dyne trance
02-12-2005, 07:54 AM
omg, have you heard the music on this game? Final Fantasy VIII has the best music out of all the FFs. My favorite song is "eyes on me". go look up the lyrics. they are strong

i am learning to play Waltz for the Moon and Dance with the Balamb-Fish

i can play Balamb Garden and i luv to play it =)

02-12-2005, 12:19 PM
I love FF music, and Eyes On Me is actually one of my favourite songs of all time. FFVIII had excellent music, especially Liberi Fatali and Balamb Garden. Have you heard the remix to Eyes on Me? It's pretty good, even though I prefer the original =P

02-13-2005, 04:48 AM
We do have a music thread, although I can see how it might have been missed, since it was at the very bottom of this page. Still, do try to check the entire first page before posting a new thread about a subject. I think I'll go ahead and pin the other topic --- that seems to be working out well for some of the others I've pinned.