zell hell yeah!
02-07-2005, 07:52 PM
I attempt to play guitar but im only a beginner, is anyone here any good and who r ur influences?
(i know that this must sound like who is ur fave band or whatever but imean like a certain person that influences u to play what u do!)

02-07-2005, 08:07 PM
Wasn't there a thread like this before?

Siren's Song
02-07-2005, 08:56 PM
I play 'Cello & Double Bass... can't say I have any influences, just like to play! errr... I also play Descant and Tenor recorders... working my way through as much FF music as I can!

02-07-2005, 09:04 PM
I can get a tune out of a piano, recorder and bugle, but I wouldn't consider my self a good player.

As for influences, none really

02-07-2005, 09:21 PM
I don't play an instrument but I was the singer of a metal/hardcore band for 5-6 years. I am currently singing in an acoustic duo. I wish I could play guitar.

02-07-2005, 10:14 PM
Wasn't there a thread like this before?

We've had at least two. It doesn't really matter, as long as there isn't already one on the front page.

Faye Kipling
02-07-2005, 10:33 PM
I play the piano, flute and sing.

Oh, I also enjoy the odd jam on my friends' drumkit. I'm becoming quite the professional at it imo.

Darth Pepper
02-07-2005, 10:43 PM
My mom made me take piano lessons when I was little. If you go to someone�s house Kat, and they have a piano do you start playing it? I�m always doing that; it�s an odd habit.

mr. patterson
02-07-2005, 10:49 PM
i can slap my knees and whistle a jolly tune.... i probably won't though

Faye Kipling
02-07-2005, 11:02 PM
My mom made me take piano lessons when I was little. If you go to someone�s house Kat, and they have a piano do you start playing it? I�m always doing that; it�s an odd habit.

I've been taking lessons since I was 5, how about that.
As a matter of fact, I'm exactly the same, strangely enough. It just seems to be there to be played, so I play it.

02-07-2005, 11:10 PM
I'm pretty handy with a Bodhran (http://whistleanddrum.com/category.aspx?categoryID=2)

What an instrument

Darth Pepper
02-07-2005, 11:18 PM
I've been taking lessons since I was 5, how about that.
As a matter of fact, I'm exactly the same, strangely enough. It just seems to be there to be played, so I play it.
I started lessons at age 10, and then I quit around age 15. After that I just played on my own time. Best thing about playing the piano, is playing movie scores, and it impresses the ladies. :)

02-07-2005, 11:57 PM
i play a baritone and intend to keep playin it through college. other (very bad) attemts include a trumpet (well actually that's improved), a clairinet, and a flute. one somewhat successful attempt was learning how to play a piano (taught myself).
no one's really influenced me. my parents told me in fourth grade to try an instrument and i've kept up with it because i liked it. my high range is horrid though.

02-08-2005, 12:01 AM
i play guitar. Washburn tabu TB-300...fucking rocks!!

Siren's Song
02-08-2005, 12:05 AM
I'm thinking of taking up either the Violin or the Viola... depends on which I can pick up cheaply, if either! never been able to play the piano, although I've tried, and I can play a couple of songs on the guitar...VERY simple ones mind!
Didn't know we were including singing... but, I've been singing for as long as I can remember really! both in choirs, productions and solo little performances. Most kind of "whoopie s##t" moment was singing in the BBC Proms in the Royal Albert Hall in good old London-town a few years back.

02-08-2005, 01:38 AM
I have played the saxaphone for 7 yrs

iconoclastic pastry
02-08-2005, 02:40 AM
I play the gee-tar, the old timey piano, drums, and i've recently picked up the harmonica.

02-08-2005, 10:52 AM
I picked up the guitar about 3 years ago, played some easy intros by metallica(one,nothing else,enter sandman ...).I have the e-guitar about 6 months and i can play even some of the yngwie malmsteen's stuff. Self teaching is the key(i only downloaded info on tuning the guitar).

sun and steel
02-08-2005, 10:59 AM
I've been playing the guitar for about 6 or 7 years and I've just started playing the bass this year.

02-08-2005, 01:06 PM
I suck absolutely at the piano and the guitar.
I can sing.

02-08-2005, 03:08 PM
I play the Euphonium, Piano, and sing Bass.

