02-08-2002, 01:05 PM
What do you think of Trance?

I found it to be useless, i was hoping for great looking end limit attacks from zidane, but alas, his 2nd trance ability is his best, because it costs less MP but takes off the same amount of damage as his last attack.

They all look rubbish too in comparison to squalls lionheart. Also, other characters like garnet really miss out, her trance makes no difference to get apart from making her take off more damage etc.

I also hate wasting trance by getting it at the end of a minor battle..

oh well we all have our own tastes

Bahamut ZERO
02-08-2002, 03:23 PM
I didn't really have a lot of time for Trance. Most of the abilities I felt didn't really advance the characters enough for it to be worthwhile. Garnet's was pretty good, in that once you summon an Eidolon and then leave her alone, the Eidolon keeps on attacking again and again. Zidane's Trance attacks look spectacular, but they only take off 9999. It would've been better if Grand Lethal had been like Lionheart and Omnislash and taken off multiple hits. Zidane out of trance just involves him hitting the opponent with physical attacks, as his skills are rather useless.

I also didn't like how I'd get into Trance during a boss battle and then it would die in the next hit before I could use it. IT ALWAYS HAPPENS!!! And then you have no trance meter for the next battle. :mad: :mad: :mad: Oh well...

02-08-2002, 03:59 PM
cool i didnt realise that garnets eidolons continue to attack when used in trance. And i dont think Zidanes trance moves look at all spectacular.
The best looking moves in the games are the summons and the powerful magics used by kuja at the end (flare etc)

02-08-2002, 06:31 PM
I agree trances suck.....i liked FF8 for it;s limit breaks...and i think that i'll like overdrives better then trances...or are they the same thing? :p

02-08-2002, 07:36 PM
Trances wern't that great. I liked limits alot more, and overdrives are better too. Trances were way too dull.

02-08-2002, 09:17 PM
Trance isnt half as good as limit breaks.I prefer the ff7 limit breaks myself.

02-09-2002, 12:42 PM
Trance smells.
i wish u could choose when to start them.I prefer that

02-09-2002, 01:19 PM
uve got to understand WHY trances werent stupidly powerful. it was an effort to balance out the game towards the end. FF8 was terribly unbalanced. by disk 2 u could just use aura all round and then eden and there was no challenge. by taking the max damage to 9999 again and reucing attack power and hp the game was more balanced at higher levels. if this had been implenmented in FF7 the game would have been far more enjoyable above lvl 40.

02-09-2002, 02:43 PM
Agreee! ya know..... Limit in FFVIII is too boring(9999,9999,9999,....that's all?), well, i know that... trance< toooo weak>but, it's still ....:)

02-09-2002, 04:43 PM
Yes i agree with that, but thats no excuse for making them look crap and boring. You at least want to get some really bad ass attack near the end. They should make the monsters harder but implement ultra amazing attacks! its just that i think they look cool in ff8 and 7

02-09-2002, 07:20 PM
i didnt much like the whole "trance" idea either. oh well ffX rules.


02-10-2002, 01:43 AM
The worst thing about trance is that it only lasts for one battle, unlike overdrives that last until you want to use them. I remember one time i was almost to a boss and got trance! I was so pissed!

02-10-2002, 01:44 AM
The worst thing about trance is that it only lasts for one battle, unlike overdrives that last until you want to use them. I remember one time i was almost to a boss and got trance! I was so mad!:notgood:

02-10-2002, 04:57 AM
I never really used my trances that much. As much as I loved this game, the trance really didnt help out that much. I could use some magic spells that would work as good as a trance. I like Vivi's trance though! The more the magic, the merrier.

Auron 13, please be more careful not to double post. That makes admins angry, and you dont want one on your bad side...hehe ^_^

02-10-2002, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by Auron13
The worst thing about trance is that it only lasts for one battle, unlike overdrives that last until you want to use them. I remember one time i was almost to a boss and got trance! I was so mad!:notgood:

You remember 1 time? wow your lucky, my fate was that almost every boss i got to had me with 0 trance meter because it was activated like 1 battle before the boss :P

02-10-2002, 08:28 PM
i got trance on the battle before Black Waltz No1 so no trance for me then :(

Divine Strike
02-12-2002, 04:17 PM
Trance would be alot better if it carried on to the next battle