06-28-2016, 09:22 PM
I have another request. This time, it's for the Scryed Fandisk Gold/Silver tracks that aren't found in OSTs 1 & 2. I have a feeling that the TV Size of "Tabidachi no Kane ga Naru", the ending theme for the final episode, is on either one of those disks.

Amazon.com has both discs on sale for reasonable prices. Fandisk Gold (https://www.amazon.com/x30D5-x30A1-x30F3-x30C7-x30A3/dp/B00006ALYL) can be sold for $25.58 in a used/very good condition. Fandisk Silver (https://www.amazon.com/x30D5-x30A1-x30F3-x30C7-x30A3/dp/B00006ALYM), $24.72 in new condition.

But if anyone can encode the tracks from DVD Volumes 3 & 4, it'd be a bit better, but would lack the aforementioned TV-Size of "Tabidachi no Kane ga Naru".