02-08-2005, 03:13 PM
I can play any instrument on the face of the earth. What's more, I can play them all with exactly the same level of skill. None.

02-08-2005, 03:23 PM
I play the violin and the bass guitar mostly.

Black Waltz
02-08-2005, 03:39 PM
I can play the Trombone,Tuba, and Euphonium. I had a good motivation, if I didnt do good at region try outs my dad beat me.

Aerith Gainsborough
02-08-2005, 04:07 PM
All types of flutes (alt-flute, recorder, tin whistle etc.). I want to get a Japanese flute some day, because it sounds very relaxing. :)

02-08-2005, 05:32 PM
I've played guitar for about a year and a half now.

zell hell yeah!
02-08-2005, 07:20 PM
Wasn't there a thread like this before?

sorry dude i didnt know if there was, but it cant hurt to ask again!?

02-09-2005, 09:16 AM
When i think i have mastered the guitar i think i'll start with piano or drums.

02-09-2005, 10:53 PM
I have played the saxaphone for 7 yrs

More specific please.

As for me, I play tenor sax, didgeridoo, and piano (listed in order of profficiency.)

02-09-2005, 11:33 PM
When i think i have mastered the guitar i think i'll start with piano or drums.

So... never, then? =)

02-10-2005, 12:19 AM
metal....u will never master a guitar...cause no one ever did or will do...that my opinion. no offence. lol u need to be an alien to master a guitar:P

02-10-2005, 12:20 AM
metal....u will never master a guitar...cause no one ever did or will do...that my opinion. no offence. lol u need to be an alien to master a guitar:PThose crazy alien guitar masters are pretty CRAZY!

02-10-2005, 10:45 AM
I meant to say, when i reach a point where i can play most of the stuff Yngwie, petrucci and michael angelo can.( I can play half of yngwie's "blitzkrieg", and i'm still 16)

02-10-2005, 07:17 PM
im 16 too....but have only played guitar in 1 week. but ive learned enter sandman and some ac/dc shit. will hopefully start a band when i get good

02-10-2005, 10:33 PM
I have 2 yeard experience with my Electric-Acoustic Guitar, and I have just been asked to play Bass in a band =\ So you could say I play some bass too.

02-10-2005, 11:33 PM
I play the Saxophone, bass, and guitar quite frequently.

I try to play drums here and there but I'm barley learning.

And the piano is another thing I'm slowly learning.

02-11-2005, 08:33 PM
i used to play the keyboard till mother sold it *grrrr* i used 2 b gd 2.

also used 2 play the harmonica

kazoo - hee hee jst hum

i want 2 get a tin whistle - like the sound

zell hell yeah!
02-11-2005, 08:41 PM
i used to play the keyboard till mother sold it *grrrr* i used 2 b gd 2.

also used 2 play the harmonica

kazoo - hee hee jst hum

i want 2 get a tin whistle - like the sound

lol - Kazoo, thats a toy!!!! lmao only joking.

02-12-2005, 06:28 AM
I've been playing acoustic and electric guitar for about a year now. I prefer acoustic, though.

02-15-2005, 04:57 PM
thank god, i hate it when music critics dont play instruments. they're really not entitled to an opinion then

zell hell yeah!
02-15-2005, 06:47 PM
thank god, i hate it when music critics dont play instruments. they're really not entitled to an opinion then

hmph......so ah what do u play exactly!? lol, just kiddin, i totally aggree!!

02-15-2005, 09:53 PM
currently learning how to play the guitar, but I'm fairly skilled at the bass guitar, violin, and clarinet. Then moderately ok at the pipe organ. My grandmums made ever one of her grandchildren learn how to play the pipe organ. :)

02-16-2005, 11:48 AM
I knw how to play the piano, but I don't play anymore, so I'm not good.

02-16-2005, 02:06 PM

02-16-2005, 02:08 PM
I can play a cd player. What? YEAH ITS AN INSTRUMENT. it plays music doesnt it?

02-16-2005, 02:39 PM
WOW you must be really talented ^^

02-17-2005, 12:56 AM
I can play a cd player. What? YEAH ITS AN INSTRUMENT. it plays music doesnt it?

You should consider playing an instrument cos it feels great playing something you listen to, and btw what music does your cd player play?

