Bart Oss
06-11-2016, 02:07 PM

Wait 5 second! Click "Continue"! Close pop-ups! Wait 5 second! Click "Continue"! And Download from MEGA! Or use "MegaDownloader"
If you can not download, please, write to me only in PM. I will answer, when i can. And I'll just give you a direct link to mega.
i need this bullshit to provide new mp3 releases to your pleasure!

DOWNLOAD FLAC (Thread 205882)


01. Marcin Przybyłowicz - The Trail [02:50]
02. Marcin Przybyłowicz - Geralt*Of*Rivia [02:23]
03. Marcin Przybyłowicz - Eredin,*King*Of*The*Hunt [02:28]
04. Mikolai Stroinski - Wake*Up,*Ciri [01:35]
05. Mikolai Stroinski - Aen*Seidhe [02:37]
06. Mikolai Stroinski - Commanding*The*Fury [02:09]
07. Marcin Przybyłowicz - Emhyr*Var*Emreis [02:30]
08. Mikolai Stroinski - Spikeroog [03:06]
09. Marcin Przybyłowicz - King*Bran's*Final*Voyage [02:13]
10. Percival Schuttenbach, Marcin*Przybyłowicz - Silver*For*Monsters... [02:21]
11. Mikolai Stroinski - Whispers*Of*Oxenfurt [02:35]
12. Percival Schuttenbach - The*Nightingale [01:40]
13. Mikolai Stroinski - City*Of*Intrigues [02:07]
14. Marcin Przybyłowicz - The*Hunter's*Path [02:53]
15. Mikolai Stroinski - Widow-Maker [02:11]
16. Marcin Przybyłowicz - Kaer*Morhen [02:36]
17. Mikolai Stroinski - Eyes*Of*The*Wolf [02:05]
18. Mikolai Stroinski - Witch*Hunters [02:41]
19. Percival Schuttenbach, Marcin*Przybyłowicz - ...Steel*For*Humans [01:28]
20. Mikolai Stroinski - Fate*Calls [01:59]
21. Marcin Przybyłowicz - The*Vagabond [02:49]
22. Percival Schuttenbach - Cloak*And*Dagger [02:47]
23. Mikolai Stroinski - Forged*In*Fire [02:04]
24. Mikolai Stroinski - Yes,*I*Do... [01:34]
25. Mikolai Stroinski - Welcome,*Imlerith [02:46]
26. Percival Schuttenbach - Drink*Up,*There's*More! [01:37]
27. Mikolai Stroinski - After*The*Storm [01:32]
28. Mikolai Stroinski - Blood*On*The*Cobblestones [02:03]
29. Marcin Przybyłowicz - Farewell,*Old*Friend [02:53]
30. Percival Schuttenbach, Marcin*Przybyłowicz - The*Song*Of*The*Sword-Dancer [02:13]
31. Marcin Przybyłowicz - The*Hunt*Is*Coming [02:06]
32. Marcin Przybyłowicz - Family*Matters [01:46]
33. Mikolai Stroinski - No*Surrender [01:13]
34. Marcin Przybyłowicz - Child*Of*The*Elder*Blood [01:16]
35. Marcin Przybyłowicz - In*The*Giant's*Shadow [02:50]
36. Mikolai Stroinski - Nemesis [01:03]
37. Mikolai Stroinski - Bonnie*At*Morn (Instrumental) [02:29]
38. Mikolai Stroinski - At*War! [01:34]
39. Marcin Przybyłowicz, Percival Schuttenbach - Back*On*The*Path [02:42]
40. Marcin Przybyłowicz - Words*On*Wind [02:49]
41. Marcin Przybyłowicz, Percival Schuttenbach - A*Story*You*Won't*Believe [01:38]
42. Mikolai Stroinski - When*No*Man*Has*Gone*Before [03:10]
43. Mikolai Stroinski - Like*A*Wounded*Animal [01:12]
44. Marcin Przybyłowicz - I*Name*Thee*Dea*And*Embrace*Thee*As*My*Daughter [01:21]
45. Mikolai Stroinski - Igni [02:04]
46. Mikolai Stroinski - The*Tree*When*We*Sat*Once [02:36]
47. Marcin Przybyłowicz - Go*For*It [01:09]
48. Mikolai Stroinski - The*Wolf*And*The*Swallow [02:37]
49. Mikolai Stroinski - On*Thin*Ice [01:38]
50. Mikolai Stroinski - Trial*Of*The*Grasses [01:55]
51. Marcin Przybyłowicz - Hjalmar's*Axe [00:57]
52. Marcin Przybyłowicz - The*Big*Four [01:33]
53. Mikolai Stroinski - The*Shrieker*Contract [01:43]
54. Marcin Przybyłowicz - The*Possesion*Of*Jarl*Udalryk [03:23]
55. Marcin Przybyłowicz, Percival Schuttenbach - Another*Round*For*Everyone [01:58]
56. Marcin Przybyłowicz - Conjunction*Of*The*Spheres [01:43]

