02-08-2005, 03:36 AM
:-( The situation - I have played ff7 and ff8 before, and now i have borrowed ff9 from my friend. i have a problem because i was playing it last week and i had to save the game and turn it off, because my mum wanted me off. (if that makes sense...) anyway... just before i turned it off, i was given a task... and now i gont know what to do, because i dont remember what i was meant to do....

this is where i am up to;

(by the way, sorry, im not too good with names)
Brahne attacked the rainy city, then the tree city in the sandstorm. after that i was riding a bug underground and i came flying out at pinnacle rocks. where i met a god, who was going to give dagger back her powers to summon. because i didnt have much time - i.e my mum wanted me off the game - i didnt bother getting the powers back because ifigured i could get them next time.
after that, there was a movie sequence and i arrived at lindblum, which had been destroyed. now i was told to go to a different continent to find the guy who rides that awesome dragon. and im sure i was told to go to pinnacle rocks... but the thing is.. its a dead end. ive tryed around all sides of the path and it goes to nowhere. just a sign saying about a ghost. and two treasure chests.
i cant go anywhere but to pinnacle rocks - as ive mentioned, or to lindblum - business and theatre districts only. so i also have no chnace of getting back down the mountain because icant get to the palace to get to the dragon gate.
ive tryed talking to all the people in lindblum, and searching the whole mountain top area... but its not use.... what on earth do i do? i even asked three of my friends who have the game. but they cant remember.
please someone help me. :-(

02-08-2005, 07:02 AM
*possible spoilers*
if you are afraid that you missed ramuh (the eidolon at pinnacle rocks), don't worry- you can get a peridot (summons ramuh) off of fighting griffins on another continent. you do not go to pinnacle rocks again after lindblum is destroyed. Instead, you are supposed to go to qu's marsh and run around through tall grass till quina runs off and takes you to the excavation site, aka fossil roo. you go through and will end up on the outer continent, where you will eventually reach kuja (guy on the dragon). if this didn't help much, or if you need help at fossil roo, try the walkthroughs at

02-08-2005, 07:24 AM
ok, well thankyou.... ill go and check out that site.... just well... i cant even get to qus marsh because i can get to the palace- therefore i cant get to the dragon gate thingy - and therefore i cant get off the mountain... eep.... ill go check the site... and ill try the game again. maybe i missed something. thankyou for helping me:)

02-08-2005, 09:22 AM
Well, if you're at the point in the game I think you're at, you're actually supposed to head down to the King Ed Plains (the valley below Lindblum) to find 'an excavation site'.

It is quite tricky if you don't know exactly where to go and what to look for, but I'll tell you. Ride the Lindblum Castle elevator to the foundation level, then the game will take over to send you to the Dragon's Gate. After saving with the moogle and buying anything you need from the merchant, head outside, then once on the World Map, head north to Qu's Marsh (the swampland in the centre of the valley south of Gizamaluke's Grotto), and you should encounter Quina at the Frog Pond. If he/she hasn't joined your party yet, he/she will then, and then head up to Master Quale's dwelling (the big house on stilts).

Head inside, and speak with the Qu master, who only offers a few cryptic clues, then head back out to the area where you first arrived in Qu's Marsh (where those two moogles give the game tutorial). With Quina in your party, head due right from this point, and Quina will pick up the smell of frogs. If he/she is in your party, he/she will lead you straight to an ancient ruin, called Fossil Roo. This is your destination. Head inside (a moogle appears at the entrance to save the game or heal) to continue the game.

Just make sure you're properly prepared before entering, as there is at least one boss battle inside (against Lani the bounty hunter, who is very tough), not to mention your party will be chased down by an armoured menace called Armodullahan (which cannot be killed and can be fought repeatedly). You have been warned.

02-09-2005, 04:30 PM
Lani isn't THAT tough... she can be a bitch if your chars arent trained up though

02-10-2005, 02:02 PM
Incidentally, I made a mistake in my last post.

You don't actually ride the castle elevator (as you can't even get to the castle the usual way by Aircab at that point in the game), but instead, speak with the guy in the brown hat at the sundial fountain in the Business District. Selecting 'You're Ready', will then take you automatically to the bottom of the elevator in Lindblum Castle, and then you can ride the trolley to Dragon's Gate as previously stated.

I apologise if I've confused anyone, as I've been playing FFXI a bit lately and I've just forgotten a lot of the solutions for FFIX! Guess I should play it a bit more then...

02-15-2005, 05:15 AM
Don't say 'trained up' because this game is A LOT different from FF7 or 8. What level you have to be when you fight Lani is around 20. Maybe 17 but NOT 30 or 40. It wont be fun then.