Landlord of Sector 7
02-17-2005, 02:07 AM
I am quite skilled at the clarinet (definetely not my choice) and piano. I know a little bit with guitars but other than that I use the computer for music.

02-17-2005, 07:12 AM
me!, i can play guitar, sorta drums, and a flute

02-17-2005, 07:20 AM
I can play with my penis... is that an instrument?

02-18-2005, 11:02 PM
hmph......so ah what do u play exactly!? lol, just kiddin, i totally aggree!!

glad you agree. i play guitar (generic,no?!), drums, flute and piano. since the jurys still out on chewys penis comment i wont include it.

Lady Obscurity
02-19-2005, 02:03 AM
I have always wanted to own and learn how to play a bass guitar, but I never got around to it. I can play a little bit of guitar, but I'm not talented to any extent.

02-25-2005, 03:36 PM
bass is such a cool instrument, and its not too hard to play especially if your learning guitar too, they help each other. you'l find it easier to compse too if you know the both-fuller and tighter songs

02-26-2005, 02:08 AM
Ooo.... I play piano and alto sax :D

03-11-2005, 08:06 AM
i can play drums, bass, guitar and sing, they all kind of help each other out, the bass follows the drum beats in cases, while the guitar follow the root notes of the bass, and the drum keep the time of the music. vocals come in as a last part.

03-15-2005, 02:45 PM
I�ve started playing violin when I was 3 and the piano when I was 9, and I still love playing both! I would love to go to a conservatory when I�m finished with my school :)

03-15-2005, 04:43 PM

03-15-2005, 04:57 PM
I play:

03-15-2005, 05:09 PM
I play piano.. :confused:

03-15-2005, 05:23 PM
JeeEEZzz...get the ****off... you culture barbarian...whatever....walk to **** with your stupid plingpling guitar >_<...you amature...just have a bit respect

03-15-2005, 05:38 PM
I play the trumpet.

Mental Issues69
03-15-2005, 07:34 PM
piano, flute, and guitar.

03-15-2005, 11:51 PM
JeeEEZzz...get the ****off... you culture barbarian...whatever....walk to **** with your stupid plingpling guitar >_<...you amature...just have a bit respect
if ur are a amature dont let it go out on me. i just said booring. and thats my opinion of fucking piano,flute and fiolin or what u called it. biatch. and if u say that "walk to ****" means go to hell..then dont worry cause im allready there,hah:P

03-16-2005, 10:01 AM
Rofl, wait for me, i'll be there soon. As for me, i have a lot of respect for piano, cos what would be one Savatage without it.

03-16-2005, 10:23 PM
keyboard is cool,so mybe i dont think piano is that lame

03-17-2005, 10:10 AM
I like the keyboard in Evergrey, Stratovarius and Dream Theater, but piano is better.

03-17-2005, 09:03 PM
imagine van halen-jump without the keyboard. lol

06-11-2005, 10:07 AM
I play the flute which i would say im pretty good at. I am learning the piano, and ive started learning the guitar my sis says I could be a one man band! with my dog clanging symbols behind me nad also the hat with sum change in it!

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
06-11-2005, 06:19 PM
I play guitar, bass guitar, and create electronic music, thus giving me skills in writing, playing, and producing music.

I also dabble in keyboards a bit, but I don't own one. I wish I had lots of money...I'd have a home studio, for sure.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
06-11-2005, 08:21 PM
I play guitar (which basically means I can also play bass). I can also play keyboard/piano abit, and I can play drums abit as well. My main influences on my guitaring would have to be, Jonny Greenwood from Radiohead, Kevin Shields from My Bloody Valentine and J Mascis from Dinosaur Jr. So basically I love to experiment with my guitar sound and such.

06-11-2005, 10:07 PM
I play the guitar and keyboard mostly though i can do vocals ( not really an instrument though.)

06-11-2005, 11:04 PM
I play guitar (which basically means I can also play bass).

Uh, not really. I'm not saying you can't play bass, but being proficient in one doesn't mean you're good with the other. =\

06-11-2005, 11:12 PM
Yep, basslines are different to chords, and guitar tabs. The way in which you play bass is generally different. When I was in a small Alt Rock band, I played basslines and its more difficult that people think.

