02-04-2005, 11:32 AM
It's that age old question, are games too expensive? We want to here from you!

02-04-2005, 11:54 AM
You Americans have nothing to complain about. Games retail over here brand new for AU$99.95 - that's US$77. So don't complain about your $50 retail :p

02-04-2005, 12:04 PM
If you know how to buy games.....
But generally speaking, yes, there hell expensive.

02-04-2005, 12:23 PM
We pay �40 for our games, that's around $75. Way too expensive, and there's actually no reason behind it.

02-04-2005, 12:27 PM
75$au? Thats pretty good considering we pay 100$+ for any considerably good game.

02-04-2005, 01:26 PM
We pay �40 for our games, that's around $75. Way too expensive, and there's actually no reason behind it.

It's all due to marketing cost, development cost, publishing cost, etc etc etc. Agreed i'd like them to be cheaper, but there's always the option of getting lots more games for the same price at second hand stores.
I only buy full priced games if they're new out and games that i'm desperate for! =)

02-04-2005, 01:29 PM
over here in australia, new games cost $100+ thats only if they're good. If they are a poor game they cost about $79. Everything is expensive and TOYWORLD rip you off so much they should die. They are lucky in my town though, since they are the only game store. We have a couple more but they arent worth goin to

02-04-2005, 06:23 PM
75$au? Thats pretty good considering we pay 100$+ for any considerably good game.

No, �40 = $75 (USA) = $94 (AU)

I'd like to know why they're more expensive here than in the USA. :|

I usually wait 'til I can get things pre-owned or on special offer 'cause I just don't have that much to keep shelling out on brand new games.

02-04-2005, 06:32 PM
The only really apt explanation I can think of is the difference of exchange rate leading to higher production costs here. The regions i've never understood.

Just buy from VGP, �30 a game and most likely earlier.

02-04-2005, 06:34 PM
Eh, I don't pay more than $20 for a game usually. I rent a lot, or get games used... also, I don't mind the price, considering all the work that has to go into making the game, and all the underpaid programmers who work on it.

02-04-2005, 06:36 PM
Just buy from VGP, �30 a game and most likely earlier.

Probably a stupid question but what is VGP ?

02-04-2005, 07:18 PM
http://www.videogamesplus.ca - they sell imported games.

Neo Xzhan
02-04-2005, 08:40 PM
New games are �45.- here, that's almost $53,-

Some things like special editions (e.g. Halflife 2 SE was �70, which is $82,-).

So there's only one good thing about being WAY behind on the releases in Holland, we're the cheapest. ;-)

The Ricky
02-05-2005, 01:33 AM
Concidering the time, effort, and money, it takes to make games these days, you really can't blame them for having high prices. Onimusha 3 cost somewhere with in $35 million to make (so I'm told), they need to get that money back so they stay in business. But then again, that's just my opinion.

02-05-2005, 02:01 AM
Concidering the time, effort, and money, it takes to make games these days, you really can't blame them for having high prices. Onimusha 3 cost somewhere with in $35 million to make (so I'm told), they need to get that money back so they stay in business. But then again, that's just my opinion.
That's because onimusha 3 used the likenesses and voices of expensive actors.

What about, say, Fifa 2005. The licence and likenesses for those people are not as expensive as everyone would love to believe.

How about games such as Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter. A game which can't have taken anything near the amount it made to make.

The Ricky
02-05-2005, 02:09 AM
I can see a game like Final Fantasy being $50, and I can't see something like Shadow Hearts, and underrated game, being $50. They'd make more money as a series if they release cult titles for high prices.

hb smokey
02-08-2005, 08:38 PM
Games are only expensive when there is one you desperately want, but don't have enough dough to give up.

But seriously, $50 isn't too bad for games of this generation. There are so many games that are scrapped and never put on the shelves. How would you like it if the work you put your life into only sold for retail of about $30?

I think they are just right.

02-08-2005, 08:43 PM
New games are �45.

wtp. New games are at least �60 here, usually �70. =/

And it's altogether too much for my wallet, so I just buy second hand or old games most of the time. Maybe new games are too expensive for what you get, maybe not. Since I tend to avoid buying them new, it isn't something I have invested too much time in researching.

02-09-2005, 02:04 PM
I guess they need our money for development costs, but EA are bloody rich, do these giant companies really need to charge the ammount they do?

