05-22-2016, 09:11 AM
Hi ! If you know Minikeums (a french TV program), this is an official album with tracks from the program and exclusive tracks. Good listening. :)

DOWNLOAD LINK (MP3 128 kbit/s) (!4wphTTKY!l-edlxun4z_BsHgW4ysocIk7PV0eKtVOsG_8ngWYiNE)

Name : L'Alboum
Album artists : Didier Gustin, Sandrine Alexis, Roddy Julienne, Lucile Gaut, Marjorie Savino
Publisher : France 3 Music
Year : 1998

Type : Official soundtrack
Number of tracks : 16
Duration : 52mn
Other informations : Contains tags and lyrics

Please contact me if the links died or if there is an error in files. You can also contact me since Twitter at @kingvulcam.

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- Gloubi Boulga Party (French '80-90 openings from 'L'Ile aux Enfants') [MP3] (Thread 205013)
- Code Lyoko Featuring Subdigitals (French version) [MP3] (Thread 205016)

05-22-2016, 07:22 PM
Merci beaucoup !

05-22-2016, 08:00 PM
A member of the Minikeums Generation thanks you a lot :D

the marvin
05-23-2016, 09:54 AM
Merci, je vais bien me marrer! :)