02-17-2005, 04:41 AM
If you could chose 2 characters from 7, two from 8 and two from 9 to be in a new ff game together, which would you choose? and why?

i think id say.....
7 - Aeris coz shes sweet and pretty and kind etc.
Sephiroth coz hes cool and not bad lookin for a game
character... plus hes heaps strong... and pretty much.. well awesome

8 - squall coz hes like shy... but really sweet. and a good fighter.
Irvine coz.. what a hot lil guy he is.. he tries to act cool, but
always comes out looking or acting dorky.. aww lol

9 - Kuja coz he has cool clothes... even though at first he looked a
little girlie.... plus i love the silver dragon!
Beatrix at first i didnt like her, but now i think shes cool. i love
her clothes too. i gotta say the only thing i dont like about her is
steiner....(sorry steiner fans!)

One Fantasy
02-17-2005, 07:07 AM
If I had to use strictly main characters, then Cloud and Vincent, Squall and Irvine, and Zidane and Vivi.

02-17-2005, 08:59 AM
7-cloud kicks ass,barret kicks more ass
8-rinoa she's really cute!,squall gunblade
9-zidane perverted,garnet cute!

FF Fanatic
02-17-2005, 04:32 PM
FF7 - Vincent: he's cool, mysterious and has great limits
Sephiroth: he's Sephiroth

FF8 - Squall: he's calm
Seifer: he's cocky and has a great attitude

FF9 - Zidane: he's cocky
Kuja: he's mysterious

02-17-2005, 09:02 PM
7-Cid:his cursing and being a pilot, Cloud: the giant sword and onislash
8-Squall: gunblade, Irvine: guns and women
9- vivi: magic spells, Amarant, attitude and throwing ability

02-19-2005, 06:10 AM
A game like this would be interesting...

Vincent: Awesome character, mysterious, looks good, yet his limits were pretty boring.
Yuffie: I love thieves, sphere-hunters, treasure hunters... whatever you want to call them. Very sneaky.

Quistis: I have to learn more about her! She intrigues me, and didn't get enough exposure to meet my satisfaction. Kinda like every other playable character from VIII that wasn't Squall or Rinoa...
Irvine: Of course, the sexy cowboy with a shotgun. I'd also love to see him with dual-revolvers. Oh man, that would be so awesome...

Freya: Interesting, smart, strong. Everything you'd want in a woman (even if she was a rat...).
Beatrix: Wow. What a character. She should've made a return in X-2, so much strength and independence in this girl.

Edit: Originally said Amarant in place of Beatrix, though I'd still like to learn more about him.

02-19-2005, 07:07 AM
Sephiroth, very cool villain
Vincet, also very cool

FFVIII:Squall, great character that changes alot throughout the story
Rinoa, other cool character from ffviii

FFIX: Steiner, second best FF character ever made
Beatrix, best FF character ever made

02-24-2005, 07:58 PM
FFVII: Vincent, he's cool, and Rufus, he's Rufus.
FFVIII: Never played it.
FFIX: Amarant, he's so mysterious and silent tough guy. Beatrix, cause I want to know more about her past and stuff.

03-11-2005, 02:17 AM
FFVII: Cloud, everybody (almost) loves him =)
Vincent, he was just too cool
FFVIII: Squall, i thought he was good/cool
Zell, i loved his attitude + he was strong
FFIX: Amarant, he's my fav character in the game
Beatrix, another cool character that was awesome

03-11-2005, 11:37 AM
ffx tidus really hyper and funny
ff7 zack funny and mysterious
ffIX garnet really cute

04-17-2005, 03:06 PM
7, sepheroth, wepon
8- squall,
9- vivi, kuja

04-18-2005, 06:32 AM
7- Tifa (A woman who will literally nuclear strike you with her punch)
Cloud (Buster Sword and OMNISLASH the greatest move ever)

8- Zell (A great countercomponent to Tifa; together = rivalry best fighter)
Rinoa (She is too nice)

9- OMG this was tough. I love 9 a lot. Alright then here we go ONLY TWO EWW. Ok. After a LOT of thought

Zidane (Good skills, strong, friendly, pimp, thief, angel of death, can wield the Ultimate Weapon)

O GOD this is SO HARD...Here is my second choice..sigh

Garnet (pretty, confused, strong willed, interesting, can cast holy and can summon BAHAUMUT AND ODIN)

04-18-2005, 05:48 PM
Cloud cos sword
Aeris cos brilliant

FFVIII - oh do I have to include this :sad: oh ok then

Garnet cos summoner ( summoner = Bahamut!)
Vivi cos Black mage

p.s. No offence but shouldn't this be in general FF?