07-05-2016, 08:13 PM

01 - 01 - 0m1 Hero.m4a
01 - 02 - 0m1R Hero (CD Mix).m4a
01 - 03 - 0m1R Hero (Film Mix).m4a
01 - 04 - 1m1 Titles (Long).m4a
01 - 05 - 1m1ALT Titles (Short).m4a
01 - 06 - 1m2 Little Alice.m4a
01 - 07 - 1m2R Little Alice (Alternate End).m4a
01 - 08 - 1m2BR Alice and Mom.m4a
01 - 09 - 1m3BS Quadrille Dance.m4a
01 - 10 - 1m4 Rabbit.m4a
01 - 11 - 1m5 Rabbit Chase.m4a
01 - 12 - 1m5A The Proposal.m4a
01 - 13 - 1m5B The Proposal (End).m4a
01 - 14 - 1m6 Down The Hole.m4a
01 - 15 - 1m7 The Doors.m4a
01 - 16 - 2m1 Drink Me.m4a
01 - 17 - 2m2 In The Garden.m4a
01 - 18 - 2m3 Finding Absolem.m4a
01 - 19 - 2m4 Bandersnatch.m4a
01 - 20 - 2m5 Snatch.m4a
01 - 21 - 2m6 Tarts.m4a
01 - 22 - 2m7 Cheshire.m4a
01 - 23 - 2m8R Tea For Stayne.m4a
01 - 24 - 2m10 Sniffing For Alice.m4a
01 - 25 - 2m12 My Lady.m4a
01 - 26 - 3m1A Hatter Recital Part A.m4a
01 - 27 - 3m1BS Flashback Source.m4a
01 - 28 - 3m1C Hatter Recital Part C.m4a
01 - 29 - 3m3 Red Knights.m4a
01 - 30 - 3m4A Alice and Bayard's Journey Part A.m4a
01 - 31 - 3m4B Alice and Bayard's Journey Part B.m4a
01 - 32 - 3m5 Eating the Cake.m4a
02 - 33 - 3m7 In Court.m4a
02 - 34 - 3m8 Hatter Unbound.m4a
02 - 35 - 3m9 Bayard and White Queen.m4a
02 - 36 - 3m10A Castle Problems.m4a
02 - 37 - 3m10B Saving Hatter (Alternate).m4a
02 - 38 - 4m2-3 Liars-Vorpal Sword.m4a
02 - 39 - 4m4 Alice Revealed.m4a
02 - 40 - 4m5 Alice Escapes.m4a
02 - 41 - 4m6 Inside The White Queen.m4a
02 - 42 - 4m7 Back To Size.m4a
02 - 43 - 4m8RR The Dungeon.m4a
02 - 44 - 4m9 Execution.m4a
02 - 45 - 5m1 Parapet.m4a
02 - 46 - 5m2 Only a Dream.m4a
02 - 47 - 5m3S Trumpet Call.m4a
02 - 48 - 5m4 Alice Under Pressure.m4a
02 - 49 - 5m5-6 Alice Decides.m4a
02 - 50 - 5m5-6R Alice Decides (Insert).m4a
02 - 51 - 5m5-6RR Alice Decides (Revised Insert).m4a
02 - 52 - 5m7S On-Screen Trumpet.m4a
02 - 53 - 5m8A Going to Battle A.m4a
02 - 54 - 5m8B Going to Battle B.m4a
02 - 55 - 5m8C Going to Battle C.m4a
02 - 56 - 5m10 Blood of the Jabberwocky.m4a
02 - 57 - 5m10ALT Blood of the Jabberwocky (Alternate).m4a
02 - 58 - 6m1 Alice Returns.m4a
02 - 59 - 6m1ALT Alice Returns (Alternate End).m4a


07-05-2016, 08:21 PM
Thank you!!

07-05-2016, 08:22 PM
That's very cool, thanks a lot!

James (The Disney Guy)
07-05-2016, 08:22 PM

07-05-2016, 08:25 PM
It's lossy, in case anyone is wondering.

