02-05-2005, 05:12 PM
dont know if there allready is a thread about this..but who cares. mgs or splinter cell....wich of them are the BEST?? my opinion is mgs.

02-05-2005, 06:29 PM
They are both great games, but they are quite different.
MGS is more, minor aspects of stealth with an arsenal of great guns to use, and MGS1 definately candidated for one of the best games ever, imo. Metal Gear 2 was great aswell, as is Twin Snakes and I can't wait for MGS3: Snake Eater. Metal Gear is also quite humourous at times. (A let down of MGS is Special Missions which I didn't find as enjoyable, from what I have played).
Splinter Cell is very steath-action. Very much so that 80% of the time, if you are seen, the game is over, and if you shoot or kill a guard, the game is over, which can be frustrating at times, however, the good things are that, Pandora Tomorrow has some of the best graphics and dynamic lighting that I have ever seen in a game, the stealth in it has been honed to the finest detail, with light meters and the heat/night vision and Chaos Theory looks awesome.

02-05-2005, 09:26 PM
dont tell me u think twin snakes is mgs2??

growlanser Rocks
02-06-2005, 12:45 AM
MGS all the way, i mean come on sc doesnt compare.

02-06-2005, 09:31 PM
I would have to go with MGS. You have so many more weapons and your a kickass guy name Snake. You just can't beat that.

hb smokey
02-08-2005, 08:32 PM
I prefer the Splinter Cell series over the Metal Gear Series. Splinter Cell is without question the best stealth-based series in the world, and that is only going to be strengthened by the release of Chaos Theory within the next couple of months.

02-08-2005, 08:38 PM
Both series have their ups and downs imo. MGS is an action-stealth game. SC is more of a lets sneak behind the guy and crawl away kind of stealth game. I like both the games, but I like MGS better(I like my action!).

02-08-2005, 08:39 PM
Well, Splinter Cell has better gameplay, but I still prefer MGS. It was almost completely original at the time, and so inventive and really different. A unique experience. In that respect, the original MGS still holds my heart. :-*

02-13-2005, 02:51 AM
MGS all the way, don't get me wrong splinter cell is a great franchise but the story is awsome in MGS. But in SC i do like the online multiplayer.

02-25-2005, 06:09 AM
I favor the Metal Gear Solid series, compared with the Splinter Cell saga.

MGS really brought a meaning to the words "stealth espionage", and Splinter Cell just expanded on what MGS started.

Secondly, I just plain out don't like the first Splinter Cell game. I would probably play Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, than sit around playing the first Splinter Cell game all day.

02-25-2005, 11:28 AM
I love them both for very different reasons.

Splinter cell is gret because it is a military game that dosen't have a complete sense-of-humour-failiure. It also manages to bring the most in-depth stealth simulation.

Metal gear solid is probably my favourite though. Hideo Kojima is so imaginative, you can trust his games to break new ground, offer cinematic action and have a twisty plot.

Full Metal
02-26-2005, 04:05 AM
Seriously MGS is way better than SC MGS is just more interesting than Splinter Cell.

03-01-2005, 06:00 AM
MGS, I mean I like SC but after an hour of "i can't get one more alarm " then getting that alarm and starting over I rather play MGS cause if I get an alarm "It's clobbern' time!" I'll pull out my shotgun(MSG3)and blast everyone to hell!

03-01-2005, 04:07 PM
'Fisher! You weren't supposed to kill the hostage!' Stupid Lambert...

03-01-2005, 05:35 PM
Personally, I prefer the Metal Gear series. I've been playing them since Snake's Revenge. Splinter Cell is just too slow-paced for my liking.

I can't wait for the next installment. The Metal Gear Solid series is finished, no more MGS games. Solid Snake's story has been told. Now we're back to regular Metal Gear games (Yes, there is two series. Metal Gear and Metal Gear Solid). Unlike most people, I'm looking foward to the return of Raiden.

The Passenger
03-01-2005, 07:17 PM
I love them both, but MGS is definitely better. Pre-Metal Gear Solid, the stealth genre was at a minimum. MGS set a path for real storytelling, stealth and diverse gameplay. The stroyline was amazing, as were characters and fights. There's not a bad part to it, and the boss battles were truly brilliant. MGS2 was amazing, yet the Codec was really overused, with you switching to nanocommunication even when the cahracter you spoke too was RIGHT NEXT TO YOU. Which was annoyinng.
Splinter Cell wouldn't exist if it weren't for MGS, though in terms of stealth it far outstrips it. The only problem is it's linearity, and frustration levels. As said, why can't you kill anyone half the time? It's plain annoying when you fell you need to, and they always see you, and you have to start from the same point and follow the same route and get caught out the smae time, about 15 times before getting lucky.Though apparently the new Chaos Theory (which looks amazing) has a lot more choice. Which should be good.

03-01-2005, 08:49 PM
The fact that you cannot kill many people is one of the aspects that make up Splinter Cell, though Mr Passenger. The whole idea behind it is stealth, moving in the shadows etc. etc.
That is why they are completely different games, imo. MGS allows the player to equip an arsenal of weaponry and basically 90% of the time kill who you please, whereas Splinter Cell is a game which emphasises the stealth.

The Passenger
03-01-2005, 09:09 PM
Ah, but surely you must see the anger of not being able to kill? Scenario: Two guards in a room, one in a chair looking at the direct route, the other walking up and down thee route. You can't get behind the guy on the route because the man in the chair will see you, and you can't kill the man in the chair, leaving a stalemate of being unable to move! It is, naturally, one of the most annoying things ever, which is where MGS's kill him/tranquilize him (why?) comes in handy, as it removes this damn irritation.

03-01-2005, 09:35 PM
Haha, what a relevant scenario, TP.

While it is frustrating, it is still part of the game.