06-27-2016, 08:04 PM
Raumpatrouille � Die phantastischen Abenteuer des Raumschiffes Orion (literal translation: Space Patrol � The Fantastic Adventures of the Spaceship Orion), also known as Raumpatrouille Orion, and Space Patrol Orion in English, was the first German science fiction television series. Its seven episodes were broadcast by ARD beginning 17 September 1966. Being a huge success with several reruns audience ratings went up to 56%. Over the years, the series acquired a distinct cult status in Germany.

The emblematic soundtrack was composed by Peter Thomas.

The voice-over introduction (similar to that used in Star Trek the same year), set both tone and atmosphere of the series.

Voice-over introduction in German:

"Was heute noch wie ein M�rchen klingt, kann morgen Wirklichkeit sein. Hier ist ein M�rchen von �bermorgen: es gibt keine Nationalstaaten mehr. Es gibt nur noch die Menschheit und ihre Kolonien im Weltraum. Man siedelt auf fernen Sternen. Der Meeresboden ist als Wohnraum erschlossen. Mit heute noch unvorstellbaren Geschwindigkeiten durcheilen Raumschiffe unser Milchstra�ensystem. Eins dieser Raumschiffe ist die ORION, winziger Teil eines gigantischen Sicherheitssystems, das die Erde vor Bedrohungen aus dem All sch�tzt. Begleiten wir die ORION und ihre Besatzung bei ihrem Patrouillendienst am Rande der Unendlichkeit."

English translation:

"What may sound like a fairy tale today may be tomorrow's reality. This is a fairy tale from the day after tomorrow: There are no more nations. There is only mankind and its colonies in space. People have settled on faraway stars. The ocean floor has been made habitable. At speed still unimaginable today, space vessels are rushing through our Milky Way. One of these vessels is the ORION, a minuscule part of a gigantic security system protecting the Earth from threats from outer space. Let's accompany the ORION and her crew on their patrol at the edge of infinity."

There was a release in a nice box with ost, TV-Series, and Cinema Cut, T-Shirt, Stickers and more.... I own it and make a nice rip with EAC in ALAC.

If you want the link, please PM me. With my other shares I noticed, that a lot of you don't say "Thank you" or give reputation points. I think this is silly, because it is the easiest thing in the world! To all others: Enjoy this great soundtrack!

Requests in the thread will be ignored!

06-28-2016, 09:49 AM
Link recibido
Muchas Gracias

06-28-2016, 11:08 AM
You are welcome!

06-28-2016, 11:21 AM
Link received.
Thank you so much!

06-28-2016, 12:08 PM
You are welcome, Petros!

06-28-2016, 12:55 PM
Link received. Many thanks!!

06-28-2016, 03:03 PM
You are welcome!

06-29-2016, 05:38 PM
Link received. Listening happily. Thanks for sharing.

06-29-2016, 08:23 PM
You are welcome!

Darth Sphincter
07-02-2016, 12:42 AM
Bonesmania, thank you so much for helping me catch my White Whale!

07-02-2016, 09:25 PM
You are welcome!

08-03-2016, 11:12 AM
link received, thanks

08-20-2016, 06:16 PM
Link received. Thanks alot!

08-20-2016, 06:19 PM
You are welcome.

08-22-2016, 04:09 PM
Link received

Thank You :)

Douglas Quaid
09-27-2016, 06:15 PM
Link received. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!

10-19-2016, 09:22 PM
Link was received - and a huge THANK YOU !...... for this rare sci-fi gem !

10-20-2016, 05:06 PM
Link received, reputation given; Thank you so much!

10-21-2016, 04:03 AM
thank you very much!!!