Spectrum of this release from GP...

06-11-2016, 04:35 PM
Hooooooooooooom ... Nice Gojastak .

Smurf Stomper
06-11-2016, 05:40 PM
I'd really like to believe this is an actual google play purchase, but something is not right. If it's encoded with Lame (which the mp3's say they are) then the spectrals wouldn't cut off at 16 khz - the latest version of the lame encoder will keep some frequencies up to the 22khz limit.

The only reason there would be a cutoff at 16 khz is if the original source material the mp3 is encoded from has a cutoff there - and there simply isn't any data above it to encode. Typically this is the case when the source material is low-quality compressed audio, such as 128k mp3.

This is not the case with this material. Consider the randomly chosen track "At War!":

Retail source:

Bart Oss' "google play" source:

Bart Oss
06-11-2016, 07:09 PM
Smurf Stomper LOL
You right ! All tracks of album from GP it's upconvert ! this not very often, but GP have upconvert releases... iTunes also, but not with such releases like this...
And thank you, now i want download iTunes release xd because spectrum from GP really shit ! D:

Smurf Stomper
06-12-2016, 02:10 AM

iTunes version here (Thread 193364).

06-12-2016, 07:12 AM
@Smurf Stomper:
Both Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine mp3 releases cut off at 16khz as well. I don't think it really means anything fishy is going on. Judging by what dbPoweramp says, Google uses Lame 3.99. I got the same version installed and just tried encoding .wav track ripped from a CD to 320 kbps with no extra settings. It cut off at 16khz.

I was also surprised at this couple of days back when I realized all my mp3 rips of FLAC stuff got cut off 16khz but I guess it's a standard behavior for the latest versions of LAME.

Anyway thanks for the upload, Bart. I appreciate it.

Smurf Stomper
06-12-2016, 08:41 PM
I was also surprised at this couple of days back when I realized all my mp3 rips of FLAC stuff got cut off 16khz but I guess it's a standard behavior for the latest versions of LAME.

The spectrograms above refute that, as both are encoded with the same version of lame at a high quality setting.
the problem is likely with the source material having that 16 khz shelf, thus it being an "upconvert".

I'm puzzled why you're getting the 16 khz cutoff. I never do - here () are my lame encoding settings from EAC.
Those are the settings that will result in the first spectrogram in the above post.

Also, my HoS soundtrack doesn't () cutoff at 16khz - if you like I can up it for you.

06-13-2016, 06:42 PM
The spectrograms above refute that, as both are encoded with the same version of lame at a high quality setting.

Oh well, for all we know, Google could be running lowpass 16 on these files for whatever reason.

Anyway, my settings are "-b 320 -q 2 --noreplaygain". I tried converting the first track from Witcher 3 soundtrack and yeah, it went all they way to 22 khz. So either Google is messing with the files further with some weird setting in their encoder or the rip is bogus. Can't say I really care either way, just happy to have this in something else than m4a.

06-14-2016, 12:34 AM
forget lossy codecs guys, dont lost time with something that never had quality.

Bart Oss
06-14-2016, 12:38 AM
DOWNLOAD FLAC (Thread 205882)