Siren's Song
02-14-2005, 10:00 PM
Just something that's been bugging me for a while now,and I can't be bothered replaying half the game just to find it out. After you defeat both Seifer & Edea in the G. Garden Auditorium (end of disc 2)...there must be some sort of glitch on my copy, 'cause in the cut-scene that follows, you can see all the text boxes, characters etc, but they lettering's all screwed up, so it's unintelligible.

What exactly does Edea/anyone else (I think Quistis runs up to Rinoa after she collapses, and says something too) say after the battle, when she is released from Ultimecia's powers?

Cheers guys!

The Scientist
02-14-2005, 10:22 PM
I remember the scene, but I can't remember what she says ...
Something like "Are you allright" of course, but I think there's more :)

02-15-2005, 12:28 PM
Got this from OKong's Game script guide;

"Squall: (What happened...?) (My...body...)

Rinoa is acting strange.

Squall: (Rinoa...) (......!) (Rinoa... Seifer...)

Rinoa suddenly collapsed.

Quistis: Rinoa? Are you all right?

Edea: Squall, Quistis, Selphie. Irvine, Zell. You've all grown so much...
and become so strong... I have waited for this day to come. And also
feared this day would come. Is today a joyous day? Or an odious day?
Where is Ellone!? Have I protected Ellone!?

Squall: (...I don't understand.)

Quistis: Squall! It's Rinoa...

Squall: (......Rinoa? What's wrong with Rinoa?)"

Probably my favourite part of the game (the whole Garden infiltration part) =D