02-08-2002, 03:34 AM
Who are the strongest in the final fantasy games?
personally i think that the females are more powerful but the men are the strongest! so i dont know who to vote for? help me out plz?

02-08-2002, 04:08 AM
i would have to say that its about equal. for example, some of the stronger ones from recent games. zidane, squall, cloud, sephiroth, kuja(i wouldnt exactly call him a man hehehe) . compare to aeris, rinoa, dagger, eiko, edea, ultemecia. about average.

02-08-2002, 04:44 AM
I voted for males. It's so true, though. The male in the game are almost always way stronger than the female characters... except maybe in ff5. The job system in ff5 allowed all the characters to be equally strong. Other than that, the guys are way stronger.

02-08-2002, 05:38 AM
A Verses thread.......Err.....

Seems more like a battle of the sexes to me! Dont know about this one. I'll leave it be.

02-08-2002, 01:42 PM
Everyone has their own good abilities.
Females are usually good at healing and magic and Males are strong and stuff.

So I say they're balanced.

Bahamut ZERO
02-08-2002, 02:42 PM
I'll have to agree that the sex of the character has little to do with how powerful they eventually become. For example, in FF7, Tifa's limit break can hit up to seven times doing 9999 damage, around the amount needed to kill the final Sephiroth boss. Aeris may have had weak physical attacks, but her skills with magic more than made up for it. Having her in my party provided the ideal balance, with Cloud and A.N.Other providing the muscle and Aeris providing the magic.

In FF8, Rinoa was one of the better characters towards the end of the game, when her limit breaks begun powering up. Wish Star hit multiple times around the 8000 mark. (Although it is easy to get all characters up to level 100 in this game...)

In FF9, it again boils down to the male characters (Steiner, Amarant, Zidane to a lesser extent) having the physical damage on their side, and the female characters (Garnet, Eiko) being the magic users. Then there is Freya (playable) and Beatrix (non-playable), who can use magic AND deal out the physical damage.

So yeah, it's pretty balanced.

02-08-2002, 02:43 PM
They're balanced. They all have their strong and weak points. Physical... the FF man are stronger, but magical and in the form of abilities... female FF characters are somewhat stronger
Over all ... good balaneced.. the way it should be.

socks are kiff
02-08-2002, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by Flame
Everyone has their own good abilities.
Females are usually good at healing and magic and Males are strong and stuff.

So I say they're balanced.

that's the way i see it. females are usually better magic-users (esp. white magic and summon magic) and males are better pure fighters.

now d&d characters are different. there are some kick-ass woman fighters in baldur's gate, for example.

02-08-2002, 07:28 PM
Yes, in almost all FF's the males over power the women by a long shot. But women tend to always be better at magic, so the 2 are balanced.

02-09-2002, 01:05 AM
Well It depends on who you build up more actually. The guys are definitely stronger, Using weapons, But the girls are stronger using magic. And in the end, It's all a vicious cycle.

02-09-2002, 01:15 AM
both, actually. Tifa isn't to tough, but Aeris and Yuffie make up for that with their magic and yuf0yuf's physical :D

02-09-2002, 01:48 AM
Well, basically men are stronger than a woman,But woman always has valuable abilities like White magic.and that's mean Women are much smarter then man, i think. ;)

02-09-2002, 02:50 AM
I voted for males. Not to be sexist or anything. But I do believe that males overall are more powerful. Then again the main character for every FF has been a male.

socks are kiff
02-11-2002, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by Joeshie
I voted for males. Not to be sexist or anything. But I do believe that males overall are more powerful. Then again the main character for every FF has been a male.

with the lone exception being ff6, with terra as the main character. although it could be argued that locke is the main character as well.

02-11-2002, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by Shadow

with the lone exception being ff6, with terra as the main character. although it could be argued that locke is the main character as well.

I'm one of those people who think Locke is the main character. Don't know why.

02-12-2002, 11:54 AM
Evan though I am a female, I still think that Males are the strongest in the FF games

02-13-2002, 01:36 AM
Easy.. whoever you level up the most.

Rabid Monkey
02-13-2002, 08:20 PM
Usually, as far as physical strength goes, the males are the winners hands down. However, when it comes to abilities or just the all around capability of finishing off any enemy that comes your way I would have to say the woman blow the men away (no sexual innuendo to be implied by that, just incase some of you had your minds working that way). Until you get to the later FFs that is...

In FFIV for example, the guys were the ones that did all, or at least most of the physical damage to the enemies (except for that spoony bard whom will remain nameless) but the magic users, who were primarily women, became what kept the party alive, and in most cases, the part of the party that was the most useful.

Just gonna skip past FFV because you might as well have had a party of 4 Gogo in it and head straight into FFVI...

Personally I think the woman got the shaft in this game. They could have, and should have, made the woman so much more powerful than they did. Only one that I'm going to bother talking about is Terra. They seriously could have done so much more with morph than they did. Reason being all it does is make her magic and her physical attacks stronger, but later in the game it is pointless to do that because she isn't going to do any more damage with it. All it does it waste a battle turn when she morphs and then another one when she changes back. I think they should have given her special abilities when morphed that she can't use normally, or at least spells that only SHE could use. But that is just my humble opinion. However, the fact is that the women tend to have more powerful magic, which in the end (unless you're talking about someone with a Gengji Glove and an Offering equipped) is going to do more damage than anything else in the game AND heal the part.

Now, moving on to the playstation games. Can't really separate them because by this time Square had moved into that whole 'everyone can get every ability', with the exception being FFIX. Only problem with these games is that the main characters are just so vastly superior to the others that you really can't compare them to anyone else. So with that said I am removing Cloud, Squall, and Zidane from consideration. However, the sexes are still equaled because, lets face it, everyone can get all the abilities (not counting limit breaks) in two of the three games. So FFVII and FFVIII can't really be included in this discussion at all, much like FFV. That leaves us with FFIX...which did a very good job of balancing the sexes. When Zidane isn't included you get two physically powerful men with a magic user and 2 woman magic users with a physically powerful woman. Square did a very good job in my opinion.

Now, for FFX...can't comment on it because I, in all my poorness, have been unable to buy the game yet...but I have a birthday coming up so I just may be able to get it and add my two cents in on that game.

So anyway, to recap, only game that I've played in which either sex really has an advantage over the other is FFIV. All the others really don't have much of a difference in any way your character develops, but the women have stronger magic in FFVI, making them the dominant sex in that game, in my opinion. Therefore, like I said, the women tend to be the stronger of the two sexes in the FF series...even though there is fewer of them.

02-13-2002, 09:21 PM
i think that they are equally balanced dont ask me why i just do.

02-14-2002, 11:41 AM
Well, men have naturally a highest strenght and HP, so they're tougher than female in general. I'd say males are more powerful in general

Nanaki XIII
02-18-2002, 03:49 AM
In 7 and 10 they are the same but in 8 and 9 I think they the males are better. And in 6 the males were better because they had better special moves and they all learned magic near the end so males were better.