---------- Post added at 12:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:24 PM ----------

A combination rather of lossless and lossy. The lossy tracks having a shelf at 13000hz..

07-05-2016, 08:27 PM

07-05-2016, 08:29 PM
Thank you so much!!!! the real deal another grail from my wishlist

07-05-2016, 08:32 PM
Thanks a lot!

07-05-2016, 09:56 PM
thanks again


07-05-2016, 10:21 PM
Thanks a lot! :)

07-05-2016, 10:36 PM
Tremendous share thank you very much!

07-05-2016, 11:05 PM
Looks like in order to make the most accurate film version deluxe edition, I'm gonna have to watch this dreadful film again. One reason I dislike Elfman sessions sometimes. Let's hope everything is here, unlike Sleepy Hollow.

Thanks for the share, even if I had already got this from somebody else.

07-05-2016, 11:07 PM
Wow thank you. A good score but not so good 2nd film.

07-06-2016, 12:17 AM
Thanks so much for the sessions!!!

07-06-2016, 01:03 AM
Whaaat! Wow! Thanks!!

07-06-2016, 01:08 AM
I still can't figure out how this movie made a BILLION dollars.

07-06-2016, 01:11 AM
The sales of 3D tickets helps. That's how The Avengers grossed more than TDKR. Be it real 3D or fake-ass converted 3D, people flock to that shit like flies to dog poop. I don't get it.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
07-06-2016, 01:29 AM
I still can't figure out how this movie made a BILLION dollars.

The sales of 3D tickets helps. That's how The Avengers grossed more than TDKR. Be it real 3D or fake-ass converted 3D, people flock to that shit like flies to dog poop. I don't get it.

Also, China.
China also boosts sales for movies.
A lot that were panned negatively in North America were top-rated in China and most of the revenue came from Chinese tickets sales.

TDKR was a set trilogy. A dark atmosphere that's an acquired taste. I still know more people who prefer Marvel over DC because of Marvel is brighter and happier (in terms of humor).
3D wasn't the selling point.
A vast majority hate 3D. Only kids go to 3D these days.

They went to it because Avengers was a bigger production, having included more than one super hero from different running series.
Marvel discovered a formula that works and now DC is trying to catch up.

Joss Whedon also brought in a lot of the adults. Instant cross-generation appeal.
The humor struck more with adults who grew up watching Whedon's TV productions.

Alice made a billion because it's fun for the children who have to bring their parents, so that automatically locks in more tickets. Whether the parents want to see it or not.
"Burton, Depp and Carter. Again..." groans the parents.

Avengers still would have outdone the dark and gloomy, manich depressive Dark Knight if Avengers was in 2D.
People placate themselves out of convenience and just give into viewing in 3D because everyone has that ONE friend who wants to see it in 3D and 48fps and then 3D in 24 fps and then 2D in 24fps (no 2D in 48fps). :smrt:

07-06-2016, 01:35 AM
Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy wasn't THAT dark, since there are your moments of levity. MoS and BvS on the other hand...

07-06-2016, 02:08 AM
Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy wasn't THAT dark, since there are your moments of levity. MoS and BvS on the other hand...

Exactly. BvS is hella darker than TDK Trilogy. It's even darker than MoS.

07-06-2016, 02:13 AM
Exactly. BvS is hella darker than TDK Trilogy. It's even darker than MoS.

Definitely. MoS was at least trying to be "Christopher Nolan's Superman." BvS simply went it's own crazy way.

07-06-2016, 02:27 AM
Or maybe the film did well because people actually loved it. Not everyone go to cinema to see the same kind of darkness and grittyness you can see daily, some actually want to see something imaginative and colorful.

07-06-2016, 02:38 AM
Or maybe the film did well because people actually loved it. Not everyone go to cinema to see the same kind of darkness and grittyness you can see daily, some actually want to see something imaginative and colorful.

Indeed. I really wished Richard Donner was the only man allowed to make a Superman movie. Snyder made a poor version of the character.

But enough of that. Let's talk about the actual post. This would make for an interesting listen. Thanks!

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
07-06-2016, 02:51 AM
Snyder made a poor version of the character.

