06-23-2016, 02:00 PM
It might be hard at first to believe that the people who composed the loud, high-energy synth music for Justice League Unlimited were the same behind many of the great orchestral works found in Bruce Timm's Batman and Superman animated series, and there are some people who might disregard their later works entirely, because it's all "stupid, sucky synth". Their loss. Kris Carter, Michael McCuistion, and Lolita Ritmanis - collectively known as the Dynamic Music Partners - know how to deliver a wide range of moods through even a score like this where the electric guitar is front and center. Not every track works, mind you, but they're all at least worth a listen.

There has been no official soundtrack for the series - yet (hurry up, La-La Land! :D) - but the old DVDs had music-related special features, a true rarity even today. One DVD had a selection of random tracks, and another had an entire isolated score for an episode. Both found their way to the Shrine: the former was passed off as some sort of promo disc (it wasn't), given fake track titles, and one cue was even edited differently. The latter was found in the mess of rips done by KalEl1029. Here they are, compiled together for your convenience.

Justice League Unlimited
Battling Brimstone (from Initiation)
Luthor's Stronghold (from The Return)
Let's Go To Work (from Dark Heart)
Grundy's Fate (from Wake the Dead)
To The Beginning of Time (from Timewarped)*
WB Logo/Previously On Justice League Unlimited (this and all further tracks are from Destroyer)
Like Thunder/Let's Go
Refresh Your Memory
Apokolips On Earth/I Am A God
A World Made Of Cardboard
Something You Want/Luthor's Sacrifice
Five Minute Head Start/The Adventure Continues
Justice League Unlimited End Credits

* - this track has an ending edited on from Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker that was not originally there. If anyone here owns the original DVD and can rip the original track it would be much appreciated.

Here is the link. (!yJdHxIiR!Lenl-gXtRskyXXH78k8uLCU-3uzEhFOE-ul4wUIppGM) I hope you enjoy their music as much as I do.

James (The Disney Guy)
06-23-2016, 02:08 PM
Cool! Thanks, Loving These Score/Series. Finally Starting To Catch Up. Thanks!

Custom Cover For Anyone Interested.

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Click to Enlarge

06-23-2016, 03:00 PM

06-23-2016, 03:16 PM
By the way - who here recognized McCuistion's old Green Lantern theme in 'Battling Brimstone'? :awsm:

I bet Ritmanis's Supergirl theme is in that track too, but I haven't listened to 'Little Girl Lost' yet on the Superman box set to know what the theme even sounds like! So it's just a guess on my part.

06-23-2016, 03:23 PM
Fantastic, thanks Skelly!! :)

06-23-2016, 04:03 PM
Thanks! :D

06-23-2016, 10:50 PM

06-24-2016, 01:19 AM
Thank you.

06-24-2016, 06:46 AM

"hurry up, La-La Land! "

Agreed! LLL's done The Flash and Arrow, both Tv shows, albeit live action and part of CW while the amimated JLU is not. However, the people who worked on JLU have been doing straight to video animated films, which I must say considering they're straight to video releases which aren't always good, have been pretty good. LLL's released the (complete) scores to some of those movies

such as Assault on Arkham, First Flight, The Flashpoint Paradox, Gods & Monsters, Throne of Atlantis, , as well as Superman TAS and Batman TAS, both of which are connected to JLU. So hopefully one day. I don't care how long the wait is as long as we get every bit of it as LLL's known for releasing completions. It'd be sweet if they released the complete score to the upcoming Killing Joke film adaptation.

LLL's not out of material as there's tons people are waiting to see released though certain issues have halted those releases.

the marvin
06-24-2016, 08:45 AM

06-24-2016, 12:27 PM

"hurry up, La-La Land! "

Agreed! LLL's done The Flash and Arrow, both Tv shows, albeit live action and part of CW while the amimated JLU is not. However, the people who worked on JLU have been doing straight to video animated films, which I must say considering they're straight to video releases which aren't always good, have been pretty good. LLL's released the (complete) scores to some of those movies

such as Assault on Arkham, First Flight, The Flashpoint Paradox, Gods & Monsters, Throne of Atlantis, , as well as Superman TAS and Batman TAS, both of which are connected to JLU. So hopefully one day. I don't care how long the wait is as long as we get every bit of it as LLL's known for releasing completions. It'd be sweet if they released the complete score to the upcoming Killing Joke film adaptation.

LLL's not out of material as there's tons people are waiting to see released though certain issues have halted those releases.

The thing about those DTV films is that they're easier to produce programs for: 1-disc editions of all / nearly all the music of the film.
Their DCAU releases often entail rigorous research, careful selection, and lots of communication between the composers and the record label for how to present the best possible product. A 4-disc set is a lot harder to make than just a 1-disc one.

Their next DCAU release is going to be Batman Vol. 4, featuring the rest of the music from the 65-episode first season as well as any odds and ends found in the research process. After that I hope we get at least: one more Superman set (although their first volume hasn't sold super well...); Subzero (a promo to this leaked, but it'd be nice to have an official release); Return of the Joker (the existing album is far from complete); a Batman Beyond set (I worry about the probability of this one, since that type of music is so polarizing to many film music fans); a Justice League set; and a Justice League Unlimited set.

The best way to get it all is with your wallet. I know they're pretty expensive, but I cannot stress enough how important buying these sets is if you want more DCAU music. LLL is doing something that, to my knowledge, no one has ever quite done before with an animated series, and it'd suck to blow our chance of getting further DCAU volumes because people didn't buy them (and just got 'em off of here). PLEASE BUY THE EXISTING DCAU SETS! Even getting something like Batwoman helps.

What "certain issues" do you refer to?

Also, I expect their Killing Joke release to be complete or at least very near-complete. Looking forward very much to that.

06-25-2016, 12:40 AM

11-13-2016, 11:30 PM
Nope, there's no Supergirl theme in Battling Brimstone. Its only use in JLU (as far as I know) is in Far from Home (last season). The original theme is heard in STAS Little Girl Lost pt 1, that is on the 4cd st from STAS ;)

I had ripped the cues from JLUs1 DVD's bonus section, i'll try to upload it soon if you still need it. (I also have Batman Beyond ones)
I may do a BB fanmade album like your zip, and a Teen Titans one, combining the various cues displayed previously on DMP's website. I had identified most of it...

11-14-2016, 12:01 AM
Nope, there's no Supergirl theme in Battling Brimstone. Its only use in JLU (as far as I know) is in Far from Home (last season). The original theme is heard in STAS Little Girl Lost pt 1, that is on the 4cd st from STAS ;)

Plus "Fearful Symmetry", on a rockin' electric guitar!

I had ripped the cues from JLUs1 DVD's bonus section, i'll try to upload it soon if you still need it. (I also have Batman Beyond ones)
I may do a BB fanmade album like your zip, and a Teen Titans one, combining the various cues displayed previously on DMP's website. I had identified most of it...

Sure, I'm interested in any sound samples available! :)