02-12-2005, 03:53 AM
what the fuck is all I have to say... I work at Target and I was there today and I saw a poster with Star Fox on it and the Xbox logo, this blew my mind, then I saw the kiosk where guests can play on the systems and Star Fox was on the Xbox, now please tell me I'm not going crazy because I know Fox is a Nintendo character, and I have searched the net and have seen nothing of Star Fox being on Xbox. I know what I saw too so don't tell me I didn't see it. It was there and it was fuct up. I don't know how or why, but at my Target there is a Star Fox game being played on the Xbox.

02-12-2005, 05:19 AM
you're mistaken.

02-12-2005, 12:21 PM
Nope - Star Fox is a Nintendo IP. Shigeru Miyamoto will be rolling in his grave with his cosplay costumes before Star Fox Assault is released on any console other than ones made by the Big N.

02-12-2005, 01:13 PM
The only way for any kind of Star Fox to play on an Xbox is if it is modded to have a SNES emulator or a N64 Emulator and that's all.

02-12-2005, 03:56 PM
you didn't see it

02-13-2005, 02:45 AM
starfox is a nintendo character and will not appear on other systems

02-13-2005, 06:51 PM
The only time Star Fox will appear on the XboX is when Microsoft purchases it from Nintendo-just like that cursed system stole the Dino crisis, Dead or Alive series, and soon, the company might even buy Final Fantasy.
I tell you, Microsoft has NO originality and is the worst system ever invented that is positioned in the bottom of this earth.

As a matter of fact, the company even has an unimaginable wealth in their pockets which enables them to buy the games from other companies. In that system of theirs, there are only a few games that they created and most of the games are that life-threatning sports games(the most UNinnovative games of the centurie) This proves Microsoft cannot make good games and would just steal other companys' future games for their own.

02-13-2005, 06:54 PM
what the fuck is all I have to say... I work at Target and I was there today and I saw a poster with Star Fox on it and the Xbox logo, this blew my mind, then I saw the kiosk where guests can play on the systems and Star Fox was on the Xbox, now please tell me I'm not going crazy because I know Fox is a Nintendo character, and I have searched the net and have seen nothing of Star Fox being on Xbox. I know what I saw too so don't tell me I didn't see it. It was there and it was fuct up. I don't know how or why, but at my Target there is a Star Fox game being played on the Xbox.
Awesome. I love StarFox. And that rhymes, StarFox on Xbox.

02-13-2005, 07:03 PM
Are you out of your mind Albel the wicked?! Why do you say that Starfox and Xbox is well together?!

02-13-2005, 08:05 PM
I worked again today, and it is probable that I was mistaken about atually seing the game being played on the system. However, someone still fucked up because there is a poster that says "Now Playing" with the Star Fox Assault cover and it shows Xbox on the bottom of it. It is all one poster, not just it put in a sleeve with the Xbox logo on it, the poster was made and printed that way and that is messed up.

02-13-2005, 09:58 PM
Photograph it.

02-14-2005, 04:18 AM
As a matter of fact, the company even has an unimaginable wealth in their pockets which enables them to buy the games from other companies. In that system of theirs, there are only a few games that they created and most of the games are that life-threatning sports games(the most UNinnovative games of the centurie) This proves Microsoft cannot make good games and would just steal other companys' future games for their own.

I'd like to skullrape you plz.

You're saying that Microsoft (even though they themselves do not make the games) do not make "creative" games, even "stealing" games from others.

While I could just repeat a valid point that has been thrown around tons of times, I personally would just want to say...

If your friend's girlfriend had huge sexy boobs, are you going to bitch at her about it because your girlfriend doesn't... or are you going to bitch because you have no girlfriend?

Something to think about.

02-14-2005, 04:23 AM
if microsoft buys Final Fantasy and star fox i will shoot myself. if they do that it is obvious they are trying to monopolize the Video Game market just like they tryed but failed to do with the computer market, god the only decent and worthwhile thing microsoft ever made was windows and the programs for it.

02-14-2005, 04:29 AM
if microsoft buys Final Fantasy and star fox i will shoot myself...

If Microsoft buys Final Fantasy, I expect every single one of you fuckheads to shoot yourself, grow another dick, chop off your dick, chop off your head, become a jew, etc etc. You hear a lot of people saying that... but will they do it for the good mankind?

That is kinda like saying that you hate your mom and you'll move out... most of you will be sucking your mom's tit until you hit the late 20s, maybe even more.

02-14-2005, 04:33 AM
the company might even buy Final Fantasy.I thnk that would pretty neato personaly. A higher powered system with better graphical cabalities would pretty darn perfect fit for the FF series but it won't happen because the whole Sony and Square partnership thing they got going on.

if microsoft buys Final Fantasy and star fox i will shoot myself. if they do that it is obvious they are trying to monopolize the Video Game market just like they tryed but failed to do with the computer market, god the only decent and worthwhile thing microsoft ever made was windows and the programs for it. DAMN THEM AND THIER SOUND IF NOT UNETHICAL BUSINESS TACTICS! I do not like Microsoft much at all but their products work very well for the most part and they have as close to a monoply as you can pretty much find now a days in most businesses so I don't why you would say they failed.