It wasn't that poor since everyone loved it enough for it to get a sequel with Bats.

I pre-odered it.

TDK was dark at the time it came out.
Now everyone's doing it.

It was realistically dark. That could actually happen. Someone can abduct someone you love and blow them to pieces.
Makeup is optional. If they're that delusional.

Marvel is pure scifi/fantasy.

In 2010, between TDK only (TDKR wasn't out yet) and whatever Marvel brought out at that time, it was dark.

Come MoS, they *had* to up the darkness. Nolan set the standard. It's like steroids. You just need more and more and more.

Alice is only dark in color schemes. But still silly and happy looking over an emo super hero.
That's why it made billions. People like happy endings. Marvel has that by the dozens. Happy ending with ominous forshadowing.
Nolan is cut and dry. Processed and shrink-wrapped to be shipped out immediately.

I think it's safe to say there will always be a new movie every few years that breaks records.
Quality changes and people's opinions change as they see more and more of the same.
Marvel gets so much hate and so much love at the same time for the same reasons.

The only thing maknig news today about movies breaknig records all comes from Chinese ticket sales.
Social sites and reviews all slam and hate BvS but it was a miracle to China.

I don't even now where to begin quantifying such opinions when there's so many variables.

I actually like Alice a lot. I'm a Burton fan.
The 3D didn't matter to me.

But, thanks for the music. It's fun to listen to while gaming.

Anyone know how much of this is different than the previous stuff posted?
I remember sessions were posted before in lossy but some tracks were missing and then uploaded in a completely different thread you had to read through or you miss it. I think the missing tracks were found in a Request thread a few centuries ago.

07-06-2016, 03:10 AM
Oh yeah, a microwave transmitter device that evaporates water and kills everyone is totally realistic.

If people really liked the characterization of Superman, then we would've gotten his own sequel before a crossover. Logical thinking right there.

I really don't care to watch Burton's Alice, considering how badly received it is.

---------- Post added at 07:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:07 PM ----------

People of China also slammed BvS as well, with many people being confused over the movie, particularly in the bit Wonder Woman showed up (people kept calling her Super Woman or something). I didn't hear people say it was a hit in vein of Warcraft either. If it did, $1 billions would've easily been achieved.

07-06-2016, 03:11 AM
Thank you ! !

07-06-2016, 03:17 AM
Or maybe the film did well because people actually loved it. Not everyone go to cinema to see the same kind of darkness and grittyness you can see daily, some actually want to see something imaginative and colorful.

I haven't seen the film in a few years, but I don't remember it being colorful at all. I recall even the first moments in Wonderland, where they're all running through that jungle, to be washed out and dull-looking. All my memories of the film are of the colorless tone of it.

I bet Johnny Depp and Tim Burton being name-dropped in the marketing were huge draws.

07-06-2016, 08:37 AM
Thank you!

07-06-2016, 08:58 AM
Wow! :D Great share, DerekHansel!

07-06-2016, 09:31 AM
Amazing! Thanks for sharing

07-06-2016, 10:14 AM

07-06-2016, 10:30 AM
Thank you for this!!

07-06-2016, 11:30 AM
It wasn't that poor since everyone loved it enough for it to get a sequel with Bats.

Not true. Batman being in the MOS "sequel" (not true as WB confirmed BVS is NOT Man Of Steel 2) was BECAUSE MOS was not well received, not because it was. MOS had mixed reception from critics and audiences (most people will agree it was just good not great) while falling short of WB's predictions financially by at least $200 million (there's rumours that WB even LOST money on MOS). MOS was so controversial, WB shoved Batman and Wonder Woman in the next movie to try and help Superman movies make more money. The inclusion of those characters was entirely financially motivated, not just to set up a shared universe, but to give future Superman movies the "boost" solo Marvel movies received post Avengers. This is why they rushed the shared universe. They wanted the big money and they wanted it now. BVS falling flat on it's face (poor reception from critics and audiences, falling incredibly short of WB's predictions financially, some of the biggest drops ever seen for a superhero movie, incredibly controversial) has led WB to reshuffle their whole universe: Suicide Squad reshoots, assurances Wonder Woman will be "fun", Justice League will be more "fun" (the interviews about Justice League has everyone using as many different words for fun as they can), Zack Snyder is being managed by Geoff Johns to bring the fans back on board and they've reshuffled the slate to focus on what people liked (MOS 2 has been pushed back indefinitely in favour of a solo Batman movie). DC's Shared Universe is not well loved. Neither is MOS. And WB is scrambling to save it.

