excited about the prospect of a new Square game available every month. Hell, i'm sick of good games being released twice a year - Christmas rush and Holiday rush. A more balanced release cycle would be much better on my wallet.

03-27-2005, 04:04 AM
W3rd up L33 Dawg! (If you wish to kill me I won't say that again.)

Man it's the J-popish feel that kept me playing FFX-2, that and the fact that my snake spits when thinking about Yuna while I rub it. I can't think of much else that keeps me playing it. That an maybe I'd like to figure out some of the storyline stuff. (Although I don't really play the game that often.) I do notice however, that most people who don't like it played it once... then again if you play it and hate it the first time, I can easily imagine not wanting to pick it back up again. I realize, that in retrospect, I hated many of the games that I played through and beat, but I lied to myself, saying I liked them because I had a compulsive desire to beat as many games as possible. After a while of playing games, and beating them, I learned that most games don't really challenge the players, and aren't really meant to challenge the players, but are meant to play out like protracted movies. I'd like challenge restored to the RPG genre. Now FFX-2 was more challenging than the first FFX... I died a lot more often in FFX-2.

03-27-2005, 06:29 AM
The word is faith. Fayth are stone statues that become Aeons.
I should add this to You know you play too much Final Fantasy thread.

03-27-2005, 10:31 PM

Apart from that, Square-Enix has actually been rather brave in the titles it has published - it has been experimenting with a lot of new genres, and failing. But it hasn't stopped them from trying. I for one applaud them for titles like Star Ocean: 'Til the End of Time, which was an Enix (I know, I know, Tri-Ace) property that has been given a shine and development worthy of a Final Fantasy.

I loved the Star ocean series! SO3 is great! im glad they took a chance w. that.

FFXII is supposedly coming out this year. I suspect(if they dont change it again) that it will be late summer or early fall.