02-14-2005, 04:41 AM
well they did fail becuase they got in big trouble with the US government and had to break up there monopoly.

And if FF goes to xbox it will suck cuz they'd do something gay with it and even though its not the best thing out there you've gotta admit PS2 can still produce soem nice graphics even if they're not the best, think would u rather still have PSX graphics?

02-14-2005, 04:56 AM
well they did fail becuase they got in big trouble with the US government and had to break up there monopoly. That really didn't affect them much at all.

And if FF goes to xbox it will suck cuz they'd do something gay with it Yeah because you know they wouldn't just be changing to a new platform they would fire square and let Microsoft make the game.
would u rather still have PSX graphics? No because they are what 4 or 5 years old and your question doesn't make any sense at all and it's completely logical for a graphicaly based game lke the Final Fantasy series to move to a more powerful system.


02-14-2005, 04:57 AM
well they did fail becuase they got in big trouble with the US government and had to break up there monopoly.

And if FF goes to xbox it will suck cuz they'd do something gay with it and even though its not the best thing out there you've gotta admit PS2 can still produce soem nice graphics even if they're not the best, think would u rather still have PSX graphics?

When I read this.... I just lost any thought of you having some sort of... knowledge of what is going on around you.

How did they get in "big trouble" with the US Government? Did EA get slapped in the face because they wanted to license the NFL license?

And how will "Microsoft", you know, the guys that don't make the game, do something "gay" with Final Fantasy? Microsoft, as I said before, does not directly influence the game except when it comes to it's online portion, which is controled by Microsoft themselves rather than the company who made the game. Other than that, nothing.

hb smokey
02-14-2005, 06:36 PM
if microsoft buys Final Fantasy and star fox i will shoot myself. if they do that it is obvious they are trying to monopolize the Video Game market just like they tryed but failed to do with the computer market, god the only decent and worthwhile thing microsoft ever made was windows and the programs for it.
Please don't start humiliating yourself in yet another thread.

You are stupid, plain and simple. So what if Microsoft purchases the right to Final Fantasy and Star Fox? It's not going to monopolize the video gaming market at all, you dumbell. All it means is that they have one of the most popular series in history, and a descent series with Star Fox. Nothing more, and nothing less. It would also mean more sales for Xbox if they did this. It's not monopolizing anything; it's trying to get ahead in the business.

I could use the same example that you are:

What if Nintendo purchases Final Fantasy and Halo? Are you going to say <B>that</B> is going to monopolize the video gaming market? Or are you just simply saying that for no apparent reason at all?

02-14-2005, 06:44 PM
of course they're trying to monopolise it. it's what big companies do, kid.

also, windows isn't exactly brilliant.

02-14-2005, 10:49 PM
Ok first of all hogan u took stuff out of context i was saying that the PS2 can still make some nice graphics and its a lot better than what we had before it.

Secondly I remember seeing it in the news about 3 or 4 years ago where microsoft was accused of being a monopoly by the government and had to sell some of there business so it could have competitors again.

Thirdly if xbox buys Starfox and Final Fantasy then they will be taking the first step to monopolizing the gaming market because 1) they will be buying a nintendo mascott and 2) they will be buying one of sonys major titles. microsoft is just buying other titles that were hits on other systems just to draw popularity to their system because they have no sense of creativity and can not create a good game on there own so they buy them and steal them off other people, did you know they bought the idea of halo off of bungie and just changed a few things? did u know they bought rareware so they could make perfect dark and possibly donkey kong which are hit nintendo games? these are all clear signs that they have no sense of creativity and that they are trying to monopolize the market.

Finally Final Fantasy will not go to the xbox becuase 12 is going to be the last final fantasy on PS2 format and by the time 13 is in production the PS3 will be out and it will then be the more powerful system so ff13 will be for PS3 most likely, secondly after xbox2 comes out nintendo revolutions will come out and its supposed to blow the others away.

02-15-2005, 01:10 AM
Ok first of all hogan u took stuff out of context i was saying that the PS2 can still make some nice graphics and its a lot better than what we had before it. Then why not move to the xbox isn't that same thing as going to the ps2?

02-15-2005, 02:27 AM
Well by the time ff13 is in production the ps3 will be out and it will then be the more powerful system retard so it would then be stupid to go to the xbox.

02-15-2005, 03:12 AM
Well by the time ff13 is in production the ps3 will be out and it will then be the more powerful system retard so it would then be stupid to go to the xbox.

because microsoft will SURELY not make another system.

02-15-2005, 03:14 AM
they will but ps3 will be out first idiot read before u type.

02-15-2005, 04:12 AM
they will but ps3 will be out first idiot read before u type.
No, actually I heard that the PS3 is coming out last, that means after both the Nintendo next gen and the Xbox2.

02-15-2005, 04:14 AM
well i heard ps3 is to be out in 2005 then xbox and nintendos new things in 2006

02-15-2005, 10:06 AM
I r say u r gay.