02-09-2005, 07:49 PM
I thought we banned you, Ricky.

Terra Fire
02-09-2005, 09:20 PM
no they don't need all that money and...in a word...yes...games do cost to much...in England �40 max for a new game you can still get FFX-2 for 30 in some places...really it should be �20 or even �15 for that game...but yeh most other games cost to much...:( unfair on alot of people

02-09-2005, 10:06 PM
Do you remember the days of carts where games such as Final Fantasy 6 (or 3 >:O) and Street Fighter 2 Turbo costs up towards $80 US? THAT was expensive, the 30-50 price range nowadays (at least in the US) is pretty much nothing compared to before.

02-10-2005, 04:13 AM
yeah because instead of me going and bying two games for whatever system i could by a gamecube

Black Waltz
02-10-2005, 06:40 AM
So basically what everone is saying is good games are not to expensive, we are to poor.

02-10-2005, 07:02 AM
Considering how much it costs a company to makes games I think the priceing is understandable, even if a single game doesn't cost as much to make as another game the company is trying to make enough money with both titles to develop other games and make a profit. Star Ocean might not have the production cost of Final Fantasy but Square-Enix needs to make enough money off all of their titles to warrant new spending in new areas. I expect game costs to rise with the release of the next generation consoles to continue to allow companies to develop, advertise, release, and support new games.

02-10-2005, 03:05 PM
I thought we banned you, Ricky.

Aww, Please let me stay, i'll be good i promise!

02-11-2005, 12:08 AM
I don't think they're too expenisive, because when I get a really good game I usually play it for 100+ hours and only $50 for over 100 hours isn't a bad deal.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
02-11-2005, 04:21 PM
I don't think they're too expenisive, because when I get a really good game I usually play it for 100+ hours and only $50 for over 100 hours isn't a bad deal.

Freudian slip?

02-11-2005, 06:21 PM
lol, i didnt notice that, meant to say expensive, rather funny typo though.

02-11-2005, 06:35 PM
sometimes i think they are a bit over the top in prices, but RPGs which give you 50 hours + gameplay then its all worth it, but not for games which hardly last a few hours.....pish lol

02-11-2005, 07:02 PM
Nah, definitely too much, but they have gone down in price.
Theyb used to be about �50+ when they first came out, now they are �39.99

02-11-2005, 08:43 PM
Too expensive for me...the prices of games is unbelievable sometimes.

02-11-2005, 10:15 PM
It's all the fees the companies have to pay plus the fact that they still need to make a profit. there's production, liscensing, packaging, distribution.. all kinds of things. It's almost the same thing for musicians, they almost never see any money from the cd's they sell, which is why they tour, sell merchandise, have royalties, etc. Gaming companies can't tour or anything, and few games actually get popular enough to make money from merchandising and royalties, so they bump prices up to make money. If muscians didn't tour or sell an assload of t-shirt I'd bet you'
d be seeing $50 and $60 dollar cd's.

The higher prices in other countries is again, because of distribution and also converting the game into a PAL format and sometimes translating (retranslating a game can cost a LOT, which is why most companies don't do it :B).

02-14-2005, 06:52 AM
There is talk of raising the prices of new games from $49.99 US to $59.99 US when the new generation of systems are released.

I have pretty well lost interest in all console games so I don't give a flip. Portables and PC for me :)

02-14-2005, 07:10 AM
well i suppose well never know cause they aint gettin anycheaper more expensive if anything.

02-15-2005, 10:17 PM
Over here in the US its not that bad but still 50 bucks for a game is a little high considering 5-7 years ago new games were like $25-$35 and the really expensive special ones were $40. they should at least make them about the same as a new movie maybe a little more.

And this here is a little off topic but is it just me or are the moderators on the general gaming forum a little out of control? A person started a PD thread and asked how to unlock the codes and gifts and it was shut down becuase the moderators didnt like PD and didnt like to hear about codes. The which system is better thread i thought was a great debate thread like the ff7 is it a good game thread and it was shut down becuase people didnt like to hear their precious xbox get insulted or hear that there are some nicer games on other systems, and now the thread on whether starfox was going to be on xbox thread was shut down for no apparent reason mainly becuase they didnt want to hear the xbox be insulted and learn that its not gonna get all the great games and that in a year there is going to better systems. and on top of all this they change what people say when it threatens there facts and points of persuasion to make the people look like idiots. its unethical and cruel and unfair that hardcore gamers and game lovers are treated like this and i really think it needs to stop.

