Aerith Gainsborough
02-03-2005, 05:01 PM
I'm almost at the end of FF-VIII, and I'm asking myself if there is a way to get some 'luck plus'. For two of them you can give one of your G.F. the ability 'luck' which raises up the characters stats, too.

I got everything else, but 'luck' is so hard to find. Can I make it out of items or can I find it somewhere? I don't have a clue.

Who knows more about it? :confused:

02-04-2005, 12:38 AM
No clue, none of the item guides I'm looking at seem to have any info.

Aerith Gainsborough
02-04-2005, 03:17 PM
Yeah, this is weird. I was trying to create so many new items already, but none on them led me to the item I'm searching for. :(

I actually found out about it today. But it wasn't that easy.

You get certain items from the little monsters (the ones that look like little devils) at Tears Point or in Esthar. The items you need for it, is also an item for Quistis limits. If you have 100 of them, you can make a new item out of it. After that, you got lots of choices. You can make a Rosetta stone, or a luck book out of it (that's how they are called in my game version), also an item that raises your relationship to your G. F.

It is a bit hard to explain, because I don't know the names of the items (not the names of the English version, I mean). ;)

The Scientist
02-14-2005, 02:48 AM
He means :

Refine 100 Curse Spikes (dropped by Forbidden commonly) to 1 Dark Matter using Tool-RF. Note : Siren must be LV 100 to do this.
Then Refine it into 1 Luck-J Scroll with GFAbl-Med RF from Eden

Edit: yeah I wouldn't use a Dark Matter to make Scroll ..
I would make a LuvLuvG Item, it raises your compatibility with All GF by 20 ..
or I would make a Rosetta Stone, it can teach a GF Abilityx4 which is very nice.
Actually I would collect lots of Curse Spike and do all of them :)

02-14-2005, 02:50 AM
Yeah what he said.

02-18-2005, 12:59 PM
yeah I wouldn't use a Dark Matter to make Scroll ..
I would make a LuvLuvG Item, it raises your compatibility with All GF by 20 ..
or I would make a Rosetta Stone, it can teach a GF Abilityx4 which is very nice.
Actually I would collect lots of Curse Spike and do all of them :) Did you defeat Ultima Weapon? Beause if you didn't, you could get fixed encounters of Tri-Faces; fast Curse Spikes, easy Dark Matters =D

02-18-2005, 01:38 PM
I got a luck plus, but you honestly don't need luck, all my characters had shit luck, but still did awsome in a battle. Irvine, you have a very sexy sig and avatar.

The Scientist
02-21-2005, 05:27 PM
yes I defeated Utlima Weapon, and I once used 100 Curse Spikes to refine them to 1 Rosetta Stone, it learns Abilityx4 to a GF .. then all of my chars had it ..
I kicked Ultima Weapon's Ass, killed it from the first try, (altough it wasn't the first time I played FF8). I don't know, I guess a few renzokukens and Phoenix help :)