05-17-2016, 05:05 PM

'He rises and begins to round/
He drops the silver chain of sound/
Of many many links without a break/
In chirrup, whistle slur and shake.'

So begins the extract from George Meredith's
poem The Lark Ascending that is quoted on
the score of Vaughan Williams' composition.

As a collector of all things Vaughan Willliams for nearly... well... a whole bunch of years... The Lark Ascending was my introduction to his work
when I saw a dance performance of Alvin Ailey's set to this music. What an incredible introduction that was.

So as per usual I went through one recording after another. Then strangely enough I took a gamble on a compilation (don't much care for
Elgar) released by the now defunct Virgin Classics label (eventually taken over by Erato and now no longer available...).

1) Not only did Christopher Warren Green conduct, but he played the solo violin in this work. How do you DO that?

2) I had never ever heard a version of The Lark Ascending that was so... damn heart-breakingly beautiful... emotionally heightened... and virtually
lifted my soul on gentle wings into the far distance.

Yes: I liked it.

Warren Green now insists he is just a conductor. A pity. What he did on this recording is to my gentle shell-like ears deeply, deeply moving.
Just my opinion. Doubtless everyone has their favorite version. This is mine. I bring this to you along with the Tallis masterpiece... sweetened
with the very short theme that inspired Vaughan Williams' fantasia.

If you are jumping down with excitement, all ready to transcend to a new musical realm.... leave a kindly message HERE and Phideas will afford
something.... wonderful ( I aim to please). ;-)

05-18-2016, 02:27 AM
Phideas1, could you please send me the link and thank you for another great post.

05-18-2016, 03:07 AM
Hope you find it as great as I do- you are very welcome

05-18-2016, 06:24 AM
Link received. Thank you Phideas1 for posting these wonderful unique recordings as of late.

05-18-2016, 05:46 PM
Most curious to give this album a listen; would be most grateful for the link. Thank you!

05-18-2016, 06:27 PM

05-19-2016, 01:45 AM
I'm also a big fan of Sir Elgar's Serenade For Strings so may I request a link please? Thanks very much again.

06-20-2016, 08:33 PM
Link received. Thanks again!