02-15-2005, 11:07 PM
its unethical and cruel and unfair that hardcore gamers and game lovers are treated like this and i really think it needs to stop.

Actually, it's just you, because your opinions are loud, crass and without any basis in fact <3

Now stop spamming up other people's threads before I ban you.

02-16-2005, 12:05 AM
Since when does posting facts and well supported opinions = loud and obnoxious? people dont deserve to have what they say changed just becuase it threatens someone elses opinion. and the reason i wrote this in another thread was becuase i know you guys would have shut this down if i made it into a thread before people could see it becuz u guys are asses.

02-16-2005, 02:04 AM
Since when does posting facts and well supported opinions = loud and obnoxious? people dont deserve to have what they say changed just becuase it threatens someone elses opinion. and the reason i wrote this in another thread was becuase i know you guys would have shut this down if i made it into a thread before people could see it becuz u guys are asses.

Stop turning yourself into some kind of fucked up martyr. You've haven't typed a fact since you started posting at this message board.

The only threads that have been closed recently are done so with good reason (you being a git and fucking the thread up with stupid arguements that are not true).

Also: 3 or 4 threads a month isn't so bad.

Also Also: Nobody likes you, stfu.

02-16-2005, 02:16 AM
yes they are so i buy used game and get them cleaned at game crazy for a $1 and they are like new.

02-16-2005, 02:20 AM
Im not making myself a martyr becuase first of all am i dying? to be a martyr dont i have to die? and the last time i checked i was in pretty good health adn second im just saying some of the moderators are a little out of control espcially when it leads to changing a persons posts to make the person look like an idiot becuase they posted something that threatened their persuasive facts and points (this happened to me in the starfox xbox thread i was just lucky i could recall what i really said). and i do have some true arguments the only one i had that was false was the one on GC having better hardware than Xbox cuz the sites i looked at were false. all my other statements are pretty much true.

02-16-2005, 03:47 AM
Im not making myself a martyr becuase first of all am i dying? to be a martyr dont i have to die? and the last time i checked i was in pretty good health adn second im just saying some of the moderators are a little out of control espcially when it leads to changing a persons posts to make the person look like an idiot becuase they posted something that threatened their persuasive facts and points (this happened to me in the starfox xbox thread i was just lucky i could recall what i really said). and i do have some true arguments the only one i had that was false was the one on GC having better hardware than Xbox cuz the sites i looked at were false. all my other statements are pretty much true.

Check definition 3b here. It describes your position perfectly. (http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=martyr)

Also, no ur dumb.

02-16-2005, 04:01 AM
Heres is the textbook definition of a martyr

Martyr: a radical who dies for their beliefs or chooses great suffering instead of renouncing their beliefs.

Again I ask you: Am I dying? No. Am I suffering? No. So therefore I am not a martyr.

Again I am just saying that some of the moderators are out of control and are abusing there privliges as moderators. its one thing to close a thread cuz its worthless or to change what a person says becuase it is inappropriate or hurtful but none of those things i or anyone else who this is happening to is doing that. i did not say anything wrong when my post was changed it was changed becuase it was highly likely and true statement on how xbox was not going to get all the great games that people were claiming and it threatened those who were trying to persaude those that xbox was gonna get all the good games.

02-16-2005, 04:28 AM
Check definition 3b here. It describes your position perfectly. (http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=martyr)

Also, no ur dumb.

02-16-2005, 04:33 AM
hogan I looked at that definition too and since I'm not suffering or dying I am therefore not a martyr.

02-16-2005, 04:33 AM
ugh stupid celeron processor! it lagged and it double posted.

02-16-2005, 04:49 AM
hogan I looked at that definition too and since I'm not suffering or dying I am therefore not a martyr.

You do understand what definition means right? I just showed you proof... that is FACTS (those things you don't comprehend very well) that martyr means "One who makes a great show of suffering in order to arouse sympathy" and you still deny it? I don't think I have ever met anyone as ignorant to the things that go on around him as you. You just keep repeating yourself over and over with no understanding of the things that people tell you. I wish somebody would just ban you for being such a fucktard.

