Aerith Gainsborough
02-06-2005, 10:31 PM
I'm at the end of the game, but I'm still missing the last items for Squalls lionheart. The item called 'Dragon tooth' (in my game version at least).

I need four of them, but I only go two. Where can I get them? From what monster?

It is so annoying, because all my characters are on lv. 100 already, everbody got the best weapon beside Squall. :mad:

Who can help me? I really forgot where to get this item.... :(

02-07-2005, 02:41 AM
dragon fang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!go to the island closest to out for the will get it from the t-rexuars or the one of the various dragons ther if your people are low level then you can get em from t-rexuars.

Lunatic HighVII
02-07-2005, 03:35 AM
With the levels your characters are at, they can be dropped by these enemies:

Blue Dragons, Hexadragons, and Grendels. But, it's rare. The same thing happened to me, it was very frustrating.

Hope this helps! ;)

02-07-2005, 05:32 AM
If you have Tonberry's Lvl Down ability, try going to the Island Closest to Hell and see if you can level a T-Rexaur down to a level between 20-29 and then defeat it. If you're lucky, it may drop some. Or try some of the other enemies that Squall_Bahamut mentioned. Here's something important --- make sure not to use Mug --- if you successfully Mug the enemy, then it won't drop anything after the battle.

02-07-2005, 06:06 AM
If u have Tonberry LvlDown.. The easiest is to find Grendel in the forest where Laguna 2nd dream Sequences occured (forest near Galbadia Garden).. Have Squall runnning in the forest, touching the west cliff.. Every enemy u'll encounter will be grendel.. Lvl It Down to 1-29.. and it will drop dragon fang.. hope this help..

Aerith Gainsborough
02-07-2005, 09:15 AM
Like I said, my characters are on lv. 100 already, and everything else is also maxed out. No matter where I go to, they won't trop it. I never had this problem before....

You can get them from the T-Rexaur too? Also from the one in the garden?

Ok, but thanks for all your help. I'm going to try to do the lv. down ability then. ;)

The Scientist
02-14-2005, 03:10 AM
Dragon Fangs :

commonly dropped by All LV Blue Dragons (Bika Snowfield Forest, Island Closest to Hell, Island Closest to Heaven)
commonly dropped by LV 1-19 Grendel (Island Closest to Hell)
commonly dropped by LV 1-29 Hexadragon (Island Closest to Hell)

rarely dropped by LV 20-29 Grendel
rarely dropped by All LV SAM08G
rarely dropped by LV 20-29 T-Rexaurs (Island Closest to Hell)

In other words : Kill Blue Dragons NOT using Rare Item from Cactuar.

PS : this info is from a site I found, but I remember Blue Dragons surely had 'em

Hex Omega
02-15-2005, 03:57 AM
aye they do.Island Closest to Heaven is where I got em

dyne trance
02-15-2005, 04:30 AM
Go to the Island Closest to Hell. The island looks like a claw and is west off the ocast of Winhill. Yo ucan defeat Ruby Dragons and get Energy Crystals which you can refine into 10 (per one crystal) Pulse Ammo, which you also need to get Squall's weapon. You can get Dragon Fang from the Blue Dragons, which are acutally green :P You will know it is a blue dragon is it: stands on it's hind legs, looks crazy, and yo ucan draw Drain, Death, Break, and Bio form it. I don't have Squall's sword myself, but I am on the brink. All I need is the magazine ( which i didn't pick up :'() and I will have it. I'm having my Tonberry learn all of the shop abilities so that I can possibly get it. I'm same with you: everyone but Squall has their Ultimate.

Hope this helped!

EDIT: OMG, I just went downstairs, got the rest of the AP needed for Tonberry's "Call Shop". It wasn't in any of the shops, but it WAS in the Junk Shop which I had just enough items and now i have the Lionheart! Still hope this helps!

02-15-2005, 12:47 PM
Doubt this'll help, but I always get my Dragon Fangs on Disc 1 before the Deling Assasination mission, in the forest previously mentioned. It's helpful whether or not you're getting the Lionheart on Disc 1.

Aerith Gainsborough
02-15-2005, 01:06 PM
Oh, it helped. I went to the Island 'Closest to Hell' and got them from a green Dragon. I didn't get some for a while, and then I got 8 dragaon fangs in one battle. I used the level minus ability (first time I ever used it) and killed him.

The only problem I had was finding the Island. I thought it was close to 'Closest to Heaven', that means I was searching in the wrong place for a while.

But it is ok, I only needed Squall's weapon for beating Omega Weapon. Everything else was done already.... ;)

02-15-2005, 07:50 PM
I know you have already done it, but Blue Dragons can also be found near Trabia.

The Scientist
02-16-2005, 11:33 AM
where you can't go on Disc 1 ..
I remember there was another way to get those Dragon Fangs on Disc 1, since I got the Lion Heart on Disc 1 once ..

no idd you don't need the magazine to get it, just the Items will do ..

EDIT : Well what you could do is train in Balamb Garden 't ill you reach LV20, then fight T-Rexaurs, they rarely drop Dragon Fangs, but they do ..
I admit, it's hard to archieve but it can be done

02-16-2005, 10:55 PM
Strange, the one time I made it that far in the game, I already had all the items I needed, and I was only level 29 when I got there. This time through I'm level 30, and I'm still only in disc 2. Never does it seem that any two times through the same game happen the same way for me.

02-27-2005, 08:18 AM
just have bahamut's rare item ablity and diablo's mug
that way u can either steal or win the dragon fang from blue dragons, hexa dragons, or other dragons in island closest to hell!!!

The Scientist
02-27-2005, 02:32 PM
Diablo's Mug is the most worthless ability you could use to get Dragon Fangs, If you Mug, your chances drop to 0% of getting Dragon Fangs.
You absolutely CAN'T Mug to get Dragon Fangs.

rarely dropped by LV 20-29 Grendel
rarely dropped by All LV SAM08G
rarely dropped by LV 20-29 T-Rexaurs (Island Closest to Hell)These are the only occasions the Rare Item from CACTUAR will help (not Bahamut)

02-27-2005, 07:23 PM
The Scientist is right, Mug is the surest way to shoot your chances to hell because if you successfully Mug the enemy, it's guaranteed not to drop anything.

02-27-2005, 08:48 PM
tch, fine, okay fine ur right, but still, using mug and rare item, i was able to get dragon fangs. oh yeah, by the way, "the scientist" rare item ability is on bahamut, not cactuar, u might be talking about something else, cuz bahamut's the only one who has d rare item ability.

02-28-2005, 01:21 AM
Yeah, rinoa_heartilly's right on this one, Rare Item comes from Bahamut.

The Scientist
03-04-2005, 09:38 AM
Oops don't know where that came from ..
google'd it, idd, the Rare Item is from Bahamut
I'm sorry ;)