So, anyway I left this band a month or so ago and I am just experimenting with my Electric Acoustic model at the moment, I know a few chords but I aim to be a lead guitarist, not a rhythm guitarist. I just jam every now and then, learn things by ear and got the best I can and getting better, and I have not been to a single guitar lesson. I base my guitaring over Omar Rodriguez.

06-12-2005, 03:01 AM
i play piano and can play the guitar bass and acustic

06-12-2005, 05:33 AM
Guitar lessons are shit. Nobody needs them, unless you're a fucking Jimmy Page wannabe. In which case you're hopeless anyway.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
06-12-2005, 05:52 PM
I can play with my penis... is that an instrument?

Skin flute.

And TK, Jimmy Page wasn't that great of a player, very sloppy. Lessons and learning music theory are for if you're a) very serious about learning music in and out or b) you have no natural aptitude.

I never took lessons, I find it more enjoyable and satisfying to progress on my own.

06-12-2005, 06:09 PM
And TK, Jimmy Page wasn't that great of a player, very sloppy.

No shit? I guess I'll have to take back that very serious and literal comment I made!

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
06-12-2005, 06:56 PM
Uh, not really. I'm not saying you can't play bass, but being proficient in one doesn't mean you're good with the other. =\

Well you can pretty much play root notes which is what I only play on bass anyway. If I was going to get technical then definitley I'd have to take bass up properly. So from what I'm saying here I expect you can guess I'm shit at bass if I went beyond root notes.

I aim to be a lead guitarist, not a rhythm guitarist.

I dunno if you know this, obviously you'll know that scales is the best way to become a lead guitarist. Just look up on the internet the A minor, G Minor and E minor Pentatonic scales, also the Blues scale if you wanna try and find some scales.

06-13-2005, 07:54 AM
I can play guitar, keyboards, drums, and violin. Well, Alan Wilder of Depeche Mode is my influence when it comes to keyboards and I don't know who I'd say are my influences for the others.

mrs. patterson
06-13-2005, 05:07 PM
no, but i am taking finger-druming lesson from a friend, doesnt really count now does it

Doc Holidae
06-13-2005, 06:13 PM
i can play acoustic guitar. so far, the only song i can play is Friends In Low Places. as ghetto and thuggish as i am, i love that damn song. everytime i hear it, my inner redneck comes out swingin.

06-13-2005, 06:16 PM
Bass, Electric guitar, Drums, Flute.

06-14-2005, 03:50 AM
Tenor sax, piano, didgeridoo, hose with funnel attached to it, piece of a laundry hamper.

06-16-2005, 01:56 PM
I never took any guitar lessons and i can play allmost everything, but eventualy i watched a couple of videos just to get some poiners about heavy technique. Any guitar player should get the Rock Discipline by John Petrucci, he covered it all.

06-16-2005, 04:40 PM
yeah of course! I know loads of people that play that instrument!
tee hee :D

06-16-2005, 04:41 PM
I mean to that dude who said he plays his penis

06-17-2005, 04:13 PM
I play the drums.
My influence....the greatest drummer ever moon the loon from the who

06-17-2005, 04:38 PM
I play clarinet really good but i can aslo play trumpet, saxaphone, guitar (bass, acoustic, rythmic and lead) and a little bit of drums.

06-18-2005, 08:04 PM
in school i had to play the recorder, it sucked! an instrument id like to be able to play would be the violin....i dont know why

Atom Narmor
06-19-2005, 12:19 AM
acoustic guitar. Turn Tables(yes indeed)

06-19-2005, 04:51 AM
sax (as in, the four main ones)
bass clarinet
and I'm sure I could play a Clarinet fine, as well, but I haven't done that in four years and have no urge to.

also note that my main instruments are Bassoon, Bari Sax, and Bass Clarinet (in that order).

07-11-2005, 12:07 PM
I have been playing the guitar since March and although its hard to get in to when you do its really quite easy. As for influences, Nirvana, Rage, Pearl Jam, Radiohead, QOTSA, Foo Fighters, Muse, David Bowie etc...

Deafening Silence
07-12-2005, 05:56 AM
I can play the flute and the piano, and I'm seriously considering going after guitar, just so I can get attention.

What I really want, though, is a violin. I would give almost anything to own my own violin, even if I couldn't play it properly.

Influences, I suppose, are my moods, movies, some other artists (too random to bother mentioning), and video games. . .sometimes.