06-16-2016, 09:24 AM

Release date 29th June. It will contain both songs sang by rapper Lotus Juice!!!
Anybody going to get it?

The Zipper
06-16-2016, 03:09 PM
Stray Dogs is a popular show, so I'm sure someone will get it. I haven't seen the show but from the trailers it comes across as being a bit Soul Eater-ish.

I'm kind of bummed Iwasaki isn't working on the new Jojo. Yuugo Kanno is terrible by comparison.

06-16-2016, 06:39 PM
It is really good anime with a lot of gags! :D
It is such a shame that he is not composing for Jojo. Considering that there are so many seasons we would have already 4 more soundracks from Taku-san. But behind Jojo had to mess the use of music. Even Taku was like...meh... :D

The Zipper
06-16-2016, 06:55 PM
Yeah, I hope Iwasaki finds some better projects in the future, with people who know how to use his music. Gatchaman's music in the show was pretty terribly utilized too (they even skipped one of the main tracks in Insight), which is a shame considering how good the music itself was. Since you're watching Stray Dogs right now, would you say that it's more along the lines of "gimmicky Iwasaki" like we had in Noragami, or more "classical Iwasaki" like Kenshin?

06-16-2016, 07:30 PM
Rather more like "Jormungand Iwasaki" and "dark-toned Kuroshitsuji Iwasaki" if You know what I mean.
We will have the gimmicky Iwasaki in Qualidea can hear his music in this pv
Anime is starting in July!

The Zipper
06-16-2016, 07:57 PM
Interesting. I wasn't too big on Jormungand's music because a lot of it came off as being too mindlessly Hollywood-like (case in point, Iwasaki's HW Complex series), and Iwasaki's dubstep experimentation still in its early stages before the superior Jojo and Gatchaman efforts. Though it did fit the tone of the show. Kuroshitsuji actually has some of my favorite orchestral pieces Iwasaki has ever made (Si Deus Me Relinquet, Ich Bin Der Welt, Ciel, among many others). Stray Dogs should be an interesting experience if it manages to combine the two. I was actually expecting something more jazz-like like 009-1 or ROD.

Not too sure how I feel about the music from Qualidea's trailer, it reminds me of Mahouka which had some great tracks but is probably one of Iwasaki's least consistent albums out there, it felt like a hodgepodge of different works for different shows, but not mixed together as elegantly as Gurren Lagann or Katanagtari's.

Still, Iwasaki never ceases to surprise in any of his works.

06-18-2016, 01:28 PM
Ahhh beat me to it. I am very much looking forward to this though.
But if I may go-on a tangent, I still pray in my heart of hearts that one day we will get a complete soundtrack release of GetBackers and Soul Eater.

06-19-2016, 08:37 PM
As it goes for this composer I am never disapointed in any music he makes. :D I really like that Iwasaki-san is giving Lotus Juice and many other performers a good way of improvement. Each of vocal songs are unique and Lotus Jices voice is amazing!

06-25-2016, 12:15 AM
download link here (

The Zipper
06-25-2016, 02:10 AM
Thanks! Just gave it a quick listen. Did Iwasaki forget to put in the main theme, or is there going to be a second ost?

Also, how did you get it so early? It doesn't officially come out until the 29th.

06-25-2016, 08:06 PM
Thank You so much! Eye of the tiger is soo good!