02-16-2005, 04:52 AM

02-16-2005, 05:30 AM
One who makes a great show of suffering in order to arouse sympathy.

hb smokey
02-16-2005, 06:36 AM
The which system is better thread i thought was a great debate thread like the ff7 is it a good game thread and it was shut down becuase people didnt like to hear their precious xbox get insulted or hear that there are some nicer games on other systems
But it wasn't a great debate thread at all, because you were pretty much the only one going against all the truth that we said. I mean seriously, just think about it. mrmonkeyman, Milkman, Raidenex, and I, are huge gaming fans and know a lot more knowledge about them that you do. We utterly destroyed you with factual evidence and proof against your wild claims. A debate isn't great when it's so lopsided. Also, it was closed partly due to the reason that there wasn't much anything else that could have been said to keep the debate going, other than random insults and more idiotic posts by yourself.

and now the thread on whether starfox was going to be on xbox thread was shut down for no apparent reason mainly becuase they didnt want to hear the xbox be insulted and learn that its not gonna get all the great games and that in a year there is going to better systems.
No, it was shutdown because it was turning into more Full Frontal Stupidity. You were making no sense at all (what a surprise), so before we started insulting you that much more, it was closed.

its unethical and cruel and unfair that hardcore gamers and game lovers are treated like this and i really think it needs to stop.
Yes, you are absolutely right for once. It is cruel and unfair that hardcore gamers such as mmm, mm, myself, and a few others have to put up with your complete stupidity. Quit distracting us from the wonderful world of video games, and take your ignorance elsewhere.

Since when does posting facts and well supported opinions = loud and obnoxious?
You're doing neither; posting facts or well-supported opinions. The only thing you are doing is being loud and obnoxious.

im just saying some of the moderators are a little out of control espcially when it leads to changing a persons posts to make the person look like an idiot
Oh my.

If a moderator edit's a normal user's post (which is rarely done), then it will say something like this at the bottom of that post...

<small>last edited by mrmonkeyman at 12:30 A.M.</small>

That's just an example, but it would say the name of whichever moderator may have edited it. And they only edit it if something is extremely offensive or something like that. They don't do it to make that user look like more of an idiot.

and i do have some true arguments the only one i had that was false was the one on GC having better hardware than Xbox cuz the sites i looked at were false. all my other statements are pretty much true.
No. plain. and. simple.

I can't help it, but I must say it.

Trekkie, Milkman was banned for being an asshole. Look at his custom rank. It says a specific number of days left until March. That is when Loki comes back. Loki and Milkman are the same person. Loki was banned six months for being too much of an asshole, seriously. But when he comes back, I just hope that you aren't around anymore.

02-16-2005, 02:51 PM
Trekkie, Milkman was banned for being an asshole. Look at his custom rank. It says a specific number of days left until March. That is when Loki comes back. Loki and Milkman are the same person. Loki was banned six months for being too much of an asshole, seriously. But when he comes back, I just hope that you aren't around anymore.


02-16-2005, 09:55 PM
Ok when i the people changed my post there was no justification for it but for them to make me look like an idiot becuase what i said threatened their persuasive points. what i said had nothing in it that had any reason to be changed it didnt hurt anyone, attack anyone, or do anything of the sort to be changed. what the mods changed it to though was inappropriate.

mr. patterson
02-16-2005, 10:21 PM
why can't you just shut the hell up, you're talking shite....

hb smokey
02-17-2005, 02:31 AM
Ok when i the people changed my post there was no justification for it but for them to make me look like an idiot becuase what i said threatened their persuasive points. what i said had nothing in it that had any reason to be changed it didnt hurt anyone, attack anyone, or do anything of the sort to be changed. what the mods changed it to though was inappropriate.
Seriously, show us proof where a mod has personally edited your post.

02-17-2005, 04:22 AM
Ok heres what i originally said

Ok first of all hogan u took stuff out of context i was saying that the PS2 can still make some nice graphics and its a lot better than what we had before it.

Secondly I remember seeing it in the news about 3 or 4 years ago where microsoft was accused of being a monopoly by the government and had to sell some of there business so it could have competitors again.

