A Meat Popsicle
02-13-2005, 11:48 PM
Dear HxC Dancer,

I am writing this letter to you in hopes that you are feeling well. I just felt that I should let you know how much I appreciate you. Remember that show I saw you at? Yeah, you know the one. The one where you almost killed my girlfriend because you thought it would be neat to start spinning around in circles like a little cock-loving faggot. As if we weren't blessed enough by that moment of stupidity, as you pushed the entire pit backwards to make room for your shennanigans, your little bitch ass friend joined in and you proceeded to perform gay kung-fu on each other.

Boy it sure was nice how one of my favorite bands in the world almost had to stop the show because you little faggots decided that your little kung fu dance wasn't enough, so you started punching and kicking other people.

Sure, the golden rule is, if you can't handle the pit, stay out of the pit. Unfortunately, in small venues, the only option IS the pit. Moreover, most concert goers follow some unwritten rules in the pit. The main one being, don't be a complete asshat.

Oh, I understand, it's not your fault. After all, the last concert you went to was the Steven Curtis Chapman concert at your church that your mommy drug you to.

So, Mr. Hardcore Dancer, I salute you. Without you, concerts would actually be enjoyable. But hey, since you're always going to be there, at least I get to take advantage of my 6'4" 270lb linebacker frame and play ENFORCER on your ass.


A Meat Popsicle.

02-14-2005, 01:15 AM
You should've just picked them up and crushed them with your mighty frame. What band was it?

A Meat Popsicle
02-14-2005, 02:07 AM
Blindside but my girlfriend wasn't really there (especially seeing as I'm married), that part was fictional. But I did see some guy's girlfriend almost get crushed several times.

02-14-2005, 02:11 AM
Blindside but my girlfriend wasn't really there (especially seeing as I'm married), that part was fictional. But I did see some guy's girlfriend almost get crushed several times.
and you stood and watch?! so was it a bus or a truck that almost crush her?

A Meat Popsicle
02-14-2005, 02:15 AM
and you stood and watch?! so was it a bus or a truck that almost crush her?


How in the hell you went from Mosh Pit > Hardcore Dancers > Buses and trucks I do not know.

02-14-2005, 04:22 AM
Jiro is so great in I DON'T WHAT IS GOING ON! sort of way.

02-14-2005, 10:20 PM
and you stood and watch?! so was it a bus or a truck that almost crush her?
o jiro you slay me

The Ricky
02-15-2005, 12:04 AM
That's why I don't go to concerts. I just sit at home and enjoy the albums. Besides, from what I here you can't kung fu mosh to blindside. You should have kicked that guy's ass btw AMP, I would have.

02-15-2005, 12:57 AM
I went to a Powerman 5000/Stone Sour concert one time and there was a guy that was in the mosh pit that had his knuckles wrapped (indicating he was going to punch people). He never did actually really hit anyone I don't think.. but he looked like a complete idiot and he probably would've got his ass kicked if he really hit anyone. Everyone there was a bunch of idiots anyway... PM5k blew Stone Sour (who I hated anyway) out of the water yet everyone just stood around look bored while they rocked thier asses off. Bunch of retarded kids all on Corey Taylors jock.

I haven;t gone into many mosh pits because most of the shows I used to go to (I haven't been to one in a while) were all when I was in my heavy metal/nu metal phase and all the people that were in the mosh pits at these shows were fucking idiots. They were all the "PAIN IS GOOD I HAFTA RELEASE ANGER IF I DON'T KILL SOMEONE I DIDNT HAVE A GOOD TIME!@$#!" type people. And that's all good and everything I guess, but when you start wrapping your hands and throwing haymakers you need to just quit.

02-15-2005, 07:33 AM
The people I really hate are the ones who have studs or spikes all over their jackets, and see fit to get into the front right by the stage where everyone is packed to within a centimeter of each other. I was just at a show last night, actually, and my right arm has been extremely sore all day because I got stuck behind one of those dipshits. And when I saw Against Me a couple months ago, they had to stop halfway through a song because some idiots almost trampled some poor girl, which pissed me off to no end because it happened to be my favorite song of theirs.

But yeah, people who get in pits with the intention of causing injury are total fucks. I love moshing, but you have to be really careful to make sure there aren't any nutcases in there before you go in, and even then it's certainly a risk.

02-15-2005, 12:59 PM
The only bad thing I found about seeing The Hives at the Big Day Out was a bunch of jerks who pushed everyone away and back to form their stupid circle so they could run into each other and barge people that wanted them to fuck off.

So yeah, I think it's pretty well established that violent jerks in the pit suck.

02-15-2005, 02:07 PM
I actually don't mind being hirt in a pit, I think it's expected, I've been in some pretty violent pits. Cause some elbows to the face, lots of bruises, all kinds of shit. The difference between a good pit and a bad pit isn't how hard you're getting knocked around, just how stupid the people are being in it. I don't mind getting randomly hit by a fist, elbow or foot (why people try to crowd surf over the pit confuses me), but when someones intentionally throwing them it pisses me off. Usually if anyone tries that shit around here they'll get jumped or everyone in the pit will gang up on thier ass and force them to leave the pit.

Slipknot is coming here in a few months and I'd love to go just to film the pit or something. Slipknot has some of the most idiotic retarded pits you'll ever witness. It's usualy just a bunch of people trying to knock each other out. They played a small club here once a long time ago and I actually went to the show.. the whole entire place was moshing, the place had brick walls, and you couldn't move and inch without getting hit by someone. It was the most idiotic thing I ever witnessed. Not to mention the drummer (I think) that had nails coming out of his helmet stopped playing, jumped into the crowd and crowd surfed around a little bit. I was just shaking my head the whole time.

That's why I don't go to concerts. I just sit at home and enjoy the albums. Besides, from what I here you can't kung fu mosh to blindside. You should have kicked that guy's ass btw AMP, I would have.

Moshing to Blindside, while totally possible, is kind of rediculous since they are a christian band. I've seen them live and they play pretty hard, it would be easy to mosh to them, kung fu or otherwise. :B

A Meat Popsicle
02-15-2005, 06:51 PM
I don't know if I'd really call them a Christian band anymore. I don't mean that in a negative way, but they certainly don't have preachy music, and they're not even on a Christian label anymore. Which is a good thing, because most Christian labels are less Christian than secular labels in all honestly.

I hate Tooth and Nail Records, though they've been trying to change their image lately and make up for their past sins..we'll see.

02-22-2005, 08:58 AM
if u cant handle the dancing and shit dont try and be in front. i hate people who push their way to the front WITH their GF and get pissed when they get pushed. and why the fuck would u dance at blindside???

02-22-2005, 09:16 AM
Oh yes. Heaven forbid someone should take offense at people acting like fucktards.

02-23-2005, 12:27 AM
well i understand what ur saying, but at a hardcore or real punk show EXPECT IT TOO GET ROUGH!!!!! thats how i like shows and thats how i want em to stay.

grn apple tree
02-23-2005, 12:32 AM
Should've beaten the hell out of the guys. I mean if you're 6'4" and have a linebacker frame, those faggot shits would've been dead.