05-01-2016, 11:25 AM
I made this a while ago and it turned out surprisingly well (mp3, 320 kbps):
I left off all the traditional vocals and some music that was tracked from other scenes and had to edit out some portions of "The Labyrinth", because they did include some bothering SFX. With the exception of "The Labyrinth" and "Unrest" the new tracks are basically SFX-free.
I also left off the album versions of several tracks, but used the album recordings where they matched the film versions.

Update: I found a cleaner rip, originally uploaded by escribo (Thread 201830) and used it to update my own version with less hissy music.

None of these versions is really complete, as some music couldn't be ripped cleanly enough (not much though) and of course we don't know what else might have been recorded back then in 1986.

Here are the track titles:

1. Main Titles
2. The Abbey
3. First Recognition
4. Night
5. Second Body
6. Carved in Stone
7. The Lesson
8. The Scriptorium (film version)
9. The Confession (film version)
10. Third Body
11. Flashbacks
12. Burning Proof
13. The Discovery (film version)
14. The Labyrinth
15. Betrayed
16. The Franciscans Leave
17. To the Library
18. The Door Opens
19. A Well Earned Reward
20. Jorge Escapes
21. Unrest
22. Epilogue
23. End Titles (film version)

Bomba Fett
05-01-2016, 03:20 PM
Nice, thanks!

05-01-2016, 08:58 PM
Thank you very much!