Thirdly if xbox buys Starfox and Final Fantasy then they will be taking the first step to monopolizing the gaming market because 1) they will be buying a nintendo mascott and 2) they will be buying one of sonys major titles. microsoft is just buying other titles that were hits on other systems just to draw popularity to their system because they have no sense of creativity and can not create a good game on there own so they buy them and steal them off other people, did you know they bought the idea of halo off of bungie and just changed a few things? did u know they bought rareware so they could make perfect dark and possibly donkey kong which are hit nintendo games? these are all clear signs that they have no sense of creativity and that they are trying to monopolize the market.

Finally Final Fantasy will not go to the xbox becuase 12 is going to be the last final fantasy on PS2 format and by the time 13 is in production the PS3 will be out and it will then be the more powerful system so ff13 will be for PS3 most likely, secondly after xbox2 comes out nintendo revolutions will come out and its supposed to blow the others away.

Heres what it was changed to

Ok first of all hogan u took stuff out of context i was saying that the PS2 can still make some nice graphics and its a lot better than what we had before it.

Secondly I remember seeing it in the news about 3 or 4 years ago where microsoft was accused of being a monopoly by the government and had to sell some of there business so it could have competitors again.

Thirdly...blah blah blah im a stupid gay idiotic fuck head lala im making a fool of myself...(I know its abuse of moderator privliges but who cares! Ha Ha)

Last edited by MogKnight : 02-14-2005 at 01:37 PM. .

Is that enough proof for you?

02-17-2005, 05:34 AM
haha i love mogknight.

asian genius imo.

This is not regularly done (as noted by his "I know this is abuse of moderator privileges"... it's just that nobody likes you because you constantly bitch and argue about everything and never really have a point to what you are saying.

02-17-2005, 08:48 AM
no they aren't well i'm the one to talk I haven't played or bought any games for a whole year now hehehe so I guess they are way too much to buy for people that think they are

02-17-2005, 01:18 PM
I often buy preowned games. Iv'e just got Silent Hill 3 for 11.95! WOW! And then Red Faction2 for 4.99- You can't argue with that!

02-17-2005, 01:27 PM

Trekkie : get to know what you're talking about before you... talk. =/ in your case, here's a rule of thumb : don't talk, ever.

02-17-2005, 01:58 PM
haha i love mogknight.

asian genius imo.

This is not regularly done (as noted by his "I know this is abuse of moderator privileges"... it's just that nobody likes you because you constantly bitch and argue about everything and never really have a point to what you are saying.

Actually I'm offended because for one I will admit I did edit his post... but two, guess what he just did right now... we call it "Admin Harassing."

Now, unfortunately I do not have proof of me saying the exact words. In fact, I edited the post for his own safety, because I felt that he was just setting himself up for flamebait. Now if I recall correctly, flaming is bad, flamebaiting is just as bad. I just used my "admin power staff +1" and decided "Hey, this guy is really setting himself up for some total damage."

So, 3, I was defending him. Going back to 2, he... well... offended me by imitating me and replicating words that really did not reflect what I really said. I often find this to be pretty rude, more so than just sending me a PM going "Hey, Mog, why the heck did you edit my post?".

I'm not gonna do anything to you but watch yourself TrekkiesUnite118, if I find you in a middle in the mist of chaos, I will do everything that I can to make everyone happy again, even if it means sacrificing your happiness. :3

Oh and one note.... I never say "Ha ha" with a space OR with two capital H's.

NOW to get back on Topic... I bought Mortal Kombat Deception for 20 bucks! What a steal! ^^; I think I saw Loki playing it the other day, I was gonna invite him but I was Halo'd out.


02-17-2005, 02:50 PM
NOW to get back on Topic... I bought Mortal Kombat Deception for 20 bucks! What a steal! ^^; I think I saw Loki playing it the other day, I was gonna invite him but I was Halo'd out.

YES! Invite me sometime please! I've been waiting for somebody to play that with.

02-17-2005, 10:19 PM

PWN'D :(

02-20-2005, 03:28 PM
I agree with GreyMenace, �35 may seem expensive for one CD but they have to pay for lots of money to actually produce the game.

Also, if you compare it with other activities such as Bowling it works out cheaper, �35 for something which keeps you busy for 20+ hours is cheaper than bowling which costs ~�80/20 hours.

02-21-2005, 02:18 PM
Well, for me they are.

They're probably not for someone who's got a job, though. It sucks, I'm still in school and I have no time for a part-time job because I have football and wrestling going on. :-(