---------- Post added at 04:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:29 AM ----------

Oh and thanks for the share! Love this score! Glad to finally have the sessions!

07-06-2016, 12:19 PM
DC's Shared Universe is not well loved. Neither is MOS. And WB is scrambling to save it.

The ONE - the ONE thing that MIGHT make DC's film universe worth all the trouble is if, ten or twenty years down the line, when Affleck is old, they finally make a Batman Beyond movie. Hold moley that would be awesome.

07-06-2016, 12:28 PM

07-06-2016, 12:38 PM
Thanks a lot

James (The Disney Guy)
07-06-2016, 01:13 PM
The ONE - the ONE thing that MIGHT make DC's film universe worth all the trouble is if, ten or twenty years down the line, when Affleck is old, they finally make a Batman Beyond movie. Hold moley that would be awesome.
oooooooo Baby!

07-06-2016, 02:03 PM

07-06-2016, 07:13 PM
Thanks a bunch!

07-07-2016, 03:06 AM
Thanks so much for this excellent share! Still no film version of the "Fudderwacken" sequence though.... *sigh* Maybe one day!

07-07-2016, 04:04 AM

07-07-2016, 04:54 AM

Number 112
07-07-2016, 06:49 AM
Bla bla bla and no one to make a nice cover ! :p

07-07-2016, 06:54 AM
Bla bla bla and no one to make a nice cover ! :p

too shy to ask for it but...I guess you're right...:D

07-07-2016, 10:21 AM
Bla bla bla and no one to make a nice cover ! :p

Ask and ye shall receive. The included cover was irritating me as a fan of the film because the proportions are all off; the Tweedles and Cheshire Cat are giants, the Red Queen doesn't have a large head etc. These aren't perfect (literally made them quickly) but they'll do for me until someone else comes along with a better cover. I also really like how the cover with Alice on looks in Itunes.

07-07-2016, 10:59 AM
MOS was so controversial, WB shoved Batman and Wonder Woman in the next movie to try and help Superman movies make more money. The inclusion of those characters was entirely financially motivated, not just to set up a shared universe, but to give future Superman movies the "boost" solo Marvel movies received post Avengers. This is why they rushed the shared universe. They wanted the big money and they wanted it now.
Interesting. I didn't think MOS was that controversial... Yes, very different from the Christopher Reeve's Superman movies, self-serious, filled with Snyder stuff and with a little little on Nolan inside. But still enjoyable and not an atrocity. Simply a whole different take on the story and the character.
But I don't think they decided to put in Batman, WW, Lex Luthor and a whole introduction to JL just to "give a future to Superman". As far as I know, all of it came from Snyder's idea to put Batman into the MOS sequel. Then the movie totally changed its nature: from a sequel to MOS to a transition movie for the JL.

BVS falling flat on it's face (poor reception from critics and audiences, falling incredibly short of WB's predictions financially, some of the biggest drops ever seen for a superhero movie, incredibly controversial) has led WB to reshuffle their whole universe: Suicide Squad reshoots, assurances Wonder Woman will be "fun", Justice League will be more "fun" (the interviews about Justice League has everyone using as many different words for fun as they can), Zack Snyder is being managed by Geoff Johns to bring the fans back on board and they've reshuffled the slate to focus on what people liked (MOS 2 has been pushed back indefinitely in favour of a solo Batman movie). DC's Shared Universe is not well loved. Neither is MOS. And WB is scrambling to save it.
Actually, the Suicide Squad reshoots were already programmed before (nearly every single blockbuster has them nowadays). Same as Rogue One.

