02-04-2005, 08:40 AM
iv finally desided to complete final fantasy 7 COMPLETELY!

But iv hit a snag...

Im in the 3rd disk, and iv entered the northern crater. I have done this before, got to the first divergence of paths and been able to leave before. But now, i cannot for the life of me, climb back up from that point anymore!!! does anyone have any ideas or anyhting???

Thanks heaps!

02-05-2005, 12:58 AM
If you are talking about the section where Cloud jumps down through a hole in the floor, then to get back out you have to use a small side cave, but with out a pic or clear description it's kinda hard to help

02-05-2005, 09:23 PM
I kno exactly wut u mean its a little hard but usually the game tells u to press circle wen u want to jump so u should just use trial an error 2 get bak up, thats wut i do