And the "fun" for Wonder Woman and Justice League was also programmed before BvS was released. Pretty hard to believe that DC wants all of their movies to be as 'heavy' and self-serious as Batman v Superman.

---------- Post added at 11:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:53 AM ----------

PS. Thanks for the covers, pottyaboutpotter1! ;)

07-07-2016, 12:42 PM
Thanks pottyaboutpotter1.

07-08-2016, 01:09 AM
Thanks for the share...

Number 112
07-08-2016, 06:43 AM
Ask and ye shall receive. The included cover was irritating me as a fan of the film because the proportions are all off; the Tweedles and Cheshire Cat are giants, the Red Queen doesn't have a large head etc. These aren't perfect (literally made them quickly) but they'll do for me until someone else comes along with a better cover. I also really like how the cover with Alice on looks in Itunes.

Thanks friend :)

07-08-2016, 07:31 AM
Interesting. I didn't think MOS was that controversial... Yes, very different from the Christopher Reeve's Superman movies, self-serious, filled with Snyder stuff and with a little little on Nolan inside. But still enjoyable and not an atrocity. Simply a whole different take on the story and the character.
But I don't think they decided to put in Batman, WW, Lex Luthor and a whole introduction to JL just to "give a future to Superman". As far as I know, all of it came from Snyder's idea to put Batman into the MOS sequel. Then the movie totally changed its nature: from a sequel to MOS to a transition movie for the JL.

Actually, the Suicide Squad reshoots were already programmed before (nearly every single blockbuster has them nowadays). Same as Rogue One.

And the "fun" for Wonder Woman and Justice League was also programmed before BvS was released. Pretty hard to believe that DC wants all of their movies to be as 'heavy' and self-serious as Batman v Superman.

Man of Steel was most definitely controversial. Before Dawn of Justice, never had I seen a film be this argued about. Many aspects of the film were heavily discussed in manner that gave you the idea the movie represented various things to many different people. There simply was no middle ground as to what the general consensus was. Either you loved it or you hated it. Like Amazing Spider-Man 2, I simply don't know what to think of the flick. The only thing I could get out of it was "Christopher Nolan Lite." That, and I really miss Christopher Reeve, Richard Donner, and Tom Mankiewicz. Batman v Superman definitely spawned out of the fact that Warner Bros. were under the impression that Superman wasn't enough and had to throw in many things to catch up to Marvel and hopefully make a billion (which is depressingly ironic). It never occurred to them to actually make a better movie, just something that'll be pleasing to fanboys and hopefully the general audience. Man did that not go as planned. Not only is the film even more controversial, with critics hating it and the internet arguing even more intensely, it made less of a profit than Man of Steel did. So what did they do?

No matter what Warner Bros. and DC tell you, the fact that every movie after Dawn of Justice was to be "lighter in tone" is a damage control effort. The re shoots were a thing announced right after Batman v Superman wasn't really doing so well. The timing was too perfect to ignore it. Suicide Squad got reports of having a messy 3rd act in need of fixing. Justice League is now just one film and say it's always meant to be "lighter," even though the concept art and set design look about as bleak as before. The Flash lost it's director and James Wan is saying the Aquaman movie is gonna be more "fun."

I have a question to ask then: how does one go lighter after having gone pretty dark? It'll just be jarring and feel like we're in a different universe all of a sudden. To go back on your plans and do something different is never the best thing to do. If you had a planned direction, don't change it and just go with it.

Lastly, I hate how DC describes the MCU as "superhero comedies." Those movies never aim to make you laugh every single minute. As much as your humor can be very present, it's always the characters and stories you focus on in the end, which Marvel has done well with and DC's simply just muddled.

Fight me internet. Just not here, because we forgot the real point of this thread. Whoops.

07-08-2016, 03:38 PM
Surely we feel this Marvel / DC thing differently. No matter how much we discuss, none of us will change idea about it. Let's just quit it here.

07-08-2016, 04:38 PM
Surely we feel this Marvel / DC thing differently. No matter how much we discuss, none of us will change idea about it. Let's just quit it here.

Agreed. I really want to like DC, especially after I managed to get enjoyment out of Batman v Superman, but that's not for here (it would be more fitting for that Civil War thread). We were talking about the state of Hollywood following Burton's Wonderland and this is where we got ourselves.

Discussion closed. Back to the original topic.

I need to at some point have a listening session of all the Elfman scores I haven't gotten to listen properly. It's only been the first Spider-Man that I've gotten to listen to. Any suggestions as to an Elfman score that would make good for proper introduction?

07-08-2016, 07:49 PM
Agreed. I really want to like DC, especially after I managed to get enjoyment out of Batman v Superman, but that's not for here (it would be more fitting for that Civil War thread). We were talking about the state of Hollywood following Burton's Wonderland and this is where we got ourselves.

Discussion closed. Back to the original topic.

I need to at some point have a listening session of all the Elfman scores I haven't gotten to listen properly. It's only been the first Spider-Man that I've gotten to listen to. Any suggestions as to an Elfman score that would make good for proper introduction?

Alice 1 and 2 obviously. After that, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Sleepy Hollow, Batman, Batman Returns and maybe Oz

07-08-2016, 07:53 PM
I need to at some point have a listening session of all the Elfman scores I haven't gotten to listen properly. It's only been the first Spider-Man that I've gotten to listen to. Any suggestions as to an Elfman score that would make good for proper introduction?

The sessions of the first Spider-Man are around? Must have missed it.
Strangely, I'm way more familiar with Spider-Man 3 (first superhero movie I watched at the cinema). Also, I kinda prefer Christopher Young's new themes and his arrangements of Elfman's ones! :laugh:

07-08-2016, 08:03 PM
The sessions of the first Spider-Man are around? Must have missed it.
Strangely, I'm way more familiar with Spider-Man 3 (first superhero movie I watched at the cinema). Also, I kinda prefer Christopher Young's new themes and his arrangements of Elfman's ones! :laugh:

It's the Complete Score for the first film, since recording sessions would need to include alternates and unused stuff. I could send it to you if you want (in 320kbps).

Spider-Man 3 is my favorite score, so I wholeheartedly agree. So glad SonicAdventure put through and made his Deluxe Edition. Though most of the re arrangements are removed, since those were done by other composers (various promos and the recording sessions should back up on that).

07-08-2016, 09:57 PM
Thank you for this! Much appreciated!

07-09-2016, 10:10 AM
It's the Complete Score for the first film, since recording sessions would need to include alternates and unused stuff. I could send it to you if you want (in 320kbps).

I have a few sets of the scores of the trilogy. I think I already have the Complete Score of the first film.

Spider-Man 3 is my favorite score, so I wholeheartedly agree. So glad SonicAdventure put through and made his Deluxe Edition. Though most of the re arrangements are removed, since those were done by other composers (various promos and the recording sessions should back up on that).

There are some promos for Spider-Man 3?

07-09-2016, 10:48 AM
There are some promos for Spider-Man 3?

Definitely, though they can vary. I have a 7 track one that is genuinely lossless. There were also a couple of lost promos you can still find threads for that contain several in days when we weren't using Spek and stuff like that.

Some have popped up on SoulSeek, so search if you want to.

07-27-2016, 07:23 AM

the marvin
07-27-2016, 07:58 AM

07-28-2016, 11:51 AM
thank you very much

07-29-2016, 02:20 PM
Thanks! :D

10-04-2016, 12:07 AM
Thank you!

10-06-2016, 08:51 AM
OMGOSH!!! ty so much !!! :) xoxo

lounge legend
10-06-2016, 09:04 PM
thank you

02-24-2017, 10:40 PM
Hey, I would really like if somebody could upload a version with MP3 instead of M4A/ALAC. Thanks very much in advance to the one who does this!!!!!!

02-25-2017, 10:08 PM
Thank you

12-11-2017, 08:07 PM
Thank you.

09-13-2018, 04:40 PM
Thanks a Lot, Great Post

10-27-2018, 04:17 AM
Thank you!!